
Marvel Vs Capcom 3: February’s Best Selling PS3 Game

PS3 owners chose Capcom’s stylish 2D fighter over several new titles last month, according to data shared by Wedbush. Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds was the best selling game on the PS3 in February, beating out system exclusive Killzone 3 and Epic Games’ new multi platform fps, Bulletstorm.

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JusenkyoGuide4836d ago

fighters always do good on playstation platforms.

theEx1Le4836d ago

control pad is well better suited imo

Capdastaro4836d ago

Its because most tournaments use the PS3 edition

BrutallyBlunt4836d ago

Yes, the control pad is better on the Playstation 3, unless you get the new one on the XBOX360 (where you can slide the dpad in and out) or the fighting stick.

Fighters will tend to do better on the Playstation 3 for other reasons too, mainly because Japanese gamers tend to favor them over other regions and we all know the XBOX360 does terrible there.

Vherostar4836d ago

I bet a shooter like bulletstorm was top for 360 though.. Just shows nothing ever changes don't it?

plb4836d ago

MK9 also has more orders on PS3 afaik also.

trounbyfire4836d ago (Edited 4836d ago )

a full month vs a week....ok

MVC in 3 weeks 512,884
KZ3 in two 821,899
KZ3 week one 587,180

are we talking NA again or is there numbers i don't know, article will not show on my ps3

FailOverHero4836d ago (Edited 4836d ago )

They aren't being fair on "us" right?
"We" need to do better in NA though.
Lol I'm just yanking your chain
There is really no need to get all numbers and weeks and defensive lol. Calm down, it isn't a competition

trounbyfire4836d ago

OMG yeah its NA
KZ3 311,296 week one

oh boy

RockmanII74834d ago (Edited 4834d ago )

All those numbers for Killzone that didn't get into February are gonna be in March.

Djinn4836d ago


FailOverHero4836d ago

Not really a big question at all. It has sold better than the 360 version, everybody knows that. Fighting game and sports games generally do. Why would anybody question that about this game??

MoreRPG4836d ago

yep id like to see numbers
btw i cant believe black ops sells more than killzone 3

CaptainGreece4836d ago (Edited 4836d ago )

Black ops sells more then everything don't you love your county lol. What am i talking about Black ops sells like crazy in Europe too.

Vherostar4836d ago (Edited 4836d ago )

Yep its sold 236k so far in NA for 360. 413k worldwide compared to ps3 sales of 512k worldwide. @Jukins below want a game like that?? get DOA..

Arkhamz4836d ago

Yup and for a reason. The game is extremely fun but some characters just make you rage *cough* sentinel

jukins4836d ago

its fun until you get beat by some first timer that spams certain moves and wins lol. only problem i have with this game is its hard to tell who actually doing something and who's mashing and getting lucky. wish there was a larger gap between the two

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Looking back to 2011 and Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Richard writes: "During a press conference in Hawaii, Capcom made dreams come true by finally announcing Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds. The wait was absolutely worth it - this was nearly everything fans had been hoping for."

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Marvel vs. Capcom remains a strong performer for Capcom despite turmoil in the past decade

The Marvel vs. Capcom series is probably one of the most fondly remembered and cherished in the fighting game community despite its tumultuous past, present, and future which continues to influence and impact the scene.

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bouzebbal1375d ago

I'm missing a Capcom vs SNK.. MvC isn't my cup of tea

Nasty_Neeeks1375d ago

Why the fuck they got Wolverine up there?

kayoss1375d ago (Edited 1375d ago )

I think this article is talking about both Capcom vs Marvel and capcom vs SNK.

kayoss1375d ago

The one problem i have with this franchise and series is that the end boss is always a Giant and youre fighting his giant hand or his giant head.


Marvel vs Capcom 3 Producer Ryota Niitsuma Is Leaving Capcom

Capcom veteran Ryota Niitsuma, who produced Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, has announced his departure from the company.

JoshuaMPascoe1587d ago

I haven't liked a vs game since mvc2.

Tetsujin1587d ago

I wonder who did CvS 1 and 2?