
FAMITSU reviews for October :-LAIR gets the same score as PGR4


Arcana Heart - 7/6/7/6
SuchiPai4 - 8/7/6/5
Lair - 9/7/8/9
Operation Darkness review - 6/6/6/5
PGR4 - 9/8/8/8

Lair and PGR4 both got 82/100. Although PGR4 being an x360 game might not have any impact in JAPAN but expect LAIR to sell atleast 50 000 copies at Launch week . the 2 9's in the LAIR review proves that Japanese do like the game.

risk6056d ago

i think microsoft forgot to send famitsu an $800 duffel bag..

nirwanda6056d ago (Edited 6056d ago )

obviously they translated the lair reviewers guide in advance this time besides duffel bag or no duffel bag both games scored highly by famitsu standards

nasim6056d ago

although we already know that x360 is a dead console in JAPAN and EU.

the ps3 would be getting a price cut in both JAPAN and EU before the launch of LAIR.

expect x360 to fully die in both JAPAN and EU on the 10th OCTOBER

i expect LAIR to sell between 150 000 --300 000 copies in JAPAN

and 500 000 copies in EU

pooh11256053d ago (Edited 6053d ago )

I've been living in japan for 10 years and famitsu loves sony so badly,
and always hype ps3 games,and underestimates 360 games.
all the gamers here know that.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 6053d ago
sonarus6056d ago

hahaha. would be hillarious if lair became a system seller in Japan.

mrpotter6056d ago

I knew they would like Lair just as much as i liked it. It seemed like a jp type of game to me for some reason. The game is flat out love it or hate it thats why its metatrics are around 5.8. I like it and i hope it sells a ton of copies in jp so they make a sequel. But WHY THE HELL IS THE ONLINE ON THE GAME NOT WORKING.

pwnsause6056d ago

wow, you know theres something wrong here when Famitsu, the toughest raters in basically the world gives a game that was rated 4 out of 10 in the americas a 82 out of 100. In other words they actually played the game and knew how to actually use the controls. Take note Gamespot.

SL1M DADDY6056d ago

Bubbles from me bud. I have played Lair and loved it. I have no trace of Japanese in me and have grown up in the US so I must be an anomaly… I do have to say that Lair was a good game and was fun for the time it lasted. It definitely deserves a decent score like this and not the bashing it got here in the States. It would seem that most of the Statesmen reviewers have been bought off to bash anything PS. Too bad too, since there have been several good titles on the system.

marinelife96056d ago (Edited 6056d ago )

To be honest I played Heavenly Sword before Lair. Something I don't recommend. Heavenly Sword's acting was so believable I found Lair's laughable when I played it next. It was hard to get over because Heavenly Sword spoils you that much.

Lair was a ton of fun. But the only two drawbacks to the game the controls and the confusion on what to do kept it from being a AAA title. If they fix those issues in a patch or in Lair 2 the game would be virtually flawless.

MikeGdaGod6056d ago (Edited 6056d ago )

the acting is so good in HS, when i played Lair afterwards, my girlfriend and i just sat back and laughed.

the voice acting is something i never paid much attention to, but when you play something as polished as HS then play Lair, you REALLY notice the difference.

Komrad6056d ago

Lair is awesome. They got over the hype and actually sat down and played it.

Kleptic6056d ago

while I do agree with you guys that Lair was given poor scores in some cases for the wrong reason (the controls worked fine for anyone north of marginal retardation)...I do think it was overall a failure in terms of a fun game...

the acting is terrible (and it has always bothered me that the main character Rohn was modeled to look just like that douchy Julian Eggebrecht guy)...the level layout is gorgeous, yet illogical...the random cutscenes, are just that.. random...and terrible...and I don't like the CGi, cut back to in game for some reason, then back to Cgi...for no apparent reason...

thats just the corny stuff though...the game overall simply wasn't fun for me...at all...their was no type of "dogfighting" which is what I was excited about...you spam fire balls at dragons so far away you don't even see the animation of them falling...the up close battles are extremely clumsy...and the objectives are always annoying, especially with the horrid voice acting of your frat brothers yelling at you...

HS on the other hand...one of the very top games released on the PS3 so far...no game has ever touched it in terms of acting or facial animation...nothing has come close...the sound in that game, the visuals, and the deep combat system (I originally hated it, in the demo I didn't think there would be anyway that the combat would work without a jump feature...but it does...big time)...its nearly perfect...I agree that it being a little longer would have been great, but that hardly "hurts" it...

the fact that Lair has reviews all over the place really points to how pointless reviews are...gamespot calling the controls broken was simply funny...they are not broken...not liking a control scheme does not make them broken...it makes you impatient, and mildly childish...America in a nutshell I guess, funny how foreign reviews have really been the only ones to praise the game...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 6056d ago
Sevir046056d ago

after all they incorpated it in their systems.. this proves that they are open to new things while america is well narrow minded. i enjoyed lair it was good.

CrazzyMan6056d ago

No, Japan just ALSO chose best nextgen console. =)

pooh11256053d ago

No,japan is just f*cked up on chosing the best nextgen console. =)

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Top 10 Bad Games by Good Studios

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "When shopping for new video games you can often trust the name publisher or developer on the box to be an indication of the quality of the game. Names like Nintendo, Square Enix, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Capcom, Xbox Game Studios and Sega are world famous because they helped shape the industry by releasing some of the most defining video games of all time. Though sometimes even these great gaming houses stumble and put out a stinker."

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Gamerking821398d ago (Edited 1398d ago )

Splatterhouse remake . Loved the og’s at the arcade growing up . Hell the best thing about the remake was the og,s were included . And left alive by Square . That game had so much potential , but the gameplay was worse horrendous .

Game-ur1398d ago

once Great studios getting destroyed is actually common. happened with ND and Last of Us2, Bioware and Mass Effect Andromeda/Anthem, Bungle and Destiny .

BeRich2331398d ago

Fuse should have been on that list (Insomniac Games)

Yui_Suzumiya1398d ago

Splatterhouse remake kicked ass

merryja1398d ago

I personally don't like these games.

East76lands1398d ago

I'm pretty much certain that any Sonic game that comes out will be terrible, I've not enjoyed one since the original side-scrolling days of the MegaDrive.

HarryMasonHerpderp1398d ago

Then you might like a recent sonic "sonic mania".

jaymacx1398d ago

For this Topic it says Good Studios that make bad games. Sonic Team hasn't been good in years.

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5 Disappointing Games and the Great Studios That Should Remake Them

A reimagining of 5 disappointing video games and the masterpieces they could have been underneath other studios.

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FallenAngel19841875d ago

How often do disappointing games get remakes

darthv721875d ago (Edited 1875d ago )

well... if disappointing movies can get remakes then why not games? some of these have really good premise but somewhat disappointing execution. In the right hands they could be great.

I quite enjoyed lair (after the patch), too human and the order 1886. I'd even add in quantum break and recore as disappointing but with a good premise.

gangsta_red1875d ago

"well... if disappointing movies can get remakes then why not games?"

But how many disappointing movies actually get those? I'm still waiting for a remake of Howard the Duck.

darthv721875d ago

^nothing disappointing about howard the duck. It is cheesy 80's goodness.

gangsta_red1875d ago

When you're right, you're right.

rainslacker1874d ago


Wasn't there a rumor that they were looking at making another Howard the Duck? He had a cameo in GoTG2.

Love that movie for how bad it was. That and Garbage Pail Kids.

DrumBeat1874d ago

The Order was a fresh experience. Not the most compelling game, but I didn't want to put it down, and platted it. Good for what it was.

Quantum was something different as well, but a little less fun to actually play, imo. The 'acting' was done in a cheese factory too. Completed one path and never returned to it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1874d ago
pietro12121875d ago (Edited 1875d ago )

FFXIV was already remade, and it's probably the beat thing Square has put out in years.

notachance1875d ago

yes, I was giving an example of disappointing games remade to be a great game

thorstein1875d ago

Every time sites need clicks. Just look at the obligatory: i wAnT cLIcKs tEh OrDer 1886 pIcTUrE.

JonathanHarris1874d ago

It's really not super often, but it does happen!

Mostly we see cult favorites come back around but in the recent case of Shaq-Fu we really saw a truly awful game see new life (not great life but at least new).

It's something I'd love to see a lot more of.

Thanks for reading my article!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1874d ago
1875d ago Replies(4)
NarutoFox1875d ago

Too Human yeah I remember that game smh😂

Inzo1875d ago

The Order has its faults yes but it had a fantastic atmosphere and some great gameplay. A game with enormous potential and far from disappointing. I say give Ready at Dawn another crack at it because I think they created an diamond with some rough edges that just needs some tlc.

Dreamcatcher451875d ago

Problem was the repetitive boss fights. I liked the gunplay, cover system and somewhat the story.

hulk_bash19871875d ago (Edited 1875d ago )

It did have fantastic atmosphere, I'll give you that. But gameplay pretty much played out like short gunfire segments interlaced with walking/sneaking + QTE events. Gameplay was the weakest point of The Order because RAD prioritized world building and graphical detail. Ut was disappointing because it didnt live up to the massive potential it haf. If they were given another shot at a sequel, I hope they can learn from their mistakes.

notachance1875d ago

gameplay was meh but the world had potential, in my ideal world it'd have Mass Effect kind of gameplay

Prubar1875d ago

I waited till The Order was discounted and went in with certain expectations and wasn’t disappointed. Just like Quantum Break. Great concept just needed a little extra meat on the bones.

rainslacker1874d ago

I had high hopes before it released. They were curbed some by the early previews, and while I found faults with the game, and it was obviously released unfinished, I still enjoyed it. The lore, acting, graphics, and world itself were excellent.

JonathanHarris1874d ago

I agree that it had some awesome atmosphere and the gameplay wasn't awful, but that potential is exactly why I put it on this list. I actually loved playing the game (same as some of the other games I put on this list such as Army of Two) But I would just love to see what could happen if it fulfilled some of that potential, ya know? Could have had the next incredible Sony franchise to rival God of War.

Thanks for reading my article!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1874d ago
TheEnigma3131875d ago

The order should have had a sequel. The first one wasn't bad just needed a few tweaks.

robtion1874d ago

I would love a sequel to The Order. It is still a great game.

Lair had a great concept and could be amazing with the current technology available. A Lair-like ps5 game could be incredible.

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Let's Remember Some Xbox 360 Games

Luke Plunkett of Kotaku writes, "I think we all took the Xbox 360 for granted. Other all-time greats like the SNES and PS2 seem to be remembered more fondly than Microsoft’s console, which tends to be recalled as more of a thing that happened than a platform to be treasured."

JEECE2142d ago

A Kotaku writer pining for Xbox's golden years. I'm guessing there will be some good comments here.

Uglyday2142d ago

“WE”didn’t take it for granted, M$ did.

What happened prior to launch of the One up through current day with their marketing and focus away from games and consumers. The failure of the One has nothing to do with the 360 being great. In fact backward compatibility and the 360 is about all the One had/has going for it. Now M$ is dumping money into fornite articles to try and be seen as more than they are, a company that doesn’t give a damn about its fan boys or products.