
CVG - Conduit 2: More than just a pretty Wii shooter?

CVG - When a game is marketed almost exclusively on the back of its technical prowess, we tend to get suspicious.

What exactly is wrong with it when the most interesting thing anyone can say about it involves 'normal mapping' and 'shaders' and the like?

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josephayal4830d ago

no love for Kinect and PS-Move?

lil boy blue4829d ago (Edited 4829d ago )

You guy get enough shooters let us have this one to our selves.
the thing I dont understand is how the author prefers Dual analog control over IR when it leaps and bounds more percise RE4,COD,Golden eye.

pcz4829d ago

urgh this game...

look at the preview image.. horrid.. look at the box art.. repulsive. this game reeks of mid 90s 'cool' .. its tacky.

never buying this

TruthbeTold4828d ago

It's not like you have a Wii anyway. Don't you have better things to do than create a negative atmosphere in a discussion about a game you'll never play?

pcz4828d ago (Edited 4828d ago )

ha i do have a wii actually. had one since 2007 and have a library of classics :)

go ahead though, convince yourself this game will be good.

its merely my opinion, if you dont like it, fair enough, but that is the point in a forum, correct? to share opinions! if you cant handle it then you shouldnt be here!


To Be Continued: Six Cliffhangers that Left Us Floored

Leviathyn.com | Some of them were resolved, while others still have us begging for a conclusion. Here are six cliffhangers that all but blew our minds.

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FPS Friday - Conduit 2 has been played how much? Official U.S. Nintendo Channel data report.

"Conduit 2 released as an exclusive Wii FPS just over 2 years ago now, on April 19, 2011. The game received an ESRB rating of "TEEN" with "Animated Blood, Language, Mild Suggestive Themes, Violence" listed as content for parents and gamers to be aware of. It was the sequel to the other exclusive Wii FPS The Conduit, which released in 2009.

While there really hasn't been a hint of the Wii U getting Conduit 3 yet, did U.S. Wii owners enjoy Conduit 2? How many hours have U.S. Wii owners reported playing Conduit 2, since it released just over 2 years ago, and how do its averaged hours "Per person" compare to some other Wii FPS games? Brew yourself some coffee, and let's take a look!", writes CoffeeWithGames.

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GameZone's very serious list of top 50 Wii games (#50 - #41)

GameZone: "While the Wii was at the receiving end of both praise and criticism, the console still featured quite the library of impressive titles. Seriously. Let’s take a look back at the Wii one last time and celebrate 50 gems that were truly worth playing."

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