
Homefront Requires More Megabytes Than Box Art Says

While the back of the box art for Homefront states that the game requires only 1MB of game installation, apparently the game will require more space than that.

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kookie4840d ago

Do you have to install a game ps3 before you can play it?

Elven64839d ago

If the game has a mandatory install you do but if it's optional than it's your choice. For some games like GT5 it's worthwhile to install than go in vanilla.

Solid_Snake-4839d ago

lol you really dont have a clue what vanilla means in gaming do you.

Elven64839d ago

Yes infact I do, vanilla essentially means "out of the box" in programming. If the game has an optional install than just booting it up without doing the install is technically "vanilla".


funny that i thought that was bannana :SS

bumnut4839d ago (Edited 4839d ago )

Why disagrees? he asked a valid question. How about answering it instead of disagreeing

AAACE54839d ago

They disagreed because they thought he was making a fanboy insult! They are very defensive today for some reason.

MightyMark4274840d ago

ya its a mandatory installation

DontShoot-Me-Bro4839d ago

oh hmm 2GB, nothing new, its always around that size for most multi plat games.

If I do get this game I'll probably get it for the 360, it has an exclusive map and Microsoft have given me an extra free month.

ultimate-remag4839d ago

microsoft sure loves exclusive dlc n maps n stuff like that.. wish i had more exclusives 4 my 360 2...

AAACE54839d ago

As much as I hate to admit this in front of the Ps3 fanboys, a lot of 360 owners probably wish we had a few more exclusives. There will more than likely be several announced at E3.

MS is kinda taking the Nintendo approach, meaning they are sticking to their main games while trying something new here and there. And keeping 3rd parties on board so the console doesn't run out of games!

It may be frustrating to the fanboy who wants to argue with other fanboys, but it is part of an effort to get a grip on things.

Since MS got involved with gaming, they dumped tons of money into it! Taking a loss on every original Xbox because the HDD was built in. The many first party developers they had, who drained money out of them, yet the majority never made worthwhile games.

It is sad to see them with so few developers, but they are trying to build up slowly this time, hopefully with quality developers.

The bad thing is it looks like Rare will become a fulltime Kinect developer!

But what would be funny is if MS are saving their money in an effort to collaborate with Nintendo in the future!


Looking back to 2011 and the arrival of Homefront

Jack writes: "Back in March 2011, the first-person action shooter Homefront arrived on the Xbox 360 from THQ, along with a storm of publicity which included a really cool live-action trailer"

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matt1391181d ago

Fantastic game, shame about the terrible sequel.

LucasRuinedChildhood1181d ago

The multiplayer in Homefront was actually really fun.


Devs Share Personal Touches They've Hidden in Games

Last week game dev Steve Thornton took to Twitter to ask: fellow devs, have you ever slipped something into a game you're working on that's just for you? The replies are well worth a read.

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SlashHabit2226d ago

I liked the State of Decay graphic artist whom put penises in the textures.


Homefront is available for free on Humble Bundle for the next 48 hours

Deep Silver and Humble Bundle are currently offering the first Homefront game for free. This offer will last for the next 48 hours, so be sure to visit its Humble Bundle page in order to acquire your free copy.

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yeahokwhatever2375d ago

get it! the single player is excellent and intense and the MP is pretty fun, too.

Razzer2375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

Uh....it’s free so...

nowitzki20042375d ago

lol at dislikes.. look at OP's name

C-H-E-F2375d ago

Ehh, PS4 needs these deals too, or consoles in general we always get discounts rarely free stuff that's REALLY free (games with gold / psplus isn't free)

nowitzki20042374d ago

Yeah its nice, Just sign up and add them to your steam. even f you dont own a gaming PC, you might one day.