
Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Confirmations.

DICE has mostly been focusing on giving out information about single player, but finally they have confirmed some details about multiplayer. Mulitplayer is a big part of the Battlefield series because before Battlefield Bad Company, there was no single player. Battlefield Bad Company 2 is one of my favorite shooters and reading through some of the details about Battlefield 3 there seem to be heading in the right direct, fixing things that needed to be fixed and keeping the things that have worked well in the past.

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xc7x4820d ago

"One of the issues with Bad Company 2 was that most of the weapons were unlocked before reaching half of the ranks"

that's not an issue,holding back weapons is an issue,what's wrong with dev's these days. as for kill-cam,booo!! just makes the game more noobish.


If kill cam makes you more "noobish" then that's your problem.

How on earth kill cams can make you less of a skilled player is beyond me.

Staude4820d ago

It insures people can't just camp in one location since the kill cam reveals your location. Much to the dismay of said campers and snipers. Personally, I dislike snipers and campers so I don't mind the killcam :P

captain-obvious4820d ago (Edited 4820d ago )

kill cams in BFBC2 didnt exactly show you where is the player since it shows you his image from the front
so if you are not familiar with the map you wont know where is he
but when you get used to the maps
you'll know right away
the thing is
by that time you'll already be some what a good player

and kill cams in general are not noobish
not in my opinion

BattleAxe4820d ago

I hope they:

- fix auto balancing in the console versions
- release the game with more maps and game modes than BC2 had.
- after watching the GDC video and seeing how realistic B3 is going to be, I hopw they can up the graphics from BC2 on the console version.

Iroquois_Pliskin4820d ago

it reveals the sniper's location...

In the battlefield, there isnt a killcam to show you who's killed you because then you would be dead.

Bear_Grylls4820d ago

Kill cams are rubbish for real players and snipers/campers are part of the vast expanse of the game.

FFS they are not hard to kill, you all sound like a bunch of COD playing L337 noobs to me.

kill cams in any BF game is a fail.

Disagree all you want, real gamers know the truth.

NewMonday4820d ago

-There is no killcam in BFBC2 hardcore mode, so complainers can have that; I know a lot of my friends that play sniper moved to it just for that.
-For B3 I hope they limit the ammo for hellfire shooting helicopters, and give us more anti-air guns.

evrfighter4820d ago

I dont mind kill cams either way. But to the battlefield community that's borrowing from cod. To borrow from CoD leaves an uneasiness to the bf diehards.

seriously though. If you're watching kill cams your 1v1 individual skill probably blows and you'll more than likely lose again. If you hate kill cams. That probably means you're camping. How people have fun in fps's by watching a door for 5 minutes is beyond me.

Among my friends we are more likely to give props to the dude who goes 11-11 then to someone who goes 11-2. an 11/11 man score means that person has a fearless play-style and those types get my respect.

LoVeRSaMa4820d ago

In the real BF games there is no kill cam, because you would get bombed if they knew where you are, the real BF games are more about vehicles where as the BC games were more FPS/COD like.

DeadlyFire4820d ago

You guys do know it is optional for servers.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4820d ago
plb4820d ago (Edited 4820d ago )

There is hardcore on PC where you can turn killcam and maps off and enable friendly fire etc...not sure about console?

Ascalon944820d ago

I believe that console version had hardcore which turned off the noob settings.

Minimox164820d ago

console version had it.


Does the hardcore mode offers a "no respawn" option?

I don't mind Killcam if there is non respawn games, because it makes sure you can snipe or rush a certain way on the round but press you to not use the same location or path the whole game.

Personally I snipe on all games, but I like to play moving, covering friends, spotting enemies and trying to find different position to take out enemy snipers, I generally get as much kills with pistols as I do with sniper/marksman rifles. The "problem" is that, don't matter how much you run around, if you snipe anyone the guy will complain you were camping, that's just how it is. Everyone wants to outtrigger you, not you to outsmart them.

ATiElite4820d ago

A little upset about there being no commander. I hope the maps are even bigger than BF2. 32 vs.32 is gonna KILL! you move up in rank you get to get the big guns. I don't see a problem with this. Besides a M4 with 203 grenade launcher or a Dragonov is all I need anyway along side my trusty Desert Eagle.

Kill Cams are not noobish. I actually enjoy them as it gives me something to do while waiting to respawn. Go buy a PC and play on a server that has them turned off. Matter of fact go play on a server that is in Hardcore mode if your so good (which i doubt). After 2 hours of Hardcore mode you'll be back playing MW2.

Bear_Grylls4820d ago

Not a chance.

Hardcore is where the real players go, no kill cams for me.

On BFBC2 hardcore servers have a Que of up to 10 waiting to join while noobcore servers go un-played most of the time.

WitWolfy4820d ago

I always play hardcore on BFBC 2. Its actually easier for me if you know your maps, not to mention more rewarding when you know all the predictable sniping spots too ;)

RioKing4819d ago

Yeah then after the hardcore games I'll hear ppl telling their buddies to "back out to a regular game mode" and I'll reply "yeah hardcore's tough, isn't it?" lol noobs.

Hanif-8764820d ago (Edited 4820d ago )

If prone is back then the kill cam needs to be there to discourage players to stop potential camping. if not, then that player that you just popped is coming for your a$$. Thats a pretty good way to balance the game in my book ;-)

Bear_Grylls4820d ago

If you get UAV's, jets, helis etc all with spotting abilities and the fact that sniper rounds have a "trail" I fell the addition of any kind of kill cam as a down.

damnyouretall4820d ago

i sort of hate campers and i never pick up a sniper rifle,,ever. but i like having them in the game though. cause i dont want everyone to play exactly like me.

OdinFallen4820d ago

How is requiring people to reach a higher rank for a certain weapon an issue? Its a means of separating the lower tier players from the top, new from the veterans, etc. There has to be incentive, other than aesthetic changes, to reach higher ranks.


You aren't wrong but the problem with this system is that, if the better weapons are considerably more powerful or precise, you gonna unbalance the game. When experienced players have good weapons and newcomers have crap ones, the community growth is jeopardised in the long run, as the newcomers will struggle to level up and a good part will simply abandom the game over frustration.

As you said, it's a way to separate veteran/top players from the new/low tier ones... But the game won't matchmake like that, it will mix people in all stages and 6 months after release newcomers being deployed in a room filled with 31 halfly and greatly experienced players isn't a great idea, he's already in a lot of disadvantage and as soon as he realises that his M4 don't make half as much damage as a top SCAR which he would need to play dozens of hours with the crap set to get, he will abandom it... Case in point: MAG. I have seen many left it for that, they are already way behind the competition but the game feels like just punishing them a little more for not being day one buyers! LOL

IMHO a much better solution in a classes based shooter is to leave all weapons free to get so people can use what they feel confortable with, and the leveling/unlocking keep carreer related.

Like lvl 1~9 you get stuff to customize weapons (supressors, grips, bipods, scopes, lasers, camouflages, bigger magazines, etc) or character (can even grant different armor level and affect mobility) but on lvl 10 you get a medkit for medics, a tool for engineers, a radio for commando, etc. The prizes would be especific for each class. If it must be an "unlock all" kind of game, just dilute every class specific stuff throughout the many levels to everyone, so people can choose the class later on. You can even have some cool weapons as unlockable, but not overpowered.

I believe this is a lot more friendly to newcomers but still rewards veterans as they can call airstrikes, spot enemies, fix stuff... All what newcomers can't do, they can. But most of the time when engaging in a shootout, it's still may the better player survive, not the better equiped one. The class stuff should be enough to incentive leveling up to everybody.

GrumpyVeteran4820d ago


Unfortunately people will disagree with you, the majority of people here are tainted with COD Unlocks... Honestly, all weapons should be available to me, and you're right, kill cams are insanely stupid.

Fucking COD.

Bear_Grylls4820d ago (Edited 4820d ago )

Yay a normal gamer.

Kill cam = FAIL

xc7x4820d ago

well heh,least we know the noobs here on N4G now.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4819d ago
GloriouS4820d ago

kill cam does the opposite, the noobs, the campers will get shown when they kill someone who is just walking around and playing how a shooter is supposed to be played. and after that person is killed, he'll be back for the camper with some marsmellows....

blackhammer4820d ago

i find it pretty funny that I'm really excited for prone to comeback after years of being outcast from FPS games. Really pissed me off too. Finally I can be a true sniper again.

64 players... jizzed in pants anyone?

BattleAxe4820d ago

I'd hate to see what you'd do in your pants if you played MAG.

dtalon34820d ago

lol, I guess he should rephrase his sentence then...

64 players AND LOOKS GOOD...jizzed in pants anyone.

sorry bro MAG just plain sucks and I wanted to like it. apart from pixelated explosions, team killing, and boring maps...

unlike what mystic said you unfortunately never see as many players as the touted 250 player per game mumbo jumbo, sure more than an 8 on 8 squad...but rarely much more than you see in any other shooter with a larger team battle mode.

MysticStrummer4820d ago

64 players = smallest MAG game type. Don't try saying that all you can see is your 8 man squad fighting another 8 man squad either, because that's BS. Soil your drawers over destructible environments if you want to, but 64 players is nothing new. MAG has prone also. Guess it wasn't outcast after all.

lve2playbball4820d ago

too bad MAG sucks balls, and the only people that really like it are PS3 fanboys who HAVE TO LIKE every PS3 game that comes out. Every Battefield game has been better than MAG is, okay maybe not every single one--I'll except Bad Company 1.
I use my PS3 for good games like Uncharted, GOW, Infamous, etc but lets face it the PS3 is not the greatest system for shooters.

I used to be a PC gamer until I got my 360 and PS3. Battlefield is bringing me back to the PC. In fact, I already started saving so I can build meself a new beast. If you want the best shooter experience play BF3 on the PC.

Kon4820d ago

I just want to play in Paris and blow the Eiffel tower into pieces.

BattleAxe4820d ago

I'm just worried about hackers on the PC version. Apparently Crysis2 has already been hacked, and it hasn't even been released yet.

annus4820d ago

You don't play any PC games do you? Every game is hackable, and easy to hack. Almost all servers have security. And in servers there are usually a few admins who click on the persons name and remove them from the game. I can guarantee that even if they hack this game in the first few days, there will not be any hackers found online. Go look at CoD on PC. I have NEVER seen a hacker on that, can't say the same about PS3 and Xbox360 where I have seen multiple hacks.

Xfanboy4820d ago

VAC is great on steam!

Pandamobile4820d ago

Well, the demo has no anti-cheat, so there's your reason why there are hacks already.

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HyperMoused447d ago

2042 just die so a real BF game can be created


Battlefield Needs the Glory Days of BF3 and Bad Company 2 Back

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masterfox549d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia549d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad548d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

548d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin548d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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