
GameInformer: Dark Souls Preview

Details are still scarce when it comes to From Software's follow-up to Demon's Souls, aside from a teasing comment that the game will be harder than its predecessor.

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blahblah4848d ago

two words...


i loved the fact you couldn't save game.

when i accidentally killed Stockpile Thomas almost at the start of NG7+ was probably my most exhilarating experience ever. and there was no returning back.

beside the fact people will dupe like crazy. drop weapons, items and reload... makes game kinda pointless

Chubear4848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

I understand there are going to be a few compromises the developers are going to need to do with the game since they're going for a bigger appeal market than we saw for Demon Souls but I have to say

EVERYTHING I've seen or read about the game so far has me giddy. It's the first time it seems developers are actually implementing so many of the things I personally would want in a sequel.

Ok, so there's save mode and probably be an "easy" mode somehow implemented but atleast there seems to be options on how you want your experience with the game to be - hardcore or otherwise - so it's all good.

One thing for sure, this game is my #1 most anticipated game this year hands down. Simply can't wait to sink my teeth into this one.

BABY-JEDI4848d ago

Nooooo compromise.....
This would ruin the fame & it's appeal....

blahblah4847d ago (Edited 4847d ago )

main problem. dupe, load last save

now try to invade, where everyone uses +5 sword at level 1.

it loses all diversity multiplayer wise and the fact they can reload will set everybody to unplug when losing, not just 70% like in ds. i couldn't care less about single player. it is damn good, yes... but... not good enough to literally play it for 1500+ hours like i did with ds. off course, penalty system like 5 levels down for unplug could fix this easy. everything but duping problem

being passionate as i am about ds, you can guess it is not my #5000 of anticipated games. i'm only looking forward to Dark souls, ICO collection and Last guardian. every other game is kinda random for me. and even those 2 don't get to 10% of my dark souls anticipation.

the only other game i was hyped about was socom 4 until i realized it is dedicated psn server based without lobby system. that was a deal breaker, kinda pointless lag like in UC2

and as far as saving. in ds you could quit game, unplug your ps3 and you continue exactly on the spot you did that. only thing that was disabled was pausing game with menu, which is nonsense. or how do you expect multiplayer game to react on your pause pressing. i imagine like, everyone freezes and system saying "xxx pressed pause"

ZombieAssassin4848d ago

Any word on if the co-op in this game will be the same type as in Demon's Souls or if they are gonna go the more traditional way?

DangerTick4848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

I think it's funny that they say they're trying to make this game harder than Demon's Souls yet they're adding things that will easily be abused to make the game even easier than Demon's Souls. I'm not really interested in it though as I'd rather wait for Demon's Souls 2.

inb4 someone thinks Dark Souls is a sequel to Demon's Souls.

Tex1174848d ago

There has to be some sort of "save" point in an open world game.

But consistent with how FromSoftware has spoken of this game, I HIGHLY doubt that these beacons of fire will be anywhere close to a boss fight.

And for the above dude thinking there will be an easy mode...I certainly hope not, and I doubt From would put one in there.

They have publically said they are trying to make as difficult game as they can make yet still be manageble. Why would they at the last second dumb it down? It would screw up the balance.

blahblah4847d ago

lol, demon's souls had this nailed perfectly. you could pull plug out of ps3 and restart game. your save continues exactly where you pulled the plug.

the only problem with custom save is duping. imagine this.
- i save
- i connect into your game
- i drop you all my items
- i reload and here there are all my items as i never dropped them

this just calls the fact that every invasion (even against level 1) will be freaking fully improved equipment, where one hit one shots anything at that level. invasions at lower levels were biggest fun of demons souls.

more explanatory, you could not revert back after mistake. when i mistakenly killed stockpile thomas, i simply had to finish game without him. or you dropped some items... continue without them. ok, there was phantom duping bug, but not many abused it. while duping as simple as this is practical nonsense.


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phoenixwing82d ago (Edited 82d ago )

i understand the authors frustration i'm not the best at parrying in games. not that i can't complete a game that requires it but it is a definite harder thing for me than other kinds of techniques in games. which might be the main reason it's so heavily added in games nowadays. want to make your game challenging without having to do a lot of work? just add a parry boss. (what i mean by parry boss is a boss you have to beat by parrying such that their attacks will kill you otherwise)

Dudeson81d ago (Edited 81d ago )

I always think it's fine as long as such games also have the roll/dodge panic button. But I understand the will to parry, it seems so cinematic in a fight when you pull it off.

13d ago