
Tabula Rasa's Character Cloning System Revealed - New Screens

Paul Sage, the Lead Designer of Tabula Rasa gives a detailed look at their unique cloning system. Tabula Rasa gives players the ability to clone their characters so they can go back and change mistakes they might have made:

"The idea behind cloning is to give players the ability to save their progress with a particular character before making a major change. It allows a player to say, 'I want to do something radical or something I'm not quite sure of,' while acting as an insurance of sorts while they try something they may not have done yet. It allows players to have more choices and try new classes and builds without worrying that once that change is made, there is no going back. In my mind, while I was helping to develop this system, I was hoping that we could encourage players to not be as cautious as they might be with a typical MMO. To encourage them to take chances and try new things."

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10 MMOs That Died And Left Us Feeling Empty

Let nostalgia take you back to the lands you once roamed until they were cruelly taken offline and away from us. MMOGames list the top 10 MMOs that died and left us with a hole in our hearts.

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Casepbx2873d ago

I still miss City of Heroes.

2873d ago
PurpHerbison2873d ago

I agree when it comes to The Sims Online. That game was really fun and nothing has even come close to it. I still crave a new Sims with online multiplayer. Blows my mind they haven't done anything like that since The Sims Online or even The Sims Bustin' Out on PS2.


7 Online Worlds that Ended While People Were Still Playing

GamesRadar - You probably think online worlds shut down because no one's playing. Actually that's rarely true. Often, when servers finally wink out, there's a thriving community patiently waiting for the end and making sad faces at the sky. Most recently it was PlayStation Home, a game that no-one apparently played but which still managed to have millions of inhabitants waiting out their own personal apocalypse on the last day.

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Top 5 Disappointing MMOs

MMO-Play gathered a list of the most disappointing MMO's in the history of gaming.

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