
3DS’s development costs – and what they mean for you

3DS Tribe analyses the costs of 3DS development kits and what they mean in the grand scheme of things - especially in terms of indie developers who develop on the Xbox 360, iPhone, Windows Phone 7 and other competing platforms to the 3DS.

3DS Tribe writes:

"A leaked report given to Planet 3DS has revealed how much it is costing developers to make games for the 3DS – and it’s not as expensive as you might think."

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Stealth20k4824d ago (Edited 4824d ago )

Another shit article from someone who has no idea what people want. We dont want ios shovelware which is basically all there is on that platform compared to ds/psp games.

And the 3ds is basically a portable gamecube with development costs appropriate for the system

Before you bash the 3ds wait till the ngp comes out and see how those development costs are before waving your ugly wrong finger.

ios is a gaming afterthought...........the fact that these fake game analysts think they matter when they dont is hilarious. Sege vp just said they didnt. Id believe him over this article writer

Active Reload4824d ago (Edited 4824d ago )

I'm on the fence concerning the info from this article. First I want to point out that the dev kits for the 360 are around $3500, while the 3DS's is $4500--I'll let that sink in. Now, if Nintendo and Nintendo fans want the 3DS to kinda' stray away from the "casual" image with the help from 3rd party devs/pubs-I know Nintendo wants this-then Nintendo is going to have to show us some spectacular stuff to justify that dev kit price, lol.

TacoTaru4824d ago

If you want to develop a game that is good enough to sell to the mass market and your business plan can't justify $4500 for a development environment you probably ought to just play games other people write instead of trying to write your own. You aren't ready for prime time.

A good software engineer in this country makes $80K - $150K a year. The development environment wouldn't have to save too many engineering hours to be worth the money.

AGamerOfConsoles4824d ago

Development costs for handhelds are still at a reasonable price. IDK what development costs of NGP is.

It isn't exactly breaking in development costs but hopefully the costs are high enough to keep shovelware devs away.

I doubt it though.


Apple officially allows retro game emulators on the App Store

Retro gaming console emulator apps are now welcome on the Apple App Store and can even offer downloadable games.

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-Foxtrot34d ago

Nintendo is probably preparing their battle stations as we speak.

purple10134d ago (Edited 34d ago )

Yep most probably
Definitely infact

It’s just since apple got official dualsense support a while ago, (ios 14.5, it was 2 years ago now) I thought it useful to post here

fsfsxii34d ago

Lmao imagine thinking nintendo has a chance against Apple

Profchaos34d ago

The beaten quite a few prolific companies the past like universal so it's not unwinable

H934d ago

Nintendo be like: we were supposed to bully them together


10 Weirdest Game Consoles of All Time

From systems that could keep your beer cool, to oddities trying to get in on the popularity of VHS and laserdisc, you’ve got some very, very weird video game consoles out there.

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darthv7236d ago

I had the LaserActive... it was a nice collectors piece but not very practical. Especially when it came to needing recapping. I think i paid all of about $50 for the floor model from an incredible Universe back in the day. I ended up selling it many years later for $300 at the time due to it needing a new laser and the aforementioned recapping.

An honorable mention not on the list would be the VM Labs Nuon. It basically looked like any regular DVD player but it had ports on it for controllers to play specific games. one of which is still exclusive to it with Tempest 3000. It also offered nuon enhanced DVD movies with extra content not accessible by regular players.

_Decadent_Descent36d ago

Wasn't there some KFC console, or am I mistaken?

CoNn3rB36d ago

It was announced but it never actually came out as far as I know


Why Epic's Win Against Apple And Google Paves The Way For The Future Of Mobile Gaming

Epic Games winning its cases against both Apple and Google is shaping the way forward for the future of mobile gaming.

shinoff218359d ago

I feel alot of mobile gamers are kids which will at some point probably turn to console or pc. Mobile gaming just doesn't cut it for me.

AlterRecs58d ago

tru dat, but i feel like it's gonna be a lot more viable for people who travel a lot or don't want to invest in a full gaming rig. Think of it as a Switch on drugs, with a LOT more room for free illegal downloads.