
Gamers Expect All Titles to be Online Now, says GameSpy

GameSpy has announced today that it will be opening access to GameSpy’s online services and SDKs, allowing independent developers the chance to enjoy infrastructure that was once only available to some of the industry’s biggest players. For some just getting into the business, it’s definitely a game-changer. IndustryGamers sat down yesterday with Todd Northcutt, Vice President of GameSpy Technology, to talk about the company's new GameSpy Open initiative.

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Bordel_19004845d ago

I don't, there's nothing like a great single player experience.

zootang4845d ago (Edited 4845d ago )

It does help though. The best implementation of online in a single player game has to be Demon Souls. Imagine if the same was applied to Skyrim or Fallout

Care to explain why you disagree?

Lamarthedancer4845d ago

because Skyrim and Fallout arn't built up to be a online game. If you take a game like Borderlands, L4D or even the god awful Two Worlds which I hear is better when your online with a friend then fair enough

But Skyrim and Fallout should be left as single player games. Adding on,ine would ruin there great single player expierience you get from it.

The people who would love it though would only go back to COD/Halo after like a month

Bordel_19004845d ago (Edited 4845d ago )

I agree that Demon's Souls has the best implementation of online in this kind of game. Demon's Souls is also a great example of why single player games will never die.

Personally I prefer single player games, also with online elements like DS. Unmatched single player games: Mass Effect 1/2, Uncharted 1/2, Demon's Souls, Assassins Creed 2, Bioshock, God of War series, GT-5, etc, etc, and I'm really looking forward to The Last Guardian, inFamous 2, FFXIII-versus. etc..

Capdastaro4845d ago

As long as they ain't on Gamespy servers!

NJShadow4845d ago (Edited 4845d ago )

I don't... Having grown-up during the Sega vs. Nintendo era, I understand the value of a great single-player title.

ChickeyCantor4845d ago

MvC3? Goddamn projectile spammers...

Lamarthedancer4845d ago

I have to admit when Uncharted 2 came out I didn't think it needed an online, I played it and I found it was the best online game I have been on, I couldn't believe my friends when they went on about COD all the time, Uncharted had more freedom when you played online.

The point is some games do well with it while others don't.

In my opinion I didn't think Dead Space 2 really needed it or Assassins Creed Brotherhood. not saying the online is crap...just the games would of sold well anyway.


Open Source Development and a BF2 Mod Saved Hundreds of Games

After the recent announcement that Gamespy would no longer support hundreds of multiplayer games, a BF2 mod and a security analyst came together to create their own version of Gamespy that's open source for anyone.

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The Podcast: Episode 5 “Dis-Kinected”

From The Podcast...

"On this episode of The Podcast the Xbox One get dis-kinected as Microsoft has finally announced a Kinectless SKU at $100 less.

Gamespy is shutting its doors which means that gamers will lose access to more than a few classic multiplayer environments like the majority of the Battlefield series.

Sony’s E3 announcements have possibly leaked out on NeoGaf, and the boys dissect whether this could possibly come to pass.

Finally, the topic turns to the first image of Batfleck that’s been making the rounds, fake veins and all."

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Say Goodbye To GameSpy: What Happens Next?

May 31st marks the end of an era as the GameSpy servers, the network behind countless multiplayer titles, is closing it’s virtual doors. Hundreds of titles across multiple platforms will be affected by the shutdown, some temporarily as multiplayer services are transferred to other services, while others will be shut down permanently.

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