
Rooster Teeth's Geoff Ramsey Struggles To Watch The Dead Island Trailer

Geoff, a loving husband and father of a young girl, decides he should watch the Dead Island announcement trailer. See how long he'll last.

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Merivigian4829d ago (Edited 4829d ago )

Haha "Fuck this". I think he should have watched it all, he would have seen that they tried to save her.

Rainstorm814829d ago (Edited 4829d ago )

whats with these articles about Dead Island's Trailer...it wasn't THAT disturbing..

So killing zombie children is wrong....yet in Dead Space 2 there are little necro-babies running around and you kill them by the boat loads or how about the unchristened babies in Dante's Inferno.

They are M rated games...if its too much go play barbie's dream house. I guarantee no CG children were hurt in the making of that game.

Edit: The sad thing is i thought this was a duplicate story, and it isn't.....people were actually disturbed? If you are that squeamish don't watch anything with "Dead" in the title. His reaction is hilarious though...

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4829d ago (Edited 4829d ago )

Controversy equals free advertisement. Dont buy into it. Devs sometimes create controversy where there is none to get ppl talkin about there games. EA has done it several times and other devs are starting to follow suit.

And i know this will fall on deaf ears but can we stop approving this garbage before it gets outta hand like MOH, Mafia and so many others?

EDIT: And believe me when I say "create controversy where there is none", I mean pay ppl to pretend to be upset about it. Cuz they know all it takes is 1 spark to create a flamewar. Read the comments on this very page for proof.

Goeres4829d ago

It's the emotions of a parent watching another parent struggle.

UnSelf4829d ago

Peter your Geoff is giving me diabetes

NukaCola4829d ago

"It's the emotions of a parent watching another parent struggle."

This is the same thing with Heavy Rain. I have a little girl and I played the game the same way I would if my kid was kidnapped. But I think his reaction was a bit looney. It's a game and he should of seen the whole thing.

evrfighter4829d ago (Edited 4829d ago )

people are actually disturbed by this? its look like last gen cgi ffs.

I guess everyone must have the first episode of the walking dead.


it's frickin basically an uncensored clip of the protagonist blasting a little girl in the head. if you can't handle the zombie genre GTFO.

since when did the zombie genre have to cater to the family values crowd? I'm seeing a trend where casual gamers expect ALL games to be made for them and them only or else they sic FAUX news on them.

Even genres themselves are falling victim to consolization. AKA tone everything down for the casuals or they cry about it to FOX

captain-obvious4829d ago (Edited 4829d ago )

i saw this on youtube yesterday
what a wuss

dose he think that he is the only father in this world or something ?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4829d ago
--------4829d ago (Edited 4829d ago )

The episode where Brian finds out he has a son, and starts the whole "No, no - until you have a child, UNTIL you have a child, you do not understand" speech. You don't have to be a parent to understand loss. All the people freaking out - you're too over sensitive, and so is he.

There's literally no other way to say it, he's got to man up. Yes he's a father, but this sh*t is all over the news all day long and it's real, no one bats an eyelid at that, but as soon as it's gaming everybody flips out. He definitely needs some more testosterone, he's like a girl watching a chick flick.

Sure, be who you want to be. But if your emotions can control you to such an extent that you can barely finish a very, very short CGI video that's mildly upsetting at best, I'd hate to see you witness a fatal car crash, meet a terminally ill child or god forbid be involved in any real crisis.

This is all perfect free marketing for what looks to be a great game. If you don't want to appreciate it for the great piece of work it is, please, continue to generate hype. Here you are, take these.

cossie1234829d ago

get a grip! its cgi not a real child.

wwm0nkey4829d ago

Some people still struggle to watch stuff like this. He really cares for his wife (who is fucking hot) and his daughter. Some people are just like this.

Agent VX4829d ago

That is his choice to make, he is a grown man, and if he doesn't want to watch the trailer or play the game, all the power to him.

The Power and Freedom of "CHOICE"

What I can't stand is the people who take (or try to) away my right of "Power and Freedom of CHOICE" I am an adult, I can make up my own decisions.

thebudgetgamer4829d ago (Edited 4829d ago )

i'd love too see him watch two girls one cup.

i don't remember all this whining when the little girl from dawn of the dead turned zombie, or the kid in planet terror shoots himself in the face.


RememberThe3574829d ago (Edited 4829d ago )

This guy needs to get a grip. Why would you be so sensitive about this? It's a fiction about a zombie girl becoming a zombie and getting thrown out of a window. Thats what you do to zombies; you kill them. I really don't give a sh*t if your a little girl and grandma or my own mother, if your a zombie I'm going to kill you. Besides, I'd be doing you a favor.

But I guess it's all relative, there are things I can't watch as well. I can't really expect him to think exactly like I do...

Yes_24829d ago

somehow i highly doubt you would be so calm and assured in shooting your own family in the face.

zombie or not, it would be fucking difficult for anybody to look at something that was once a close family member and kill them.

RememberThe3574829d ago (Edited 4829d ago )

Well of course not, and I didn't make my point very well. My point is that this is fiction. Why is it OK to shoot anyone else in the face but not a little girl trying to eat you alive? Shooting fictional people in GTA is OK but not fictional zombie girls?

He also try to say that the devs have no heart because they made this. Where does he get off saying that? Like they don't have families they care about. This is artistic expression meant to capture your attention, it's not meant to advocate throwing innocent children out of hotel windows.

@below: They're talking out of emotion, we're talking out of practicality. That doesn't mean we'd want to shoot our family members. All we are saying is that is what we would do. People do things they don't want to do out for survival, thats how we stay alive. Practically.

Rainstorm814829d ago

so you would embrace your zombie family member??

I guess your the guy who dies in the movie because he kept asking his zombie friend "Are you Okay?"

If a zombie is after you child, family, friend or not what do you do? The same thing any person that has ever watched a zombie movie before does fight to live.

Zombies don't exist (yet...) you guys/disagreers are taking this way too seriously.

RedDead4829d ago (Edited 4829d ago )

IT's not her getting zombie killed that supposed to be sad, it's the fact that she end's up dead and the sequence of event's that lead up to it, that's supposed to be sad. A little girl running for her life, get's her leg bitten, screams painfully, crying for help but it's too late anyway.

People saying Fiction isn't sad....what the **** is wrong with all of you? Has there not been even one occasion were a character's death has made you feel a little sad? I myself haven't cried but for example, Final Fanatsy 7 is adored for it's death scene...

Or do you not laugh at jokes in a comedy because it's fiction? Or not dislike an evil character because he's not real? What the hell are you doing playing video game's. If this^^^ was true, MGS would be shit, Final Fantasies and anything with a decent story.

Also above....I'm sure you would have no problem blowing your sisters face off/s

Edit----Yeah my bad, it wasn't really aimed at you personally aswell, 2nd and 3rd paragraphs were aimed at anyone who s saying it's only fiction. It can't be sad because of that.

I also walked through the hospital a few weeks ago. Feel bad for everyone.
And I agree with you that they shouldn't overreact to it

RememberThe3574829d ago (Edited 4829d ago )

Thats not what I'm saying at all and your adding context that is not there. I'm not saying that it isn't sad, its is sad, what I meant is that this guy starts to judge the developers character off seeing 20 second of a trailer. He calls them sick and says their heartless. If they were sick and heartless they wouldn't be pushing the emotion of the situation on the viewer. They know that it's sad that this girl dies and they are conveying the sadness of the situation to the viewer. Somethings can be sad but that doesn't mean it's OK to over react to it. I was walk through a hospital a while back, and it was sad to see all the other cancer patients but that didn't mean I closed my eyes and ran out of the building screaming.

jashmister4829d ago

he sounds like a committed and wonderful father and you guys are just going around telling him to harden up? seriously back off hes a innocent person

wwm0nkey4829d ago

The thing is people only see from their point of view not others. If they see nothing wrong with it they assume no one should see anything wrong with it.

Geoff is an awesome guy.

jashmister4829d ago

"The thing is people only see from their point of view not others"
nailed it

Rainstorm814829d ago (Edited 4829d ago )

Is anyone else any less innocent?

This is EXACTLY why gaming cant be accepted as art.

Gamers and Journalists cant even accept a trailer with a bit of controversy....SMH

Just wait til Fox News gets involved.....

Edit: I have 3 yr old daughter,and it would take alot for me to imagine my daughter being killed in that manner by something that doesnt exist in this world. That's like worrying about Freddy Kruger getting my daughter because he kills kids...I guess Wes Craven is a heartless bastard huh??....

Fiction can be fun..

wwm0nkey4829d ago

Some people find art that has nudity in it controversial still. Think before you comment please. Art has always had controversy though out the ages.

Rainstorm814829d ago


Okay...let think here...

Does any other form of art get held to the high standards that gaming is held to??

Did Saw get cancelled because it was too Violent?

Did they make Michelangelo cover up David's genitals?

Did the Hurt Locker get the enemies censored?

Did The Birth of Venus get banned from art museums?

These are things Video Gaming face as we speak. Some countries wont even get this game...and the fight continues in the US. The outside criticism is astounding, and the medium faces an uphill battle as it is. This trailer by far isnt the most violent thing in gaming. Think about that before the we the gaming community gives the media more fuel to add to the fire by crying about this CG trailer.

For goodness sake you would think its a game about killing kids....

jashmister4829d ago

fox news are fucking idiots shouldn't be involved in any gaming conversation ever done, they have no right to interfere in what they don't even try to understand.

Geoff is a person, do you get up more sensitive people for hating horror movies as well?

This isn't related to art the people who don't take gaming as art are usually idiots that don't care about anything other than what they think.

wwm0nkey4829d ago (Edited 4829d ago )


At what point did I say it was a game about killing kids, where please point to exactly where I said or for that matter even hinted to that.

Also this game isnt getting canned nor did I say it should. This is about Geoff and his person reaction which in no way represents every gamer.

Also NEVER bring up Fox news again please.

Rainstorm814829d ago (Edited 4829d ago )

Really? I said that in response to people's reaction..including yours that the game was about killing kids.. its not that negative is what i was implying....(sad that i have to spell it out for you)

You guys reaction including Geoff's is very comparable to fox news'.... "polish are assholes" i mean really?

This is what happens to negative reactions in gaming and gaming only.....sorry you didnt get the comparisons next time.."Think before you comment please."

typically you dont see people that hate horror movies watching horror movies....in the beginning of the vid he knew he wasnt going to like it yet he still rips the devs...because the trailer didnt fit his viewing/gaming criteria....But "he's innocent" and "an awesome guy"....

Fox news does the same thing find something they know nothing about or dislike then rips the hell out of it with the terrible trio Beck, Hannity & O'reilly same thing here with Geoff...As he said he couldnt even play Dead Rising 2, too much crying when applying zombrex to poor poor Katey.

I can almost see the headline.... Gamers protest as game dev promotes child mutilation...sad really

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Dead Island 2 devs believe a Dead Island remake would be a “mistake”

We might be in the age of remasters, but it doesn't look like the Dead Island 2 devs believe remaking the original game is the right move for the series.

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Duke19423d ago

but remakes require far less effort for these companies and they can still charge $70 for them!

Feel like everyone makes fun of Skyrim re-releasing like 18 times yet applaud these remasters elsewhere. Would much prefer NEW games

CrimsonWing69422d ago

Making sequels really is the way to go. Otherwise we'll be stuck playing only the first entry, forever!!!


Dead Island's 2011 reveal is still the best game trailer of all time

Josiah Motley of KnowTechie writes: "I love video game trailers. While I don’t believe they are an integral part of a game’s success (especially these days), there’s something about a well-produced trailer that really just reminds me why I like video games."

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Exvalos833d ago

Also the most misleading of all time

SDuck833d ago

How so? Because it focused on a family that you see dying? (innocent question, haven't gotten a chance to play any Dead Island game yet)

aconnellan833d ago

More the tone of it - the tone of the trailer suggested something personal and dramatic, but the game was very much reminiscent of Left 4 Dead in that you were just there to kill zombies and nothing more

Ashby_JC833d ago

You play as a singular character there is no family involved at all in the game. Still a stand out trailer that I remember clearly from years ago.

Fntastic833d ago (Edited 833d ago )

Did you not like the game?

I remember going in expecting a L4D style of game, but the excessive camera swaying honestly made me feel ill, and it's rare for a game to do that to me, still don't understand why the need for anything other than maybe a subtle slight camera movement when doing melee attacks etc. Other than that i didn't really find the game that good. In all honesty i had more enjoyment out of DNF, and i know many people crap on that game.

BioShockGX833d ago

I still remember this misleading controversy

RickRoland833d ago

It’s the music. It’s perfect. I agree with this for sure, it is well choreographed….unfortunately the game didn’t live up to the trailer.

brewin833d ago

Maybe not, but it was still a good game. I liked how they expanded things with Dying Light, but Dead Island was a great first attempt! I really liked all the Easter eggs and homages to other horror franchises sprinkled throughout. Sure it was a little cheesy and over there top, but it was a good happy medium between Far Cry and Fallout with zombies.

Stonilein833d ago ShowReplies(1)
EmperorDalek833d ago

I'm gonna heavily disagree with that.

CrimsonWing69833d ago

Have you ever seen any of the MGS 3 or MGS 4 trailers? Those blow this out of the water for me.

TricksterArrow833d ago

They require prior knowledge of the franchise, tho. You show this trailer to anyone, and I mean ANYONE, and they can understand what's going on and relate to the family dynamic almost immediately. No need to know who is Snake, or Fox Hound, or Raiden, or Metal Gear...

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Top 10 Xbox 360 Games That Need to be Backward Compatible

Kevin F. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "Many of the best Xbox 360 games are playable on the Xbox One and Series X|S consoles. Some even with some enhanced visuals and performance. Unfortunately, not every game from the Xbox 360 library has received this glorious feat of being able to be played on more modern Microsoft consoles."

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Orchard1047d ago

Max Payne 3 needs to be on that list.

1047d ago
autobotdan1047d ago

The Spider-man games will never happen. The xbox 360 Marvel Ultimate Alliance games have a better chance of happening than Spider-man titles but won't happen. The Xbox One Ultimate Alliance games delisted years ago

Vits1047d ago

Yeah... you can totally forget about those entries that got delisted because of licensing issues. Those are not happening.

MetalProxy1047d ago

Wait everything isn’t BC? You guys act like it is lol

porkChop1047d ago

Almost all of the games people want to play are BC, and that's a hell of a lot better than having none available.

ApocalypseShadow1047d ago (Edited 1047d ago )

Almost all the games people want to play? Not true. Majority picks screw over the minority who have games collecting dust. Metal is right. Fans make it seem that it's all. 39/997 games from OG Xbox is NOT all. 568/2154 from 360 is NOT all. But you guys play it up like it is.

And from my count, there are 4,000+ PS4 BC games on PS5 that I see. And almost every VR game. Series X has no Kinect games or Kinect 2. But you played that up too. No more dancing.

As for the article, some of the BC games make sense. The others with Spider-Man aren't happening.

1047d ago
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