
Crytek: 'People wonder why there are so many studio closures...'

Crytek's Nathan Camarillo has hit out at the pirates downloading Crysis 2, saying that piracy is "just like walking into somebody's house and taking something" and that it "makes it hard for good game companies to stay in business".

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Inside_out4861d ago

The xbox 360 is a pirated system. COD Black ops has sold 10+ MILLION...that's MILLION...copies. It was pirated a reportedly 960,000 times...Sorry, build a good game, market it well and it will sell all the copies you need. MW2 has sold well over 20 million copies. Blaming Piracy and used games is silly. people don't trade in good games...lol

I like Crytek and think Crysis 2 will do really well but if the game is full of bugs, is really short, has a dumb story, too many cut scenes then it will be downgraded and will likely end up in the bargain bin. Make it right, you won't have a problem.

siyrobbo4861d ago (Edited 4861d ago )

"if the game is full of bugs, is really short, has a dumb story"

hang on, you are calling out crysis 2 for the above, and comparing it to BLACK OPS, as if it doesn't suffer from those exact same problems?


evrfighter4860d ago (Edited 4860d ago )

"just like walking into somebody's house and taking something"

nope its not. It's like going to the library (public domain). taking a book and handwriting it word for word and putting it back when your done. Or recording episodes of your favorite tv series.

The game looks awesome btw. i was surprised that I could still be impressed with dx9 graphics. I'll be playing it but I won't be buying it at the $59 price point. And no I don't plan on playing Crysis for the multiplayer.

i've been trying games before I bought them for years. I've probably saved thousands of dollars of regret and frustration. Most I don't even finish as they are that bad.

I do however buy the games that I enjoy. If you don't believe me, PM me and I'll show you the 100+ games I bought on steam in the last couple years.

hay4860d ago (Edited 4860d ago )

Guide to Piracy for Dummies attached. It's that simple. It's not stealing, it's denying the income for work of digital nature.

Kleptic4860d ago (Edited 4860d ago )

Am I missing something?...what studios are 'closing' BECAUSE of pirated copies of their titles?...

Most recent studio closing's I've heard about are usually related to releasing a flop that had a big budget...Free Radical was scuttled after Haze (i think bought up by Crytek right?)...Factor 5 after Lair...

Activision has separated studios internally...Ea has done the same thing...and so has MS...

and I can't think of one being caused by users
stealing these games...most of these games were simply awful, so no one bought them because of that...some pirated them because they weren't worth paying for...etc...but developers need to take more accountability for their own creations...not that 'the ship sank because everyone stole it'...a single game is easily the most expensive single form of entertainment you can buy on average (a new 'big' movie on blu ray doesn't even cost half, entire albums can be purchased for 1/5th of a new game on disc)...and if it sucks...we won't buy it...

I totally agree that illegally stealing games is bad for the industry...but i've yet to see one great title literally kill a studio because too many people stole it rather than pay for it...

if you make a great game (doesn't even have to be great, just get the marketing down...read: cod) people WILL pay for it more than enough to make ends meet for the developer and have MORE than a healthy profit...

what is arguably hurting the industry the most is simply the community's expectations for every 'big' title...but thats not our fault, when you have some developers making some of the greatest games of all time recently (uncharted 2 for example), we are stuck in a spot where we simply want more of that...a modern AAA title cost 10's of millions of dollars, and at times even a hundred...when a business is dealing with that kind of development budget, they truly need to have their shit figured out...and a developer should have a better idea of what a great game is than we do...but for the most part, they usually don't...

BakedGoods4861d ago (Edited 4861d ago )

...I do agree with you Cez. If developers make games we want to play--people will buy them. Look at the hugely popular Blizzard franchises that sell millions on the PC--and are easily piratable.

frostypants4861d ago (Edited 4861d ago )

Your statement implies that pirates are stealing games because they don't want to play them.

Which is of course ridiculous.

Piracy is theft. Period. If you don't want to play a game, don't play it. If you do, pay for it. Simple.

Don't make excuses for them.

bumnut4861d ago

Im not condoning piracy but i have downloaded games from torrents to try before i buy.

I only do this because most devs don't release demos which just makes me think they have something to hide. Ive been burned many times by crap games which would have been avoided by playing a demo.

Its not like you can take pc games back to the store for a refund like ps3/xbox games.

Make a good game, release a demo and people will buy it.

xxBiG_BoSSxx4861d ago

I keep reading make a "good game" people will buy it. If that's true then why are there so many great games with very low sales?

UnSelf4861d ago

if you ask that question, they im forced to ask you what makes a game "good?"

Jezuz4860d ago

how is he a 360 fanboy?

Mikeyy4860d ago

I've already admitted to pirating PC games, but it really is as people are telling you. Most of us Pirates do it to "demo" the game.

On the other hand 99% of them are not worth buying.

Civilization V is the latest one I've demo'ed. and I'll tell you now, I'd be a pissed off S.O.B. if I payed $50 for it. I've played Civ 3, 4, and 5. and there all the same damn game.

There is a reason why Blizzard Games sell so much and other companies sell so little. Piracy isnt the problem. Quality control is the problem.

In todays market a SOLID Online experience is a MUST if you don't want your game to be pirated to oblivion. Pirated copies cannot play online with the masses.

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ksense4861d ago (Edited 4861d ago )


black ops is multiplayer oriented game and hence it WILL sell but if a game is mostly single player with tacked on multiplayer then it wont sell big numbers and people will pirate it and play the single player and get it over with. why do you think mass effect, alan wake don't have huge numbers? it is hard to play pirated copies online and you risk getting banned and hence pirates usually have two systems. one to play black ops online and the other to pirate singleplayer offline games.

tmoss7264861d ago

ME2 sold 2 million first week. And that was only 360 version...Make a single player game epic and people won't pirate.

palaeomerus4861d ago

Doubtful. Section 8 didn't sell. And it was multiplayer oriented. Ditto Chrome Hounds, and Shadow Run. Unreal Tournament III had poor sales too.

CoD sells because it's popular and well known not be cause it's multiplayer oriented.

Loadedklip4861d ago

I think it really depends. I mean you are talking about CoD which sells better than 99.9% of all games NOT made by Nintendo.

CoD has casual appeal. It is bought by hardcore, core and casual gamers. A game like Ninja Gaiden for example will never sell anywhere near CoD does no matter how great it's reviews are because it's difficulty makes it a hardcore only game that casuals or normal core players stay away from. They might be gamers but you know what I mean.

How many times have we seen an outstanding game not sell well but reports come in that it was downloaded more times than it sold. Out of those downloaded copies ... maybe a good 30% of those would have been actual retail sales which would have helped that studio to continue to make money.

So while I kinda agree that pirated games aren't always an excuse, it is an excuse for smaller studios that make a great game and that great game doesn't have the marketing money to push it to the non hardcore gamer market or a game designed for hardcore players. It is afterall the true shardcore gamers that pirate games. The more casual of a gamer you are, the less likely you have any clue how or where to get your system modded.

Highlife4861d ago

So if a game is bad it is ok to pirate it??? Indie devs and small companies need all the sales they can get to make a new game, grow larger and take on more. Your logic is crap sir!

Ducky4861d ago (Edited 4861d ago )

Indie devs and small companies make bad games? On the contrary, they're actually keeping gaming fresh for me.
Your implication is crap sir.

... though I'm just trying to be an ass, I get what you're trying to say. ;)

Zinc4861d ago (Edited 4861d ago )

Essentially, this is my main theme, more-or-less.

The best way to combat piracy and the one that doesn't compromise your paying customers in any way, is to simply make a better game. I'm sorry if that isn't what people want to hear, but that's the truth. You will never be able to stop piracy in its current form and you would have to change much of the current economic model that we live by to unmotivate the people that do, from pirating.

I think a game can sell well regardless of bugs, simply because of the experience you can get from that particular game, bugs or no bugs. There were many people that wanted Fallout: New Vegas, regardless of the bugs, for example - because it was a great story experience.

If you are selling 5 million copies of something and not making enough money, than you either need to start making your games for less money or you need to make them better so more people want to have them, thereby increasing the amount of gross sales.

I've got a newsflash for everybody, the market is only so big and can only handle so much. How many new games are released every year? Please, think about this for a minute. Let's say for arguments sake that 1000 games were released in 2010 across all platforms and that would break down to 83 games per calendar month. Let's say there are 150 million current gen consoles in homes right now and another 200 million handhelds, so that's 350 million game playing units and another 800 million PC's that can play most modern games out there - and based on 5 years-worth of graphics card sales, this is likely. Okay, so that's 1.15 billion game playing platforms - not including phones and tablet computers that also have their place in the market. Also, many of the people who own one console, own more than one and have a computer too and a smart phone....

So, now you are competing in a big market, but you are releasing 83 games a month, to a user base of anywhere from 50 million to 1.15 billion, depending on what platform you are releasing on. If you are competing with 83 titles that month, you need to be pretty damn impressive to stand out, because you are not just competing for their dollars on one platform, but on many and not just for gaming, but for their entire disposable income every month. Which will include movies, books, games, eating out, clothing, electronic gadgets, vacations, ect.

If you going to spend 30 million dollars to develop a game here is a possible example:

You sell each unit to retailers for $40 a pop and the retailers, in turn, sell it for $60. Now, let’s say that you end up selling 3 million units. So, the total for that is $180,000,000, but the publisher will see $120,000,000. Now, the publisher has to give a console maker $30,000,000 of that $120,000,000 – so, now they are down to $90,000,000 in sales, once the publisher takes their initial investment back, now the amount left is $60,000,000 – however, the developer only gets a percentage of that leftover amount and that’s if the developer isn’t owned by the publisher, in which case, it’s all for the publisher and they continue the cycle of approving budgets for new games and sequels.

In other words, the market might be oversaturated or perhaps they need to figure out how to reduce production costs, because the average game buyer might only buy 1 game every 2 months… do you see the problem?

This example should also help illustrate why publishers want to buy up studios... so they can keep all of the end profit.

Take the Steam approach and sell more games for less money each time... it's better.

darksied4861d ago

Sigh, more people trying to justify their stealing. Just admit that pirating games is theft. There is NO excuse.

And how can you look at the biggest selling game ever and assume it works for every single game on the market? What about those game publishers/developers who don't have 100 million in marketing money to get their game noticed and on tv? It's those types of developers who will get poor sales due to piracy, and their studio's shut down.

awi59514861d ago (Edited 4861d ago )

Yeah even if a game gets good reviews doesnt mean people will buy it. If you dont have a huge budget for market a game it will die.

awi59514861d ago (Edited 4861d ago )

@cez of rage

Man dont you know crysis 1 was pirated 3 times more than it was purchased they have a real complaint. Dont take what they are saying lightly.

solar4861d ago

crysis was far beyond capable hardware to play it smoothly when it was released. which imo inflated those piracy numbers. plus, piracy doesnt mean said pirate planned on buying it anyways.

awi59514861d ago

No it wasnt inflated numbers the crysis developers said "2 million people are downloading our patches we only sold 500k". Now how is that inflated? That's everyone stole the game instead of paying.

Motion4860d ago

Well, I've only purchased Crysis and Warhead once. But I've installed and downloaded the patches many times. Patch downloads don't equal sales.

FanboyPunisher4861d ago

Crytek/EA guilt tripping Capt. Jacks' all around teh world.

Think that will work?
Do Canadians smoke the devils lettuce?

Quite Possibly.

KingDustero4861d ago

Lol "build a good game." Good game and CoD can't be used in the same sentence. To sell well all a company needs to do is hype it up and make it sound like the best game ever even though it is complete crap.

Also NONE of the studios closing down from Activision has nothing to do with piracy. They're closing down because Activision is run by greedy bastards who don't care about the quality of their games. They just want them to sell well.

cb4g4861d ago

So, by your logic, I guess it's ok if Treyarch lost 960,000 potential sales since they made over 10 million of actual sales.

Therefore, again by your logic, if you were to make over $100,000 for a year's worth of salary, it would be ok for me to shave off $10,000 of your hard earned money since you make so much.


Put yourselves in these developer's shoes, you are stealing from them and if the roles were reversed, you would be pissed off too.

Mikeyy4860d ago

From a business standpoint this is called "Shrink".

Shrink cannot be prevented. I work in a grocery store. A customer WILL Take that 3 lbs of ground beef from the refridgerated wall and Leave it in Isle 5 to go warm.. I have no choice but to throw it away.

This CANNOT be prevented. Unless I supervised every single shopper, which is out of the question.

The grocery store does $1.2 Million in sales and $40k in Shrink a week. It's just the way it is.

Motion4860d ago

You can't assume a pirated game is a potential sale. The pirate may be gaining something, but the developer isn't necessarily losing something.

cb4g4860d ago (Edited 4860d ago )

Saying that 'it's just the way it is' doesn't justify a deliberate act of theft.

One question regarding the concept of 'shrink', does it include theft for products in your store or do you have separate measures to prevent theft?

Of course I can assume that. What I can't assume is that it's definite sale but I can certainly assume that it's a potential sale.

Bottomline is, unless it's a rental or resale, the publishers and developers deserve revenue from their hard earned work.

Motion4860d ago (Edited 4860d ago )

cb4g- "Bottomline is, unless it's a rental or resale, the publishers and developers deserve revenue from their hard earned work. "

Lol, why don't the developers deserve revenue for a rental or resale? To a developer, that's the exact same as piracy in a financial sense. You get to play the game either way, and the developer doesn't see a dime either way.

cb4g4860d ago

What's so funny? If the game has already been purchased once, the devs and publishers have already gotten their revenue. Simple

Motion4860d ago (Edited 4860d ago )

You know, the majority of pirated game ISO's are made off of purchased disks, so in your eyes, that's fine then? Those disks have "already been purchased once". The price paid is for the time and effort put into creating the game, you are paying for content -not because a dvd or bluray disk costs tens of dollars to make.

If a person spends $54 on a used new release, vs spending the extra $5 on a brand new copy, (or even picks a game up for a huge discount), that's still a "lost sale" to the developer. Someone else is getting to experience their efforts, without giving any compensation.

cb4g4860d ago (Edited 4860d ago )

No, it's not fine, it's still illegal. Although used game sales and rentals are also probable factors in studio closures, they are still legal avenues to obtain games. This is solely about pirating and it's separate from any other issues that these devs and publishers are having.

Why are you defending piracy so much?

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nskrishna24861d ago

You compare BLOPS(which n00bs buy) to Crysis 2, which is a beast in both graphics and gameplay. And then you say that if the game is ull of bugs, is really short, has a dumb story, since when has CoD been the pinnacle of gaming finesse?

showtimefolks4860d ago

Blur was a good game but was it a game that deserved more sales than let's say LBP?

mercenary was a great game EA paid 800million to get the DEVS their next 2 games are good at best EA shuts them down people call EA names but how is it their fault when mercenary 2 and saboteur was given what 2-3 years it was announced a xbox360 yet the game didn't live up to any kind of hype

in the same deal EA got BIOWARE and look at BIOWARE'S success

if you make good/great games you will get sales you don't want people to buy used copies well than release the game on psn/xboxlive/steam only but don't blame the gamers

ENSLAVED for example was not a 60 dollar game few people bought it at that price but 2 months after release it was 25-30 you see piracy or used sales didn't have anything to do with it it was a ok game

i feel like we as gamers get blamed for a lot of things even though we buy most of the above average games and other i try to buy new but later on what they get a price reduction

gamer for life/hate pirates if you know someone who is stealing games yet you buy them report them to sony/MS that's your job as a gamer we don't want this industry to die because someone figured out a way to play the games for free

Mondayding4860d ago

Taking the biggest selling games as examples of piracy not damaging the industry is blind stupidity. Go way down the list of sales and then you see where developers are getting screwed by piracy.

And besides, piracy is theft. No matter what you say, you're stealing something that some people have spent years making. And for what? To save yourself some money. Well that's justified then.

FinalSpartan4860d ago

same PC people brag about how powerful Crysis is. Too bad PC has to much piracy.

kevnb4860d ago

Just do your thing crytek. All your games have sold very well, stop obsessing with piracy. You could be using these interviews to help promote your product. Crysis sold like 3 million copies and made them rich to the point where they are buying studios. Do the remember the metallica and napster situation?

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 4860d ago
khawaja074861d ago (Edited 4861d ago )

and people wonder why companies don't take the truth and take the Actual BLAME for getting it's game's in-Complete Build leaked INTERNALLY and then putting its blame on pirates.. its gonna be pirated if you leak your game to torrents.

MarioWarfare4861d ago

Even if it doesn't get leaked it's gonna get pirated the day it comes out.

Loadedklip4861d ago (Edited 4861d ago )

It's not usually internal leaks but rather a Gamestop or Best Buy employee taking an early copy and leaking it.

Christopher4861d ago

If I leave my car unlocked, it's still theft when someone takes it...

Motion4860d ago

Yeah, that would be theft. But what if someone had a device that let them make an exact replica of your car, and they left your original one untouched right where you had left it?

Christopher4860d ago (Edited 4860d ago )

That would be illegal copying, or infringement since you'd be manufacturing something under the control of Ford/Toyota/Honda/etc.

My comment wasn't to say that copying games are necessarily "theft" as we know it, but to say that because someone internally put it on the Web doesn't mean that downloading it isn't still considered IP infringement.

I was specifically responding this this statement: "Build leaked INTERNALLY and then putting its blame on pirates.. its gonna be pirated if you leak your game to torrents."

Reborn4861d ago

A lot of Crytek today.

I think piracy is just the icing. Theres more behind studio closures than piracy.

ActionBastard4861d ago

Indeed, but piracy is a good scapegoat.

theonlylolking4861d ago

I know. Crytek has been talking dumb stuff today. I liked the old crytek that did not act like this.

BenEViolent4861d ago

Well, if your PC game is the number 1 pirated game in past years, you better than anyone have the right to communicate to others your experiences.

Darkfocus4861d ago (Edited 4861d ago )

I wonder why? could it be because most people at the time weren't even sure if they could run it? look at valve they never complain about piracy because they make good games and optimize them so much that you know you'll be able to play it well, crytek didn't even get a demo of crysis out until warhead was released. developers use piracy as a scapegoat, crysis sold very well too it just took a while due to the cost of hardware required to play it at the time, piracy doesn't necessarily= a lost sale yet developers always count every download as money lost, crytek made more money than they deserved for crysis 1 imo which wasn't that great....not bad just mediocre with a pretty face.(doesn't mean I won't buy C2 though if it's good)

Shackdaddy8364861d ago

Their whole game including the dev tools which they have been working on for three years has just been released for free to the public....

I think they have a right to say "dumb" stuff today....

Christopher4861d ago (Edited 4861d ago )

The actual statement was "makes it hard for good game companies to stay in business" not "is why...".

So, they're not saying piracy is the main or sole reason, just saying it is a factor.

Ace_19754861d ago

People will buy Crysis 2 on PC because the leaked version is only running on DX9. When you see this game running at MAX POWA your eye balls will melt.

nickjkl4861d ago

crysis 2 is getting blamed for things that were never in crysis

i mean come on im reading comments like i can level ENTIRE VILLAGES in crysis when the only thing you can level is some shacks and they were expecting fully demolitioned buildings in crysis 2

Shackdaddy8364861d ago

Well, there is destruction in C2. Its just that its light(you can destroy anything but the building walls basically)

And I bet if they could put in destruction, they would but it would just be too hard. I mean, shacks are easy to program to break. Concrete/brick buildings are another story...

I own both Crysis games and the destruction on the shacks is really good but its not like I am gonna complain if they dont have it in C2.

The_Nameless_One4861d ago

While I am not going to argue on that point I will say that studio closures can not just be blamed on piracy. Blaming it on one factor is rather idiotic. He hasn't touched on the main issue that gamers these days are carful with their money so publishers would much rather go for the sure thing then risk it on something that might sell.

Mondayding4860d ago

what's really messing with the industry is the fact that it's not about good creativity anymore, it's about money. What major developer/publisher doesn't have a marketing team and a sales team that doesn't have a say on the creative side?


And as soon as the people with no bottom line other than sales get involved, well, then it's game over for creatives.

This will only get worse...

The_Nameless_One4860d ago

Some developers are excluded from this practice. Ken Levin has stated in the past that 2K pretty much leaves them to their doing and don't try and get involved their creative process. Developer working for Sony also keep saying that they are pretty much left alone.

However, I will completely agree on the point you brought up. Marketing guys should never ever have any sort of say in the creative process of a game. As soon as they get involved then it's Game Over...Get it?

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Crytek Interview - Hunt Showdown's Success and How It Has Evolved | MP1st

MP1st talks to Crytek about Hunt: Showdown's success, future title updates, inspiration behind weapons and more.


Crytek Gives Brief Update on New Crysis Game; Studio Has a "Great Team" Working on It

Crytek gives an update on their new Crysis game, confirming that it's still in development, with more to share down the road.

DefenderOfDoom2188d ago

Actually would love a new Crysis campaign.

P_Bomb188d ago

Ditto. Ran through them again last year. I’ll grab the new one.

Crazyglues188d ago (Edited 188d ago )

Yeah they really messed up by not adding the Multi-player to the Crysis Triogly because while the campaign was fun I really loved the Multi-player and couldn't wait to see what it was going to be like on current gen.

They could have dropped new maps and DLC and fans would have bought it up... -But they dropped the ball and did just the Campaign's with no new content or story, which was just crazy.

Anyway still hoping Crysis 4 is the whole Chicken Sandwhich with all the toppings.... Can't wait.

PrinceOfAnger188d ago (Edited 188d ago )

Yeah It will probably be 5 years development

SimpleSlave188d ago (Edited 188d ago )

That's awesome. So how long till the studio closes and everyone gets fired?

purple101188d ago

Series S owners: "but can it run crysis doh?"

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Crytek Sends Cease and Desist To A Popular Photo Mode Modder Frans Bouma

Immersed Gamer writes: "Frans Bouma just received a Cease and Desist letter from Crytek, developers of Crysis. Did he pirate their game? Or maybe he infringed on their copyright? What horrible thing did Bouma do to deserve this? Well, he modded in a photo mode so that people could take beautiful pictures and share them on social media."

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annoyedgamer878d ago

Open source the code and dump it on the internet.

mastershredder878d ago

"from his Patreon page" Uhhhh yeah.......Oh gee and I wonder why that was problem? You know where this goes there Filip or perhaps you are just not quite yet.

Mazgamer877d ago (Edited 877d ago )

It's astounding how quickly someone uniformed will take a side of soulless company just because a modder might be making some pocket change.

For your information: He puts all of his camera mode mods on GitHub, completely free of charge. His Patreon is nothing more than a way to tip him some cash for his work.

He says so himself on his GitHub page:
I do this for fun, not profit, but can't create cameras for games I don't own. I've therefore setup a Patreon page which allows you to safely support my work".

Are you following "mastershredder", or are you not quite there yet?

Giblet_Head877d ago

I did some digging and from what I can see it's probably the "early access" releases of his mods only through Patreon that may have stirred Crytek to send the C&D. Apart from that his mods are indeed available free of charge through his GitHub page.

CobraKai877d ago

It’s a non-profit mod tho. It confuses me cuz modders can do things like completely overhaul the art assets of a game or add licensed cars, but adding a photo mode seems to get the cease.

Orchard877d ago

I guess they want to be the next T2/Rockstar...

Fishy Fingers877d ago

Rarely do you see something with so much potential (Crytek) shoot themselves in the foot so many times.

BlackIceJoe877d ago

Instead of sending a C&D Crytek should thank him, for this, because this will lead to more people buying and playing the game.

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