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Todd Howard Has No Plans to Retire, Open to Other Studios Making Fallout Games

In a recent interview, Todd Howard revealed that he has no plans to retire and reiterated Bethesda's openness to help from other studios.

DOMination-33d ago

Oh great, now we have to deal with Anasts Bethesda fetish indefinitely.

Thanks a lot, Todd

anast32d ago

You're welcome for the free entertainment. Usually, it comes at a cost of $70 because of inflation.

Crows9032d ago

That's an inflated price...

anast32d ago (Edited 32d ago )


It would be if it weren't a valuable resource.

mastershredder33d ago

"with no plans to retire anytime soon" I mean this is like a common news topic involving his name. Knock it off and do some actual newsing. This is like the biggest "No Duh" article of the day, and several sites had to regurgitate it. Geez. So lame.

OtterX33d ago

"Batman. I like the idea that if I had enough money, time, and vengeance, I could become him." - Todd Howard

This is when he'll retire.

nmbr1esq33d ago

He doesn't have to retire, just the stupid outdated garbage creation engine.

Kados32d ago

Netimmerse 4.0, presumably 5.0 for TES6. They should give the Fallout IP to Obsidian, and have it made in UE5.

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Former COD and Blizzard Devs Speak Out Against Bobby Kotick; States He Made Games Worse

With Bobby Kotick no longer at Activision, some developers who worked on Call of Duty and more have begun speaking out about his actions.

Kaii153d ago

"Glances at Bungie Studio"
Hell yeah, the monetization got sooo much better when they ditched Activision, oh wait . . .

Jin_Sakai153d ago

We'll see how much better their games are without Kotick. He’s a scum but a good business man.

VenomUK152d ago

Everybody virtual signalling about this man to put on a show that they actually give a damn about staff working conditions. I don't know what he did or didn't do but armchair gamers who believe public persona is the most important to a video game company's success are misguided. Phil Spencer is always celebrated for being 'good guy Phil' and he probably is, but being a good guy persona didn't help him make Xbox into a stronger division - if anything it's got worst. If Bobby Kotick had been put in charge of Xbox at the time Spencer was then I'm 100% certain Xbox would be in a much stronger position, possibly market leader.

So you will get people expressing why Kotick was bad but the bottom line is he made Call of Duty the behemoth of gaming that enticed Microsoft to pay $67 Billion dollars for it. Now Microsoft owns it, it would be wise not to put Spencer in charge of its decisions.

CrimsonWing69152d ago

They won't, at the end of the day it's about making the most money. They already see whales eating the slop they chuck out on the market. Why would they grow a conscience and kill sales? Kotick was one player out of many in the industry. Losing him isn't going to impact much, if anything at all.

I strongly doubt MS will fully utilize Activision Blizzard. I mean, look at their track record with output from aquired studios already. They're doing a great job with Bethesda, amirite?

DarXyde151d ago

Frankly, I have no respect for many of these devs "speaking out" now. They allowed a lot of pretty horrible shit to go down and even participated in the culture of harassment. Someone died, and that seems to be forgotten.

I have no respect for Microsoft, who provided Kottick and other execs an out for the sake of improving their content. For fuck's sake, people. It's so weird to me. I would be in support of this acquisition 100% with everything getting pulled off other platforms if the end result was all of those cockroaches get their skulls crushed by the justice system. I could overlook the industry consolidation if it made an example of Kottick that no one is safe and the industry needs to do better. Instead, the opposite happened and they let this slippery fuck wriggle away. It is profoundly irritating how broken society is. It is comically absurd, and really reassures me of my decision to stop giving this company any money since 2005.

Rant over.

Rocketisleague152d ago

Ethics and any US based entity just don't go together

gold_drake153d ago


ifs easy to come forward after your boss was let go. haha.

we all know what goes on in those offices

abstractel151d ago

Because speaking out about your current boss is almost career suicide. I don't blame these people for venting, now that they can.

gold_drake151d ago

as suppose to what?
slaggin off your former boss while ur current boss hears about it ?

sure makes u look better doesnt it. /s

thorstein153d ago

Unfortunately, this is leadership everywhere in major corporations. Toxic, unethical, ignorant.

The Peter Principle in a nutshell.

ManMarmalade151d ago

Don't forget the government too haha

isarai153d ago

As far as the games, I struggle to see MS as doing better but we'll see, their track record so far is not the strongest argument in their favor.

But Kotick belongs in prison, dude is literally scum, still find it weird how his sexual assault charges went completely silent and seem to have disappeared as soon as the MS acquisition was announced, shady AF if you ask me.

XiNatsuDragnel153d ago

Kotick needs to be sentenced to life imo

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Microsoft announces more Xbox leadership changes as Activision’s Bobby Kotick departs

Microsoft is largely keeping the Activision Blizzard leadership structure in place, minus a few high-profile names. Kotick’s last day is December 29th.

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Terry_B165d ago

Kotick is most likely the biggest winner of the activision /microsoft deal.

Somehow I bet it won't be profitable for MS for at least 10 years. If it will be..ever.

darthv72165d ago

I think what they had earmarked for the acquisition has already been made back through other divisions. MS makes $$ from all sorts of things.

Workshyskiver165d ago

Made 400 million when his shares were bought at $95

Reaper22_165d ago

You would lose that bet because they are already making money from it.

blacktiger165d ago

That's not how profit works regarding to stock market. If xbox doesn't make money from Activision SPECIFICALLY considered loss

frostypants165d ago (Edited 165d ago )

I hope they ran the numbers and found that it will be profitable well before then, because CoD is at its peak. Betting that it will still be where it is a decade from now would be foolishly risky. I'd anticipate a decline if anything....the landscape changes. And Diablo 4 certainly has not gone as well as anticipated. Blizzard isn't looking so great right now.

Zeref165d ago

Because you know better than the trillion dollar company 😂

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 165d ago
-Foxtrot165d ago

Never because the guy can’t do no wrong

He wears a blazer over a gaming shirt and tells us what we want to hear at the given time, he’s totally one of us /s

Jingsing165d ago

He won't leave until Sony messes up so it looks like he is leaving on a high.

neutralgamer1992165d ago

i think it will happane because all this money invested and xbox division at a distant 3rd won'r last for phil. Now all the pressure is on him

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 165d ago
DarXyde165d ago

I just wanted these people to be held accountable.

I hate this.

anast166d ago

Kotick taught them everything they needed to know about slot machines, now he's off to manage the Tangiers.

CobraKai165d ago

Never got to be held responsible for any of the harassment goings on in Activision and walks away with a huge pay check.

phoenixwing165d ago

this is a good example of why people believe that judgement comes later in the afterlife instead of on earth. if you're athiest that's some hardcore depression to have js

CobraKai165d ago

Im not an athiest but it shows how the rich and powerful are rarely held accountable in actual life.

Christopher165d ago

I mean, if we're creating fantasy scenarios, we can overlook anything, can't we? Who needs accountability in life, it's all about the unproven afterlife we've sold ourselves on.

thorstein165d ago (Edited 165d ago )

I'm depressed because I understood reality before you did?

That's some hardcore projection.

Understanding how the world is leads to less disappointment in life.

Crows90165d ago


C'mon man. There's no real accountability without an afterlife. You should be thankful for the idea of an afterlife. At the very least it does a good job keeping a large group of people civil ...otherwise...this is it. So. Drink up. Don't waste 1 second. And beat the shit out of anyone who gets in your way. Morality stands no ground without something greater behind everything. But we still live in a society that relies on the backbone of religion while claiming it's the worst thing. The silliness is wild.

isarai165d ago


If the only thing keeping you from being a terrible person is some reward in an afterlife, you got serious psychological issues and need to seek help, and were never a good person to start with

My moral compass is based on real people and how my actions affect them, y'know, sympathy, compassion, humanity?

OtterX165d ago

I actually believe in an afterlife because I was resuscitated in a car wreck 2 decades ago. I should be dead, I survived a (usually) unsurvivable injury. The belief in that has nothing to do why I seek to treat others well though. That is a misguided perception because at the depth of your soul, there often arises conflict of what you're truly hiding inside and what you're showing outwardly. I seek to treat others well because it pleases me in my core, because I know it's how I would want to be treated. I fail sometimes and it eats me alive. I can only hope that Bobby, in secret, is suffering inside for the things he has done and is trying to hide. True change and judgment comes from within, and I wouldn't mind hearing later that it ate himself so much inside that he confesses and seeks forgiveness from the people he hurt. Probably not.

phoenixwing165d ago

i'm just saying people believe in accountability and when the current life doesn't have it we like to think the second oncoming life or afterlife does. if you think it's all make believe that's your choice.

Christopher164d ago (Edited 164d ago )

***There's no real accountability without an afterlife.***

Accountability is what the people in power determine it to be. You can keep believing there's something out there to look toward w/o proof. I'm not going to live that type of life and instead look to improve the life I have.

***Morality stands no ground without something greater behind everything.***

Sure. The only thing keeping me from murdering people is my imagination of what comes next.

***But we still live in a society that relies on the backbone of religion while claiming it's the worst thing. The silliness is wild. ***

I mean, we also had a backbone of flat earth and releasing evils from the blood. But, we moved on from that silliness as well.

Crows90163d ago (Edited 163d ago )

Sympathy, compassion and humanity don't go together. You're a prime example of someone taking the religious backbone and pretending it was there from the beginning.

You think youre a good person and yet you just insulted me without provocation. You don't know yourself.

It also comes to show that you know nothing of what I'm talking about if you think I'm waiting for some reward in the afterlife. You know nothing about religion either hence why you take that backbone as your own. And lastly you are entirely ignorant of human history.


You're almost there. You're just hiding behind cureent societal norms heavily influenced by religious bones. To be clear the main thing stopping people from being more violent to each other then they already are is 1. Cowardice 2. Fear 3. The societal contrac
Was I the only one alive during COVID pandemic here...people got incredibky violent. Or whenever there's a water issue.

And yes flat earth silliness...I'd say a few things about vaccinations for viruses but I guess that silliness is fine still.
Nothing sillier than believing that nothing created something.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 163d ago
porkChop165d ago

He can still be sued and held responsible. Leaving the company doesn't protect him from that.

isarai165d ago

My thoughts ever since this deal was announced, like how was this gonna happen with that going on?🤔 Then we suddenly never heard about it again.

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