
Saling The World: Kinect Sports Rivals Zumba Fitness in U.S. Charts

Gamasutra's weekly column, "Saling The World", covers the top five sellers for every available platform in the United States, Japan, and Europe, providing an important update of sales patterns worldwide.

This week's charts, with data taken from February 10th, 2011, find Zumba Fitness and Kinect Sports achieving top sales stateside, as Radiant Mythology 3 and Sengoku Musou 3 Z head the multiplatform rankings in Japan.

Data for "Saling The World" comes courtesy of the public sales information on Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, and Amazon.co.jp, with sales split out for each platform and territory, and pre-orders disregarded. This results in a true sense of what games are selling worldwide on the real-time updated service, as follows:

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Captain Tuttle4842d ago

The play on words in the title bothers me. I get it but it still bugs me.

PostApocalyptic4842d ago

The FIFA 11 sales in UK didn't surprise me. They are crazy for their soccer (Fútbol)!


Kinect Represented Rare's Need to 'Do Something Different'

Craig Duncan reflects on Kinect and the cool things Rare was able to accomplish with the Kinect Sports games.

PhoenixUp2245d ago

Kinect Sports was the most successful property that Rare had on an Xbox platforms 😒

mcstorm2243d ago

But like it or not kinect sports was probably the best game that came out for kinect and sales show that. It may not of been there best ever game but than again the best games made don't always sell that well.

DivineAssault 2243d ago

Rare is washed up.. That was a company i thought would give MS some unique exclusives after the buy out.. Unfortunately they became a shell of their former selves.. I have no clue why MS would assign kinect games to a team like that smh

jagermaster6192243d ago

I don't care what anyone says about rare because I'm actually really liking Sot. Yeah it could use some things in future updates but so far it's fun!


Rare: The Games Since Microsoft Purchased Them 15 Years Ago

A summary of Rare since their Microsoft purchase fifteen years ago, going through each of the games and their performance across the various Xbox platforms.

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darthv722422d ago

Grabbed by the Ghoulies is still a fun game to play.

Sciurus_vulgaris2422d ago

I played through Grabbed by the Ghoulies via Rare Replay. I found Ghoulies to be descent, solid graphic, music and art, with tedious, repetitive gameplay.

PhoenixUp2422d ago

You forgot to mention Donkey Kong Country 1-3 remakes, Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge, Sabre Wulf, Banjo-Pilot, It's Mr. Pants, Diddy Kong Racing DS, & Viva Piñata: Pocket Paradise.

Yeah they aren't on Xbox platforms, but it's still worth mentioning all the projects they've produced since the acquisition.

FallenAngel19842421d ago

Remember when Rare was a more respected developer in the industry than Naughty Dog?

The_Jackel2421d ago

Remember how this was poster last week or the week before? :/

ZeroX98762421d ago

you gotta thanks Microsoft for that!
When Microsoft bought them in 2002, I knew it wasn't going to end up well.

chaos-emeralds2421d ago

RARE Who?...playtonic games is the new king of the old block.

PhoenixUp2421d ago

Playtonic is a far cry from golden age Rareware

nowitzki20042421d ago

Rare who? U cant be serious.....?

chaos-emeralds2421d ago

No im not, but I loved all the classic rare games up till n64. Yooka Laylee filled a lovely hole which hasn't been seen from rare for years. A shame really.

nowitzki20042421d ago

I can agree they haven't been themselves, but they have forever cemented their legacy in gaming. They will most likely never be the same again.


Get Your Young'uns Gaming With These Fun Games for Kids

If you got young kids around the house, you don't want to be playing games like COD or DOOM. These are some kid friendly games you could get to keep your kiddo's entertained.

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