
L.A. Noire Walkthrough Preview - First Impressions

It’s 1947, and RockStar along with Team Bondi delivers a beefed up GTA style engine complete with RotoScope style technology for the cinematic and A+ motion picture smash storyline video game for the PS3 and XBOX 360 which brings the nostalgic origins of Hollywood a new meaning.

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RaymondM4844d ago

I am really looking forward to this one since I'm a fan of noire films and detectives in general.
To play as a detective, trying to uncover corruption...I can't imagine a better story. It sound like it'll be the Chinatown of video games

retrofly4844d ago

That website is awful, why can they only fill a page with about 6 lines of text?

gameguidedog4844d ago

L.A. Noire looks to be incredible, kind a breakthrough in high end gaming as far as how it's being presented. If it works out as good as it looks Rockstar will be 'the first' on this one, like james cameron was with Avatar.


Play L.A. Noire Free With Your GTA+ Membership

L.A. Noire is coming to the library of free games available to GTA+ Members on Thursday, May 2.

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TheColbertinator15d ago

Great game that unfortunately was only made once

anast15d ago

I would day 1 New York or Chicago Noir even LA Noir 2.


Ex-Rockstar Dev Finally Explains Why Small Planes Randomly Crashed in GTA San Andreas

Former Rockstar Games Technical Director Obbe Vermeij has finally revealed why some planes would randomly crash in GTA: San Andreas.

Profchaos41d ago

This fly by feature was on the cutting room floor due to the random plane crashes and it's one of those things I'm so thankful made it into the final version as these random fly by and crashes make the world seem more alive on the extremely limited PS2 hardware you needed everything you could possibly get in a open world to convey that feeling.

And accross hundreds of hours of gameplay I probably died around 3 times as a result of these fly by failures but I loved every time it happened

isarai41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

It made the world feel more human, and honestly kinda insane that even today with all these open world games, almost no one can capture that like R* even when compared to their ps2 games

Skuletor40d ago

Lol, I remember those. I vaguely remember dying from one crashing into my car once too.


L.A. Noire And Bully — Rockstar's Lost Gems That Deserve A Sequel As Much As GTA

Hanzala from eXputer: "I do appreciate GTA 6, Rockstar, but if I could trade it for a new L.A. Noire or a Bully game, I'd do so in a heartbeat."

Skuletor41d ago

How are they lost? You can get L.A. Noire on Steam, PS5, Xbox Series and Nintendo Switch and Bully is on the PS5 and Xbox Series too.

Psychonaut8541d ago

I want a new Manhunt game. But that will never happen.

Demetrius40d ago

Mfs are too sensitive nowadays and would cry instead of being concerned bout real world problems

Demetrius40d ago

Whenever gta 6 launch we won't be getting another rockstar title for another 10 years lol but on the positive side they bou to come back n show how open world supposed to be done 🔥

Skuletor40d ago

I won't expect any singleplayer DLC like IV's The Lost & Damned or The Ballad of Gay Tony after it launches either