
Treyarch: There are no 'bug free' games

"It is unfortunate that those [bugs] have to exist at all," Olin told the gaming publication. "In an ideal world, we would love to ship a completely bug-proof game. I can't think of a single developer in the world, though, that could achieve that."

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tony67674842d ago

well mag is 256 players and i never saw a lag since i got it

TurismoGTR4842d ago

Attention Treyarch.. Your Game sucks. Bug Free or not.

saladthieves4842d ago

It's true. He's swimming in our pile of money, and all he can do is blame it on the bugs?? How about he get off his ass and fix the issues at hand?

mandf4842d ago

I hate COD but, zombie mode is awesome for gamers who want to test their skills. I made it to level 36 on my own. What a rush and time waster.

TheBossMan4842d ago

Apparently "We fucked up" is difficult to say for some people.

deafwing4842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

I disagree Treyarch.
Flower has no bugs lol and if it does we don't know about it.

point is, yes, games have em but I'm starting to think that these are just included in the game because, well, treyarch/whoever is aware that gamers love exploiting them.

If they owned up to that then I could see this point of bug-filled games.

sobekflakmonkey4842d ago

Treyarch can suck it.

yeah games have bugs, but not every bug in the book all at once, to be honest, BlOps was and still is a disaster.

TheLastGuardian4842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

This article reminded me to check if the trade in value on amazon for the hardened edition of Black Ops for PS3 went up. It did and I agreed to trade it in for $42. Thank god, now I can afford Killzone 3 on day 1. Goodbye broke ops. You won't be missed.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4842d ago
Static-X4842d ago

If you had a beta on all 3 systems you would have at-least halved the problems you greedy b*stards

LiVe_From_NYC4842d ago

The reason they do not beta test is because they release the same game every year. If they were to beta test it people would realize that its no different then the previous iterations. It would probably kill the massive hype surrounding the title and affect the launch too. Activision knows what they are doing, and they know the sheep will flock regardless... pretty sad, really.

VenGencE9994842d ago

Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner folks!!!

UltimateIdiot9114842d ago

He's just exaggerating with never. I've play MAG for a while and more often than not, it was an extremely smooth in terms of connection.

tony67674842d ago

@ ultimate exaggerating ? lool are u with me home playing i played since the release i have 3 charcters and never had any lag maybe ur connections sucks idk

femshep4842d ago ShowReplies(1)
mandf4842d ago

Mag rarely has lag. I leveled all three factions to 50. For all those disagreers, you don't know what you are talking about. Mag's biggest pro is the lack of lag next to gameplay.

LiVe_From_NYC4842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

Yea, Treyarch is correct. There are no "bug-free" games, but there are "bug-riddled" games, and the Call of duty series falls into the latter category.

It's not so much about the "Bugs" because at it's CORE the game does not run properly! The Servers are garbage, and the game is very choppy and laggy most of the time... Bullet detection is horrible, and so is melee detection. I have witnessed my knife sink into a mans chest on numerous occasions and it does not register a kill.

DantheMan814842d ago

Mag played very well, but I notice lag every once in a while, nothing game breaking though. I hope more games in the future works as well as Mag.

4842d ago Replies(1)
starcb264842d ago

I wish one of these interviewers would have the balls to tell them off.

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4842d ago Replies(1)
NecrumSlavery4842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

Treyarch needs to shut the f*ck up, since they obviously can't man the f*ck up. And in terms of shooters Treyarch, Killzone 2 and Halo Reach had no bugs in them at launch, you crooked f*ckers.

AKA4842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

why not invest a little more money and time to make you game bug free?

Atc, is a evil corp
low investment, huge marketing and fast production and hope for huge sales.
they have make so much money that they could have making the best games but they dont care.
and sheeps still keep buying their dlc i mean games with no improvement in their technology.

Elven64842d ago

That's bull and I dare you to find proof!

Have we already forgotten about the huge sums of money Activision wanted to put into Modern Warfare 2 development but Infinity Ward refused and made with a smaller budget?

Corepred44842d ago

elven- i'd like to see your proof. i never heard of that but it sounds interesting.

AKA4842d ago

how old are you kid?
do the maths
only mw2 sold over 20m copys
60 x 20m = a lot of money, enough to make the best engine ever using the best tech and polish the s$%^& out of it.

but all you get is a new campaign, new maps and few minimal changes using the same outdated tech.

Elven64842d ago

Corepred4: http://www.develop-online.n...

Keep in mind though, it's rumored that despite this the budget was still between $40-50 million.


That being said, it's not about the money, it's how you use it.

AKA: That still doesn't explain how Activision is at fault at all when they wanted to put a bigger budget into the game. Nor does your math explain anything at all.

AKA4842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

wich dave will say
"i dont want money to make the best posible game ever"

i dont think none will.

Corp. rules are spend the less possible and make the biggest profit possible.
dant talk to me if you dont understand this.
you dont even need to do the maths
and its ok to like COD games but you could have a better product if you send them the right message
" not buying the game until they actually use new and more advanced tech on it"

And i dont like that COD have make a casual game so popular that other games like KILLZONE and SOCOM are changing into a more casual setting and features wich is why i will never buy one again not even when they start using those millions on making a high tech game i will avoid it, (playstation ask them gg, z etc, to make their game more casual to apeaol to the n00bs from COD N00bs that hate a game becuase it does not have AUTO AIM ASIST and more n00b friednly features like xp points poping out the screen)

plus IW are gone ad they were the gold team that actually knows how to make a quality game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4842d ago
clrlite4842d ago

... bu bu but, teh RC cars :/

Shok4842d ago

Lol, why, I've never seen such damage control from a company before.

"Well, uh, other games do it too!!!!"


UltimateIdiot9114842d ago (Edited 4842d ago )

It reminds me of Apple and their iPhone4.

They tried so hard to spin on the death touch by saying other phone suffer the same issue which they did not. Death touch =/= death grip.

In this case, buggy game =/= broken game.
It's pretty sad when companies/devs just blame other instead of their own mistakes and flaws. This is why I respect dev like Kojima and Kaz. They are willing to put themselves on the fire and strive to make it perfect to their vision.

gamingdroid4842d ago

Except other phones do have the issue. My HTC HD7 suffers from the death grip as well.

I'm not defending Apple (as I hate them myself as I don't like the elitist image they are selling), but it is true. Doesn't make it better though....

With that said, hardware issues are significantly easier to find than software. As Treyarch said, one hour of online game play is more than the entire team at Treyarch could put in quality assurance for a lifetime.

Because you don't see bugs in other games, probably means:

a) the game didn't do change much from the previous game and is just using pretty much the same code

b) the game isn't popular enough to have enough people play it to get the problems exposed

c) some times it is the underlying architecture of the platform or the ability of the platform holder to uphold enforce a good spirited gaming community

d) developer dropped the ball which I rank pretty low on the list.

With that said, I never really encounter any of this cheating nonsense going on online. The only time I ever saw that was when I played Halo 3 ages ago as somebody had a lag switch.

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All Hopes I Had For A Prey Sequel Have Been Crushed — Well Done, Microsoft

The magnificent Prey was once again abandoned as Microsoft disregarded Arkane Austin's achievements and crucified it just for Redfall.

RaidenBlack22h ago

well, not entirely ... the main Arkane studio i.e Arkane Lyon's still there ...
Its only that, the sequel will take more time now ... after Blade & Dishonored 3

MrBaskerville2h ago

But who knows, Dishonored 3 could have been Austins next project, so might be cancelled.

-Foxtrot21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

Not even this Prey

Still longing for a sequel to the original Prey with Tommy

The studio didn't even want to call this Prey, it was just Bethesda being dicks to them for some reason.

RaidenBlack16h ago

MS closed Roundhouse Studios (ex-Human Head Studios) as well

Yui_Suzumiya5h ago

Yeah, that's who was going to do the original sequel.

isarai12h ago

Came here to say this, my hooes for a Prey sequel died when this "Prey" came out

Profchaos3h ago

Prey 2017 still hurts to play because what could have been looked so incredible

Profchaos3h ago

Same Bethesda basically screwed over the original developer team human head back around 2011 so it was really never going to come despite a honestly amazing trailer. I liked prey 2017 but it always held a stink of disappointment due to what we never got

LostPotato20h ago(Edited 20h ago)

Keep dreaming then as Prey and Dishonored 2 did not sell well enough to get sequels.

Hence we got Deathloop and Redfall instead.

RaidenBlack16h ago

lol, Deathloop came from Prey: Mooncrash idea

Unknown_Gamer57945h ago

To everyone who cheered MS’s acquisitions, we told you so…

Inverno3h ago

Those people will just argue that Arkane Austin and Tango would've been shut down either way.

MrBaskerville2h ago

Zenimax allready put them in a tight spot by demanding them to do a multiplayer title. So it's not unlikely, considering how bad the game performed. They didn't stand a chance. MS had the money to save them and to correct Zenimax' mistakes.


Helldivers 2 Star Wars Mod Looks Pretty Insane

Star Wars is coming to Helldivers 2, unofficially that is, as a new mod revamps in-game models and sends players to a galaxy far, far, away.

thejigisup6h ago

To you. What makes them interesting?

repsahj5h ago

This is the reason they cancel the psn link.


Would It Have Even Mattered If Redfall Were Good?

Even if Redfall were a good game, the closure of Hi-Fi Rush proves even that doesn't matter in the industry.

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Profchaos9h ago

Yeah it would have mattered especially since their huge game that year wasn't all that it was cracked up to be remember redfail was almost heavily promoted and hyped not to the level of starfield but still more promoted than the average game.

There was still a decent marketing campaign behind the game I'm sure millions were spent advertising it on websites and I saw a few billboards and bus stop signs in real life

jwillj2k49h ago

No it wouldn’t matter it wouldn’t bring in enough profit to offset their 100 billion dollar acquisition. It would maybe delay the inevitable by some months.

Profchaos5m ago

Pretty much no game in Bethesda stables makes cod numbers instantly even fallout 4 Bethesda's best selling game sold 12 million at launch and over the next 10 years climbed to over 32 which cod would do rapidly

CrimsonWing698h ago

I would f*cking think so. Good games are what draws people to your platform. It’s why I adored the 360 era with Gears of War being one of the highlights for me. You make sh*t games and it just makes your platform that much worse and you start gobbling up studios I like and then killing them off it also makes me hate your platform as well… just sayin’

franwex8h ago

Unless the game would’ve been War Zone, or Fortnite level. No. Maybe even Hell divers 2 I doubt would’ve been enough.

Exvalos7h ago

No it would not have, the ABK deal was great for Microsoft but horrible for Xbox. Over 100 billion dollars in acquisitions. That money has to be made back. That ABK deal essentially destroyed Xbox as we know it.

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