
Digital Foundry | Tech Analysis: Crysis 2 Demo

Can consoles run Crysis? It's a question Digital Foundry has considered on a number of occasions in the past, based on tech demo footage Crytek released showing its state-of-the-art CryEngine 3 running on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The recent Xbox Live Crysis 2 multiplayer demo allows us to revisit this topic once more, this time with the benefit of being hands-on with live code.

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WhiteNoise4845d ago (Edited 4845d ago )

"Can consoles run Crysis?"

No they can't, they can run crysis 2 though.

How bad is that, first line into the article and an immediate fail is there.

The draw distance in crysis goes for kilometres...

Thousands of fully rendered shadow casting physics tress swaying in the breeze....

There is a reason crysis 2 is in an urban setting. Flat indestructible building surfaces are not nearly as taxing.

The fact that Crysis 2 uses HDR on consoles puts the lighting way ahead of KZ2 which is baked on deferred rendering with no time of day etc.

nickjkl4845d ago

you know your whole comment makes no sense when you ignore any kind of settings that the console version

the way you say it promotes that a PC can run it just because its a pc and console cant run it because its a console which is stupid because a console can run it just at a reduced resolution anf graphics settings just like how we did with crysis running 1024x768 with a mix of settings

because so far the xbox 360 multiplayer demo runs with a mixture of settings from very high to very low with things related to ram set at low according to the config file

WhiteNoise4845d ago (Edited 4845d ago )


The PS3 couldn't even render the low res grass in Mafia 2...you think it's going to render thousands of shadow casting trees with physics???????????????????????

Best case scenario it would have like 1 tree every 20 metres squared and it would have no shadow and be low res and have no destruction physics.

Secondly....nothing on the console version looks like crysis on very high, as the article said, medium across the board with a few things turned down further.

Thirdly...the demo you played is of crysis 2....it does not have the open environments that crysis had.

It is a different game.

Inside_out4845d ago (Edited 4845d ago )

...and it's alot of FUN and looks and plays great with some minor complaints. I can see why Sony will not let EA and Crytek run that beta on PS3...you will as well when it finally lands on that system. The player in those vids is the worst ever. Every wall is scalable with great sense of speed and agility with great animations to boot. Once you get the controls down, you will be loving it. Still needs some work especially the hit detection.

Having said that...when I first loaded the game and having spent many hours viewing and listening to Crytek brag, I didn't see it. They kept trying to compare themselves to Halo but now you see them trying to copy Halo right down to their graphics and technical aspects. Have'nt heard him complain about Halo since halo Reach launched...Hmmmmm...noticed they delayed Crysis as well around that time...lol.

I'll tell you right now, Halo Reach is doing things that NO ONE ELSE is doing on 360. Stunning clarity that can only be appreciated by playing the game and seeing it with your own eye's. It looks 3d while playing in 2d...lol. Crytek is trying to capture that. Why Bungie doesn't licence that tech out is beyond me. They have already scrapped that engine in favor of a new engine for there RPG/action game they are working on.

Consoles is a different beast than a wide open system like PC were no 2 PC's are the same. Your locked into a certain arrangement and configuration. Only the best can come out unscathed...Crytek is feeling very confidant lately and claim they have discovered some secrets to the consoles...lol...I look forward to see what they have planned.

nycredude4844d ago


Do you listen to yourself? I hope you don't really beleive what you say all the time!

"Looks 3d while playing in 2d" LOL

I cold care less about Crysis on any console. If it is a good game, hopefully better than the first, I'll get it on PC. I can run both at max settings on my lappy.

kancerkid4844d ago

I am surprised at how smooth is runs, little tearing, virtually v-synced.

Plus it looks fine.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4844d ago
trounbyfire4845d ago (Edited 4845d ago )

REALLY u r saying a ps3 can't run mafia textures so that means the ps3 is crap.

maybe it the crap studio thatt can't develop for a ps3 and to lazy to push the 360

crysis was so great they had to put it on consoles so the game would make money. crysis is a joke your comments are a joke,

face it pc games are underground, the media doesn't care about them anymore

nickjkl4845d ago (Edited 4845d ago )

your comment is worst than his

well the that last 2 lines at least

WhiteNoise4845d ago (Edited 4845d ago )

"face it pc games are underground, the media doesn't care about them anymore "

Bad choice of words.

You know what the media does care about?

They care about britney spears and washed up actresses.

They do this while the best music never see's the light of day in mainstream media.

SO while we're on the 'media = quality' track you have created

I give you consoles!!


and PC


NPD does not tyrack digital sales you tool

PC revenue last year was 13billion...I'm not getting dragged into the sales/marketing game you console kids play though, we get it best on PC, I don't need to mock your pitiful 720/30frame/mud filter games...oops.

Like I said above, media always focuses on trivial things, keeping the masses docile is the aim of the game, good to see it has worked ;)

trounbyfire4845d ago

gaming media com on NPD stop reporting the sales a while ago, gaming sites make consoles the main focus

WOW, sims, and starcraft r pretty much the only pc games covered and if its on consoles and pc the gaming media hypes the consoles version

siyrobbo4844d ago


They do this while the best music never see's the light of day in mainstream media

But that comment is subjective is it not?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4844d ago
XabiTheHumble4844d ago

@Whitenoise Ps3 incapable of it or developer incompetence?

Xwow20084845d ago

i just love DF articles :))

citan4845d ago

Customization of code for X360 shows two possibilities: a) PS3 version will be optimized likewise with SPUs doing the work, b) PS3 version will just have all those features removed, which will result in another inferior port. Unfortunately, B is more probable as we learned from the past.

siyrobbo4844d ago

they are pushing cryengine 3 as a middle-ware platform, it would be in their best interest in the long run to optimise for the ps3 and make it easy for licensees

Masterchef20074845d ago

they probably cut a lot of things to make it work

trounbyfire4845d ago

why the only thing consoles lack is ram but consoles studios now how to code with less ram so maybe they don't

R u a pc fanboy now?

xtremegamerage4845d ago

Well i've played crysis maxed on PC/

360 version is a combo of that, high,med,low. What did you expect with 512mb ram.

It looks decent and most of the post processing is there, which made crysis look the way it did. Shaders are good as well./

----------------------------- -------

I'm not quite sure what you were suggesting whitenoise with the mafia part. Devs for that game struggled with the PS3 as alot of people do. Grunt of the work must be done by the SPU'S.

If not you'll have problems.

Overall it'll be a good game on all systems, with PC being the graphics winner.


Mark my words.

Redgehammer4844d ago

Don't worry, I am sure the anal retentive types will mark your words.

Granted I only have a (then) highend SD television, but The Crysis 2 demo looks fantastic. I will not be playing the multiplayer though, but i am certainly looking forward to the single player.

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The Crysis Trilogy Joins EA Access Vault

Featuring the complete nanosuit experience, The Crysis Trilogy has now joined the EA Access vault as a title that's free for those that subscribe to the EA service on Xbox One consoles.

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Games1st1401d ago (Edited 1401d ago )

Just in time for those that got the month trial.

DrDeath1401d ago

Wait? There is more than one? lol


Here are Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Crysis 2, RAGE & Resident Evil 2 Remake with Ray Tracing

YouTube’s members ‘Digital Dreams’ and ‘Jose cangrejo’ have shared some videos, showcasing Pascal Gilcher’s Reshade mod – which adds Ray Tracing/Path Tracing effects – in some really old games such as Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Crysis 2, RAGE and Resident Evil 6.

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traumadisaster1785d ago

I'm still learning how to look for the differences. At first I was focusing on shadows for some reason but I don't think that changes much, is it reflections that change?

rashada071785d ago (Edited 1785d ago )

It is supposed to be simulating how light actually works- so yes if light is reflecting off a surface accurately it should show reflection or an effect that matches what you are looking at in the environment. Next time you play a game look at a puddle of water there may be just a "baked" in texture that if you aren't paying attention seems like it is reflecting but it isn't. I would say though if the light is reflecting more accurately I would think that would give more accurate shadows as well.
I am still not 100% sold on it- it looks okay but I can't get over the hardware price jump for better reflections..

Taz X141785d ago

While games won't look immensely better, it opens up more possibilities overall. Understandably, the price jump is huge. But, that can be said for being at the forefront for any new technology. I'm currently using a 2080ti and while I've played a few games that enable it, the gpu also plays everything else incredibly well so it's not like you're buying this tech for ONLY that option. Enthusiasts will pay top dollar to check out the newest things, but this will eventually become an everyday consumer and by then they'll have optimized and become a lot cheaper.

warriorcase1784d ago

Ray/path tracing can be used how the developer wants it to be. Tracing can be used to calculate shadows/lighting, reflection and even audio, where audio waves are calculated on the bounce off material types to simulate enviroment and echos accuratly.

Should also keep in mind that this ray/path tracing system is different and less accurate option from Nvidias RTX branded type. McFly's is a reshade that layers over the top of the game and therefor the quality will vary drastically. For example you can see nice reflection in the Star Wars demo here but it then introduces colour clipping with the light saber. On a video of GTA 5 for example it was incorrectly projecting a reflection of a red car onto the road which caused a very faint red glow on the ground around the car.

If you want to see a good example of a game developed with ray tracing reflection and lighting in mind then you could look up the youtube video of "Control - Exclusive E3 RTX GAMEPLAY Trailer".

DigitallyAfflicted1785d ago

It supposed to add more realistic light Not actually more light effects and explosions

traumadisaster1785d ago

I hate to say it but I’m fine with fake lights, shadows, reflections. I just kind of like the effect, it’s also great it saves resources for other things.

I’ve been checking out some original Xbox games on x360/x1x and the engine has fake light streaming in through a stained glass window, and I love it even though I know it’s not real time lighting. Heck it even shifts as I move about.

I’ve about convinced my self rt and hdr just doesn’t work for me. Before hdr I would even complain damn why are the headlights killing me they are so bright.

I notice most frame rate, then jaggies, then resolution; with the last two interchangeable depending.

Other day watched an enthusiast rave over 4k and the poor guy was in 1080p. I played the same game the night before and thought wow this is clean, I wonder if it’s 4k, but knew differently and I thought wow even resolution is not always important. The next day he apologized and was surprised he could be fooled.

RaidenBlack1785d ago

EA should have released the Crysis Trilogy Remaster for this gen.

FGHFGHFGH1780d ago

How come the lightsabers don't give off any light? Even in the EA star wars game the guy uses it to light up a dark cave. I guess if it is using frostbite it will support rtx cards.


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