
Pocket Gamer - Sacred Odyssey: Rise of Ayden Review

Pocket Gamer - There are some stories that are so entertaining we can't help but want to relive them time and time again.

St Nick's whirlwind gift-giving tour on Christmas, the bloody reign of Count Dracula, Aladdin's magical hijinks with the genie in the lamp - tales told a thousand times over, yet we're captivated by their imaginative twists and turns in spite of their familiarity.

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Pocket Gamer: Sacred Odyssey: Rise of Ayden Review

Pocket Gamer: If Nintendo had £1 for every game that tried to copy The Legend of Zelda, it would probably be around £15 better off.

Still, anyone who has ever so much as read the back of a Zelda game box will get a sense of deja vu as the story of Sacred Odyssey gets going. It stars an unlikely hero rising to save the world for a beautiful princess, and contains swords, horse riding, and puzzly dungeons.

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Nintendo Fan's Guide To iPhone Gaming (Modojo)

Chris Buffa (Modojo): These days, almost everyone owns a smart phone, even diehard Nintendo fans that need a break from their DS or 3DS systems to enjoy a few rounds of Angry Birds and Fruit Ninja.


Mobot: Sacred Odyssey: Rise of Ayden Review

Mobot: I'm a bit of a gamer and I got an Apple iPad a while back, so I really wanted to see what it could do in terms of games. Sacred Odyssey: Rise of Ayden looked like a very interesting title so I decided to give it a bash.

Now, RPGs aren't usually my bag, so I went into this review with a bit of trepidation. You see, I'm not one for the gaming grind, I prefer instantaneous gratification in the form of head shots and grisly death.