
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men: Warehouse and jail break Gameplay

Head for the alleyway, grab a weapon and watch the skies as Kane & Lynch head for freedom.

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Lightning Mr Bubbles6101d ago (Edited 6101d ago )

Being a criminal would be badass? Like Scarface, that's the way to live.

HeartlesskizZ6101d ago

This is cool but i would like to know how online plays out


Man, this game is looking really bad !!! I had high hopes for this game until I saw this... I hope the is 'pre-alpha' or a mistake or something... Looks like PS2 graphics & bad Gears wannabe gameplay. I hope Army of Two doesn't look like this crap.

XENOCIDE6101d ago

The graphics are very underwhelming. But I'd have to disagree with what you said of the gameplay, if anything it reminds me of The Getaway (looks 'bout as "good" as it too). But I loved that series on the PS2, lots of fun shootouts so it's good that this game reminds me of that. N' I can't help but remember Heat whenever I watch a trailer for this game. I just wish they'd do something with those graphics, right now it's a rental for me.

THX71686099d ago

So, any third person shooter with a cover system is automatically a "Gears wannabe?"

There is a game called kill.switch which was released in 2003. They had the cover system way before Gears of War did. I'm also pretty sure that kill.switch got if from some other game.

Gears of War didn't invent the cover system so please don't categorize any TPS with a cover system a "Gears wannabe."


Classic Mobile Game Spotlight - Kane and Lynch: Dead Men

Zach writes: 'IO Interactive have developed a number of highly regarded titles during their two-decade long run. The Hitman games have always been huge commercial and critical successes, and even lesser-known titles like Freedom Fighters ended up as a cult classic.'.

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Top 10 Games that Deserve a Second Chance

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "The video game industry is a pretty cutthroat place. More often than not the cycle of a game’s life is pretty set in stone – a title is announced, hyped ,released and hopefully it’s a hit. However sometimes things don’t go as planned and a game doesn’t hit home with gamers. Not that’s it a bad game per say but due to a myriad of issues or the general mood of the world at the time the game isn’t remembered so fondly as its contemporaries. So for this week’s Top 10 we’re listing off ten titles that you should probably give a second chance to because they really are decent titles and deserve more love than they ever got."

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IamTylerDurden12204d ago

I enjoyed Kane and Lynch. I would love to see a PS All-Stars 2 or a non-Smash take on a PlayStation fighter. Maybe a Marvel v Campcom style but with larger levels.

PhoenixUp2204d ago

Can Tekken X Street Fighter even get a first chance

FallenAngel19842204d ago

I’d rather Nintendo give Star Fox Assault a second chance and make another new game in that style. I like that game way better than Star Fox Adventures

wonderfulmonkeyman2204d ago

I heartily agree.
Maybe even a sequel with that new walker from Star Fox Zero.[yes I know it's originally from Star Fox 2, but most of us know it from Zero because we didn't get to play SF2.]

SSj4Yagami2203d ago

More people played SF2 than SFZ thanks to SNES Mini, and emulation. Also, Star Fox Adventure > Star Fox Assault.

wonderfulmonkeyman2204d ago

The Conduit.

Just, give us a reboot of that for Switch and make it bigger and better than the original, which had potential but never got off the ground due to being on the Wii.

lptmg2204d ago

Unpopular af opinion: give Castlevania 64 and Deadpool a second chance

wonderfulmonkeyman2203d ago

Castlevania 64 was an amazing game for its time and I'd LOVE to see it get a proper remake or reboot.

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IO Interactive Gains Rights to Freedom Fighters, But Loses Kane & Lynch

In addition to retaining Hitman, IO kept ownership of Freedom Fighters, a 2003 third-person shooter that appeared on sixth gen consoles and received high praise.

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Cueil2393d ago

Freedom Fighters was one of my favorite OG Xbox game

UCForce2393d ago

I played Freedom Fighter on PC when I was a kid. Damn, the game was so freaking good.

strayanalog2393d ago

I can live with this IO. So how about that sequel, so I can forgive you already?

Kyosuke_Sanada2392d ago

WOW!!!!!! I would be so hyped if Freedom Fighters returned but it's very disappointing that Kane and Lynch is still on ice because the story has so much potential. Both games also features Jesper Kyd's best work.

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