
Crysis 2 Demo: How do you like the graphics on Xbox 360?

VideoGamesZone: For a few hours, the demo of Crysis 2 for Xbox 360 is available. In our survey, we want to know from you: How do you assess the graphic qualities of the Crytek shooter? Brilliant? Disappointing?

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units4848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

how about waiting for the single player campaign before judging

guigsy4848d ago

I was gunna say, games always dumb down the graphics in multiplayer to improve performance.

I'm downloading the demo now anyway so I can judge for myself.

Organization XII4848d ago

why Crytek? why? this should have been a PS3 and PC exclusive.

MegaMohsi4848d ago

Crysis Wars didn't look much worse than Crysis or Warhead on PC. The fact is they're making a sequel to a game that can only be maxed out on current hardware with 5 year old hardware...this is the end result. PC version will be the only version to get.

pr0digyZA4848d ago

Not just multiplayer, I'm sure 360 limits the size of demos. I remember downloading a PC demo that was nearly 2 gigs yet the same one on 360 was 500mb , and that won't help with the graphics.

thereapersson4848d ago

Except for Killzone 2 / 3, that is. I guess that's the benefit of having all the system's resources to work with.

FragMnTagM4848d ago

@Prodigy, it is 1.8gb for the Crysis demo on the 360. I am downloading it right now. It looks better than COD, but that is not too huge of a compliment.

I am sure the single player will be a bit more polished as multiplayer is always dumbed down a bit to make the game run smoother for online play.

Pixel_Enemy4848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

Killzone doesn't dumb down its multiplayer graphics ;) I still plan to get crysis2 on PS3.

@disagrees. They don't dumb them down so.. Umad?

lowcarb4848d ago

F!@% PS3 PC exclusives. This game is looking great.

TreMillz4848d ago

im calling it right now, 360 fans stop with the RAGE hype also...its just gonna be the same outcome

Raoh4848d ago

@ pr0digyZA,

so pretty much final fantasy xiii all over again?

jetlian4848d ago

has already been shown on 360. this looks good at times then bad at others. looks like theres no AA. edges are rough

HolyOrangeCows4848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

"how about waiting for the single player campaign before judging"

I highly doubt that this ugly as heck thing, that still manages to have plenty of screen-tear and FPS-drops, will look all that much better in the SP campaign.

And to be the magical "BEST GRAFFIX ON CONSOELS" that Crytech claimed, there's going to need to be some anti-aliasing. And from the SP footage we've seen of the 360 version, it's not looking like we're going to see that.

zag4848d ago

If the demo came out for the 360 only then the whole game will be geared towards the 360 only.

The PC version will suffer because it won't be made a for a keyboard/mouse set up and the GFX engine won't allow for the PC hardware to it's best.

Seen this all before and it's never a good ending.

PS3 version? well has anything been released for it lol no so it'll suffer because it's not a 360 controller and the engine won't be made for the Cell CPU etc.

same old story just different box.

Substance1014848d ago

I guess the only reason they havent done a PC demo is because then the xbox fans will cry how bad the xbox version looks even when comparing the PC version running on 3-4 yr old hardware.

This gen consoles really are getting old.

mrcash4848d ago

nope killzone doesnt dumb them down but they also use dedicated servers not sure if Crysis will be using them on console versions. Hell even UC2 dumbed down the graphics and its only 10 players online.

MGRogue20174848d ago

Killzone 3 doesn't dumb down it's graphics for MP..

piroh4848d ago

so much talking Crytek i don't believe you anymore

Inside_out4848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

...and the graphics are solid...case closed. Having said that Halo reach and COD MW2 are in a league all there own. I find that devs, no matter who, on there first try seem to make some rookie mistakes with few exceptions...Bungie, Irrational and Epic come to mind as the exceptions.

The controls are solid, as is the game play BUT the amount of bullets needed to down an enemy needs some work. There is nothing worse than lighting a guy up and he having time to look around to see where the bullets are coming from and then kill you we 2-3 bullet hits. I hate the stealth/invisible suit thing as well. Adding another map would of been nice.

In terms of graphics, the lighting could be better. It suffers from launch title-itis lighting. Think Resistance 1/2 type of lighting or any game launched in the first couple of years...like I said, rookie mistake.

Over all a great first showing for me. Guys use to the FPS shooting and playing mechanics of your favorite FPS will love it. Great sense of speed and agility and with few hiccups. To bad all gamers are not getting a chance to flex there muscles with this demo but it will come to the other platforms soon as the game doesn't launch until March.

Played the Bulletstorm demo as well...have to find an appropriate thread for that one.

Vherostar4848d ago

The problem is as well this level of graphics is too intensive on the console thus causes controller lag as IGN says. So if your not happy with this then you should just get rid of the 360 as this is as good as it gets people. But I bet you most are VERY happy with it and don't care too much about graphics. Only fanboys care about the graphics to a degree they use that to choose there choice. I would probably buy PC version for a higher Res (not graphics) and mods not to mention quicker patches. Though getting for my PS3 is tempting to play online with my friends and get trophies.

Shepherd 2144848d ago

Those screenshots still look pretty good. Im downloading the demo now to see for myself.

Kalipekona4848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

It doesn't look disappointing. This guy is either a fanboy or an idiot. Go play the demo yourself.

Also, if you don't have Xbox Live just go watch some videos. The game is clearly a nice looking game.
Both of the videos on that site are from the 360 version. You can even see the Xbox Live notifications pop up a couple times.
The thing is, Skyline is one of the more plain looking maps in terms of art design. It still looks really good though.

gta28004848d ago

This looks like Crysis 1 on medium settings. I thought it was gonna be somewhere close to high. And the PS3 never dumbed down graphcs for multiplayer. Killzone 3 and Uncharted 2 speak for them selves.

ProjectVulcan4848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

My Crysis PC shots running on all medium settings:




I think the demo isnt too far off those, maybe not quite as good. Its pretty much what i expected from any crysis game that came to console, Medium-ish settings. You probably should have not anticipated better, i didnt so i cant say im so disappointed with how the console version looks even though i'll be playing it with everything as high as possible on PC!

ChrisGTR14848d ago

wtf people, STFU games are way more than just graphics. go play the demo for yourself and see the horrible controls then graphics are meaningless.

RBLAZE19884848d ago

@ zag. If you had a clue you would know that crytek created the cryengine 3 to develop the game simultaneously on ps3 pc and 360. What this means is that they would be designing it on the pc and it would update on the 360 and ps3 dev kits in real time do uour whole arguement and frankly, your opinion is shot to shit. The game will look almost exactly the same on ps3 and 360 with the pc being the only superior version

Pixelated_Army4848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

"games always dumb down the graphics in multiplayer to improve performance."

Not all devs do this *cough*Killzone 3 *cough*. :D The best time to be a PS3 user is now! If you haven't bought a PS3 and pre-order KZ3 what the hell are you waiting for!? You're going to miss out on one of the best FPS ever!

TerrorCell4848d ago

@organization xii but if it's on ps3 and pc only does that make it not exclusive. Isn't that what you ps3 turds tried to pass off when games like mass effect where on pc and 360?

BattleAxe4848d ago

So its Metro 2033 all over again...

newflesh4848d ago

I thought the gfx were fuckin great! I was shocked actually, expected it to look much worse

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 4848d ago
chriski3334848d ago

No shit its disappointing its on the 360 it can't handle it

Istanbull4848d ago

I was shocked to see 360 version of Dead Space 2 being on 2 discs.

BakedGoods4848d ago


Wow, I had no idea. I'd like to see the Lens of Truth on that one.

AndrewRyan4848d ago

Well dude it's Multiplayer. Games are always dumbed down on multiplayer. Just give it a bit for singleplayer.

@Istanbull. Dead space 2 is 16GB game all together I believe, are you really that surprised to see that it can't fit on a 360 dvd?

vsr4848d ago

If a demo was 1.8 GB, what will be the size of final game and how many discs on xbox ?

Why? this should have been a PS3 and PC exclusive.

Tinasumsum4848d ago

My god did you see that bush? the PC version and the PS3 version will have better bushes :p

OMG the graphics are proven bad when no one else in the media agree, because they trolled a bush in a game.

STiRacer4848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

Crysis 2: The Real Bush Simulator. Nitpicking anyone??? Remember, U remember???

Masterchef20074848d ago

Wow thats news to me. I wasnt expecting dead space 2 to be on 2 disks for the 360.

chriski3334848d ago

See half of u agree and the other half r xbox fanboys crying

hoof1234848d ago

@ STiRacer, Wasn't it Crysis 2: The Real Tree & Seagull Simulator?

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4848d ago
Headquarters114848d ago

The controls feel...off. I thought the hit detection in Black Ops was bad LOL, this is 100 times worse. The graphics aren't too good. I just didn't enjoy it, it's not a fun game, they should've just stuck to Single player

Killzoned4848d ago

I completely agree with you here, When i saw the MP i thought the aiming was rather odd but i thought it was just me.
I thought the gameplay looks so boring

Jazz41084848d ago

All I see in here is the typicala n4g crap of ps3 boyz crying and hating on the 360

Headquarters114848d ago

So is Crysis 2 supposed to receive some sort of special treatment since it is on the 360 with an exclusive demo? The game is TRASH, accept it.

xXxSeTTriPxXx4848d ago

i'm not a pc gamer, but they should have stuck with the pc and made the best game they possibly could.the console fps space is over crowed as it is.

and from what i can tell, this won't be a welcomed edition.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4848d ago
thief4848d ago

How about comparing against KZ3 "ONLINE" before judging?

nycredude4848d ago

That is suicide dude. I am sure Crytek don't want to go there.


what pisses me off is the bragging crytek did.

eliasg4848d ago

the graphics are great , way better than Black ops or MW2.

badz1494848d ago

like someone up there already said. that's not even a great compliment either!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4848d ago
meetajhu4848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

LMAO a juggernaut game in PC running on consoles and complaining gfx is not good is nothing new! The best experience of this game is only on PC!

theonlylolking4848d ago

True since they dont know how to use the cell for the PS3 like GG, IG, ND, PD, and SP.

kevnb4848d ago

It doesnt matter if they use the cell, they arent making something that allows for visual tricks. The game is too dynamic

CoxMulder4848d ago

Give Crytek some restrictions, and suddenly they're a pretty mediocre developer..

kevnb4848d ago

Disapointing? did they forget they were playing on a console?

gta28004848d ago

Well people were hyping this game to be the real console graphics king and that builds up hype, so you finally see the game and it's not as everyone was claiming it to be.....go figure.

jammydude4848d ago

Looks like Crytek aren't the amazing, magical console developers they hyped themselves to be.
Game will still (hopefully) look great on my PC, though. But as far as console shooters go this certainly isn't up there with the best of them graphically.

Tinasumsum4848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

Looks like videogamezonede is not liking this game being on the 360 first. Hand picked screenshots, and a poll asking a bunch of angry gamers about the graphics is the biggest flame article I've seen in a month. Videogamezonde are the only media saying this. The poll asking a bunch of angry and bitter gamers about the graphics is a nice touch.

What are these people smoking?

Anyways I'm kind of surprised this was the only damage control article surrounding Crysis 2 from the Sony side and supporting media.

This dog pooh article looks desperately thrown together in a fanboy fit trying to get other fanboys to smear the game.

Tinasumsum4848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

Disagree? They hand picked screenshots because they're bitter.



Videogamezonede hand picked those screenshots for their agenda. LMAO at trolling bushes in games trying to start a bitter fanboy war smearing the game because the 360 is getting some love from Crytek

yewles14848d ago

Wow, your pics only manage to prove this article's case. Sad...

kane_13714848d ago


dude, what are you smoking?
the graphics are horrible!!!

solidt124848d ago

If you are not satisfied with current gen consoles graphics then get the PC version.

ChrisW4848d ago

I've been disappointed with the graphics on console versions of FPSs since Bad Company 2.

JsonHenry4848d ago

And THIS is why I keep a gaming rig handy. :)

Still, you have to admit that this game is good looking for a 5 years old system.

jammydude4848d ago

It's not, that's the problem. There are quite a few other console FPS games that trump it in graphics. Big let down.

@solidt12 it's not the current gen consoles' faults - just look at KZ2/3, UC2/3, GT5. Much better graphics can be produced than this on consoles.

Redgehammer4848d ago

YEah the 360 is dead don't you know. the Ps2 had better graphics. Games can only be fun if it is on blu-ray.. MS bought the world how can anyone compete. Sony loves us. Microsoft is evil.

vishant1014848d ago

@ above u r obviously a sony fanboy because no real gamer would say ps2 has better graphics the the xbox

alex33694848d ago

yup another sony fanboy above... lol ps2 is better than 360 in graphichs! boy your stupid as shit!

HungryGoku4848d ago

It is suppose to look better but the 360 is maxed out. Ps3 games look better and better sorry if the truth hurts you.

Ducky4848d ago

Those two are really talented when it comes to detecting sarcasm.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4848d ago
superrey194848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

PC version is the way to go

Tinasumsum4848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

What are we even talking about? A troll pro PS3 website is saying a game's graphics look bad because they think a shrub-bush has ugly graphics. LMAO The PC version's shrubs will be the same LMAO

Lyr1c4848d ago

@ Tinasumsum

You can't honestly believe that...

The PC version is going to be superior in every aspect....

Though I do believe that they're nitpicking quite a bit.

The game doesn't look bad at all. It's just not "The best graphics on consoles".

finbars754848d ago

I just got through playing the demo and it wasnt as bad as I thought but still has alot of work ahead of itself.The graphics where alright just like I said yesterday and people disagreed saying that the game will look awsome and that those werent pc graphics in some of the videos which obvisouly is horseshit because the graphics in the videos looked a hell of alot better then this.The gampley wwas great but all people did was sit in corners and go invisible and not move until you ran by them which I thought to myslef camping ,camping and camping will destroy the Mp for this.If thats all people are going to do then forget this.Theres nothing strategic about that at all.I hope the game will be improved upon release but they dont have that much time its onyly 2 months away.Im still dying to see what the PC will look like unless the videos I have seen already are PC clips.

wu-stix4848d ago

Did you say camping, camping and more camping? Sounds like we have a COD killer on our hands.

gta28004848d ago

Im curious to see if this game is gonna look better on the PS3. Wasn't the PS3 the lead development platform?

ngecenk4848d ago

its not disappointing because its ugly, its disappointing because with all the unreal bashing they've done for the marketing, there's nothing really really good in this game.

showtimefolks4848d ago

for console games but i think crysis 2 will have th best graphics on pc since its a pc franchise. also ps3/xbox370 should have the same looking games

Redgehammer4848d ago

I thought the game looked and played great..

DIRTtheHURT4848d ago

just played it in 3d and it is solid.......

dukenukemisyourgod4848d ago

medal of honor on ps3 multiplayer looks better than this shit.

socomnick4848d ago

looks better than kz3 :/ whats the beef.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 4848d ago
SnakeMustDie4848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

What are they expecting anyway? PC level graphics on a console? Crysis 2 console version will be as good as the gamer setting of the first Crysis in 720p. I'm not disappointed because we all know that the best looking games on each platform tends to be exclusive.

Can't wait to get in on PC.

BrianG4848d ago

Well according to the buzz, and what I've seen before, Crytek is very good at developing games.

So with all the hype behind their new engine, and the hype they created themselves with the console version, I would assume it would look amazing. Personally I feel they overhyped it a bit, thought they could do much better on consoles. But with that said, I'm still getting more and more impressed when I see vids of it. Just waiting for the PS3 version, since I'll probably be picking that up when it launches.

This is an early demo though, people should remember that. A lot of these things can be ironed out, like the pop in I saw in another video, it was quite apparent.

And I agree, PC version will for sure be the best, because thats what Crytek knows, PC.

kevnb4848d ago

Gamer? try mainstream at best.

Vherostar4848d ago

#Your right this IS the problem people expect consoles to keep up with consoles this is due to the PS3 still getting better and devs constantly saying they can match PC graphics. It's not gonna happen though unless devs dumb down a game e.g. DC universe online which looks the same on high end PC and PS3 (crap pretty much on both but still better looking than WoW etc..)

kevnb4848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

I think wow looks way better since cataclysm and dx11 was introduced. So much more detail and things happening onscreen in wow as compared to dc online. i think the consoles would have a hard time running wow on anything past "good" settings. Consoles can do nice graphics, but then the game world always feels really flat and not very interactive. Example being anything on the always clunky feeling ue3.

Tinasumsum4848d ago

OMG the bush has ugly design the game has bad graphics now! it's the 360's! fault the PC version will have different shrub design LMAO.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4848d ago
disturbing_flame4848d ago

I tried the demo and i found it decent.
I think Crytek tried hard to make a coherent experience of Crysis on consoles.
For me there's no problem to say that CRYSIS 2 is clearly better in terms of graphics than HALO REACH.

Now there's some problems of pop up, hitmarking are not really responsive (lag, but it's a beta); grenades are kind of strange the throwing animation is weird.

The gameplay can be interesting, i found it responsive, you can play fast or slow, but i found the map really small.

I think the game can be a good answer to people who are bored by BLACK OPS on 360.

Now i'm clearly waiting for the PC version, because in terms of lignthings, sharpness etc, i believe the game will reveal its true potential and it can be brutal.

Anyway, gamers can be satisfied, it's not as bad as some say, far from that...

vikingland14848d ago

Graphics are better than I thought they would be. I don't agree at all that they aren't up to par.It looks incredible on a 5 yr old console.

BakedGoods4848d ago

You must have had some seriously low expectations.

I figured this was the second-coming of Christ considering Crytek's rhetortic.

I'll stick with Killzone 3.

Vherostar4848d ago

Bored of Black Ops?? Madness really.. Who actually buys COD games because they REALLY like them?? I don't know a single person everybody I ask buys it for the same reason "because there friend is buying it" it's a selling point as each game is thus living off the last as people wanna update there copys and play to keep up witht here friends. The same is with Halo. This is why games like Killzone and Gears dont match them in terms of sales. It's not to do with quality.

disturbing_flame4848d ago

I play Black Ops, and as a lot of players of the game i am bored of it.
Just take a look at the community, the official forums, look the videos on machinima respawn, read and hear the people talking about the game, you are far from reality, Black OPS is boring gamers, they are just looking for a new game to play but unfortunately for the moment there's nothing that can match the experience that gives a COD; as a multiplatform game.
I think Crysis 2 and Killzone 3, if they are good games will be success this year because of Black Ops players looking for a new experience.

CoLD FiRE4848d ago

What? Crysis 2 on the 360 is better than Halo Reach! What are you smoking? Crysis 2 on the 360 is a jaggy-fest and low-res textures all over the place. Or were you just trying to get everyone agreeing with you (well, it's N4G) by downplaying Halo?

dukenukemisyourgod4848d ago

the lighting in crysis 2 is better, but i agree halo reach textures are better

disturbing_flame4848d ago

Oh i hurt a true fanboy.

Reach is outdated, totally, happily Bungie is no more making those shit games and is trying to rehance a new model experience. Thank you Bungie, ODST and REACH were a real pain to my eyes.

REACH is ugly, blury, the multiplayer is slow as hell, we are in 2011 wake up REACH is just set for nostalgics, Crysis 2 is clearly more detailed even if its textures are maybe less clear, and i was a great fan of Halo and Halo 2 and it doesn't hurt me to say that Crysis is more punchy, with more nice effects, more collision detection on objets, just when you see the map on the multiplayer you know the solo experience gonna kill graphics of REACH solo, it's easy to say it because it's the truth, don't sweat it gonna change nothing, fanboy.

Redgehammer4848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

I thought it looked great and I can see it being really fun.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4848d ago
The Meerkat4848d ago

As long as its fun i'll be happy.

COD sometimes feels like a job rather than a game.

NoobJobz4848d ago

Are you that bad at the game?

sjaakiejj4848d ago

Lol it's laughable how bad the foliage looks in those screenshots.

tudors4848d ago

@sjaakiejj care to show me the KZ3 foliage?

sjaakiejj4848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

Care to explain where Killzone 3 comes into this?

Edit: just so you know, I was comparing it to a 4 year old game called "Crysis", which I believe was this games predecessor.

What this game looks like is Call of Duty with better graphics (which isn't very hard). Even the killcam is in there lol.

Motorola4848d ago

Why bring Killzone into this? Desperate fanboy attack fail. At least say "Show me PS3 version foliage"

theIMP4848d ago (Edited 4848d ago )

@ sjaakiejj AND Motorola

At least 5 people above this post said something above KZ3, why the fuck didn't you ask they why they brought KZ into this conversation? Oh, never mind, it because they were saying something positive about it. it's ok to bring it up when your praising it, but when someone questions it’s divine superiority that's when you attack. I get it. God I hate the mentality on this site sometimes.

Edit, and just to be sure I checked the times the comment's were posted and they were up there at the same time y'alls were posted.

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The Crysis Trilogy Joins EA Access Vault

Featuring the complete nanosuit experience, The Crysis Trilogy has now joined the EA Access vault as a title that's free for those that subscribe to the EA service on Xbox One consoles.

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Games1st1394d ago (Edited 1394d ago )

Just in time for those that got the month trial.

DrDeath1394d ago

Wait? There is more than one? lol


Here are Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Crysis 2, RAGE & Resident Evil 2 Remake with Ray Tracing

YouTube’s members ‘Digital Dreams’ and ‘Jose cangrejo’ have shared some videos, showcasing Pascal Gilcher’s Reshade mod – which adds Ray Tracing/Path Tracing effects – in some really old games such as Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Crysis 2, RAGE and Resident Evil 6.

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traumadisaster1778d ago

I'm still learning how to look for the differences. At first I was focusing on shadows for some reason but I don't think that changes much, is it reflections that change?

rashada071778d ago (Edited 1778d ago )

It is supposed to be simulating how light actually works- so yes if light is reflecting off a surface accurately it should show reflection or an effect that matches what you are looking at in the environment. Next time you play a game look at a puddle of water there may be just a "baked" in texture that if you aren't paying attention seems like it is reflecting but it isn't. I would say though if the light is reflecting more accurately I would think that would give more accurate shadows as well.
I am still not 100% sold on it- it looks okay but I can't get over the hardware price jump for better reflections..

Taz X141778d ago

While games won't look immensely better, it opens up more possibilities overall. Understandably, the price jump is huge. But, that can be said for being at the forefront for any new technology. I'm currently using a 2080ti and while I've played a few games that enable it, the gpu also plays everything else incredibly well so it's not like you're buying this tech for ONLY that option. Enthusiasts will pay top dollar to check out the newest things, but this will eventually become an everyday consumer and by then they'll have optimized and become a lot cheaper.

warriorcase1777d ago

Ray/path tracing can be used how the developer wants it to be. Tracing can be used to calculate shadows/lighting, reflection and even audio, where audio waves are calculated on the bounce off material types to simulate enviroment and echos accuratly.

Should also keep in mind that this ray/path tracing system is different and less accurate option from Nvidias RTX branded type. McFly's is a reshade that layers over the top of the game and therefor the quality will vary drastically. For example you can see nice reflection in the Star Wars demo here but it then introduces colour clipping with the light saber. On a video of GTA 5 for example it was incorrectly projecting a reflection of a red car onto the road which caused a very faint red glow on the ground around the car.

If you want to see a good example of a game developed with ray tracing reflection and lighting in mind then you could look up the youtube video of "Control - Exclusive E3 RTX GAMEPLAY Trailer".

DigitallyAfflicted1778d ago

It supposed to add more realistic light Not actually more light effects and explosions

traumadisaster1778d ago

I hate to say it but I’m fine with fake lights, shadows, reflections. I just kind of like the effect, it’s also great it saves resources for other things.

I’ve been checking out some original Xbox games on x360/x1x and the engine has fake light streaming in through a stained glass window, and I love it even though I know it’s not real time lighting. Heck it even shifts as I move about.

I’ve about convinced my self rt and hdr just doesn’t work for me. Before hdr I would even complain damn why are the headlights killing me they are so bright.

I notice most frame rate, then jaggies, then resolution; with the last two interchangeable depending.

Other day watched an enthusiast rave over 4k and the poor guy was in 1080p. I played the same game the night before and thought wow this is clean, I wonder if it’s 4k, but knew differently and I thought wow even resolution is not always important. The next day he apologized and was surprised he could be fooled.

RaidenBlack1778d ago

EA should have released the Crysis Trilogy Remaster for this gen.

FGHFGHFGH1773d ago

How come the lightsabers don't give off any light? Even in the EA star wars game the guy uses it to light up a dark cave. I guess if it is using frostbite it will support rtx cards.


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