
NBA 2K11: Overrated

NBA 2K11 has been up for various sports game of the year awards and has also been regarded as the best 2K Sports game since ESPN NFL 2K5 (bleh). That's high praise from the sports gaming community but unfortunately it's completely unfounded based on journalists' need to crown one NBA game the winner this year. And since there really wasn't much competition, NBA 2K11 won by default. Unfortunately, just by winning this meaningless "competition," this game was launched into a similar sphere at NHL 11 and MLB The Show 10 both of which are completely ridiculous. NBA 2K11 is one of the most overrated games I've ever seen.

kaveti66164885d ago

Yeah, I agree. Not many review sites pointed out that the servers are complete crap, that hacking of personal players to raise their levels to overall 99 (or 95, I don't remember which) is so rampant that in nearly every game that a player is lucky to connect to will be filled with cheaters.

And you can easily find the youtube videos that show you how to give your player millions upon millions of experience points in 5 minutes using a USB so that you can max out your player skills.

Three of my friends have the game and cannot get connected into a game until around 1am in the morning. We live in California and have been told by other players of the game that people living in England have much better luck.

The developers have done nothing to fix this games very serious problems.

I understand that they loved the gameplay and other features but this game is not that great, especially if a very important component of it is completely broken.

I wouldn't give this game an 8 or even a 7 or 6. It's a 5/10 game at most because the half of the game that is single player is excellent, whereas the half concerned with online is completely broken.

People shouldn't support 2K Sports game or EA sports games, but every year they buy them because they don't play games all that much so for them even a mediocre experience seems excellent.

MintBerryCrunch4885d ago

i tried to just get a quick game in and have fun...the game is very punishing imo...very hard to get into and i didnt get any tutorials when i got thrown into the '91 finals game

BlazeCP34885d ago

you are a retard... a 5/10? clearly you are an EA sports fanboy... yes the servers can be a pain but besides the online aspects of the game which only malfunction a portion of the time the game is PERFECT

kaveti66164885d ago

That's the best you could come up with? Label me a EA sports fanboy and call me a retard? Son, I wouldn't doubt that your mother drank a little while you were in the womb, but that does not excuse your lashing out. I am pointing out the truth of my experience with the game.

The game has very limited support from the developer. The developer refuses to address the hacking issues which have made the online portion a cheatfest. The servers are complete crap.

The additional content is not enough to propel this game to any level of greatness. It is an average, mediocre sports game that is only incrementally better than its predecessor.

Admit that it sucks. I don't care if you love basketball so much that you would toot Jordan and Bryant at once if you could. The game is crap.

It also has a persistent freezing issue that occurs after something as trivial as editing your player profile.

BlazeCP34885d ago (Edited 4885d ago )

I actually cannot believe this article

KillahCam4885d ago

I have to agree the online servers are horrible they got away with it in 2K10 but not this time I bought the game but took it back after 2 weeks, 2K has to get dedicated servers.

BlazeCP34885d ago

this article was a complete joke. you can clearly tell when someone is trying to point out ridiculous mistakes to make themselves seem smart.

Because there was so not other basketball game on the market this year (NBA ELITE) everyone thought NBA 2K11 was amazing? LOL did you see NBA ELITE?! if that garbage had released you would have been saying how it was one of the worst sports games of all time.

So because you personally only want to see Jordan's final shot it means everyone does? How about for the millions of people who actually watch basketball? Who might actually be enthralled by seeing and being able to to relive some of Jordan's amazing move after move. Jumpshots, dunks, crossovers, layups, the passing... you truly get to feel how good Jordan was while playing this mode. If its too easy for you? Put the difficulty up. Anyways, noone is forcing you to play this mode. THe game is full of other great modes.

You are taking a specific situation to say that the Association mode is broken? 2K11 has the deepest association mode for any basketball ever. Thats that. Anthony Randolph became unhappy? Was this possibly because you were losing? Because his 17 ppg wasnt actually good because you arent a skilled 2k player? How about the fact that you say

" I'm not going to continue a franchise if one random event blows up my team. Ain't gonna happen. Especially if there's nothing in my power I can do to fix it.".............. Even though when making a new assocation mode you have the option to turn TEAM CHEMISTRY on or off? And for the many associations i have made, all the moves and personalities make sense.

"The dunks still feel underwhelming and not happening nearly enough." LOL. You sound like a noob. You play against the computer or other people? Against the computer on the basic difficulty you should be able to get dunks at any point and depending on who yuo face it should not be that hard either. Clearly you lack basic skill.

"Crossovers are basically useless in the game and impossible to figure out how to do on default control"...... How come I can cross people over with MIke Conley? Not even a top 10 pg... cross them over and go to the hole... pull a 3... throw a dime... and you cant with chris paul? I think this speaks more to you not being able to use a tutorial as opposed to the gameplay of 2K11 not being solid...

"I even looked through the instruction manual to find out for chrissakes. Wasn't there. Maybe I just missed something but I sincerely doubt it." LOL NO IM PREE SURE YOU DID MISS EVERYTHING THIS GAME HAD TO OFFER

You mention playing lockdown D? You hold the L trigger and it turns on lockdown D but for the most part when noobs such as yourself play the game I doubt you would notice it. Its not like in 2k10 where you held the button and didnt have to play D. You actually have to react to your man dribbling and cutting off the angles and such. This is actually a game of basketball.

"Never in those games have I felt half the comeback AI that's plagued NBA 2K11 in the shorter amount of time I've had it. I can feel like I'm greatly outplaying the CPU but then they've got Amare' Stoudemire hitting 3's and there's nothing I can do."..... First off, that's a boost. I doubt he's hitting the plural number of threes. Maybe he hit TWO on you. Which he is perfectly capable of. Maybe you should learn how to play defence.

BlazeCP34885d ago

"NBA 2K11 is nowhere near the class of elite sports games of 2010. NHL, MLB, Madden and NCAA clearly outrank it this year. Maybe it's just because I'm a bigger fan of those sports but I've been a fan of NBA games in the past. This game just doesn't feel special to me. It's just overrated."... NCAA isnt even that good of a game... and while those other sports games are excellent they actually do not compare to 2K11.

Your entire article is an absolute joke. Basically, due to your inability to the play the game, you blame the game. "Chris Paul can't shoot that well." HOW IS THAT A VALID POINT LOL. Michael Jordan appeals to everyone who was and still is a basketball fan from the 1990s. For the first time ever you get to experience classic teams from the 80s and 90s. The association mode is the deepest it has ever been for an NBA game. IF you actually take the time to learn the gameplay, instead of playing 2 association games you would realize it may possibly have the deepest gameplay aspects next to madden. Yes I realize the online can be very glitchy and you cant find matches sometimes but that happens with a lot of games. Ontop of everything the MY PLAYER is vastly improved over its original year. This game is NOT OVERRATED. YOU ARE JUST A NOOB

Freshnikes4885d ago

I bought it and took it back after 1 week....can't talk in lobby...if you back out of a game or servers fails u go back to the main menu not the lobby...to see players ranking and w-l is complicated...players look like they are playing hockey sliding all over the court...overrated is putting it mildly...I play NBA09 on my psp...and damn that game is better then this..here come the disagrees....

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knight6265115d ago

Only game iam waiting for is for mafia 2 nothing else intrest me well only Metal gear solid peace walkers but ill get that soon

Conloles5115d ago

Mafia 2 lol all 2K get money from is GTA style games and Nba 2K.

MightyMark4275115d ago

The only game I'm waiting for is Mafia II

killyourfm5115d ago

O_O - Not interested in XCOM?

Syaz15115d ago

nice. waiting to see what mafia 2 and spec ops the line has too offer. not into rts games, so civ 5 not for me, and not too familiar with x-com series.

AliTheBrit195115d ago

I think 2K are probably the best Publisher.

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Tattoo artist successfully sues 2K for replicating their designs on a WWE 2K wrestler

From VGC: "A tattoo artist has successfully sued 2K Sports and its parent company Take-Two Interactive for including her designs in WWE 2K video games.

Catherine Alexander filed the lawsuit in 2018, claiming that her tattoo designs had been used without her permission in WWE 2K16, WWE 2K17 and WWE 2K18.

The tattoos in question are original tribal-style designs Alexander applied to WWE superstar Randy Orton’s upper back and arms in real life."

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Software_Lover615d ago

......... Some of these lawsuits I just don't get.

CobraKai615d ago

I don’t either. On can argue that she owes Orton for being the canvas to show her artwork. I personally feel that since money was exchanged between her and Orton, that the issue should be if Orton wants his tattoos showcased or not.

roadkillers614d ago

Very confusing… so Pepsi has no issues with Punk having a tattoo with Pepsi symbol with him being in all of these promotions.

Can you get sued for using WD-40 in a movie? At what point do you own something. Too confusing.

LostinthePANIC615d ago

I can understand the artist's point of view and the ruling was more than fair:

"The jury determined that Alexander was entitled to $3,750 in damages. It also determined that since none of the game’s profits came as a direct result of her tattoos being included, she wasn’t entitled to any further compensation."

Rainbowcookie615d ago (Edited 615d ago )

That is nothing to be honest. It does make it harder for authentic Orton to be included in wrestling games in the future. She will probably try to to push for more. I wonder how the amount was worked out.

Bobertt615d ago (Edited 615d ago )

She won't get more because they ruled even though they included the tattoo in the game they didn't profit off it because no one bought the game just because of her tattoo. The $3750 is for using it without having the rights to it.

P_Bomb615d ago

Ridiculous. Especially if she spent more on legal fees.

andy85615d ago

Any decent tattoo artist wouldn't replicate a design anyway so why does it matter? It's his body 😂 this is a poor ruling because now it opens the can of worms of every famous person in games having to be edited or some tattooist will sue.

MrBaskerville615d ago (Edited 615d ago )

But could also result in companies having to pay artists for using their work, which is a good thing. It's unusual, but why should a tattoo have less worth than a painting, song or a logo?

Adrian_v01615d ago

Getting a tattoo is usually expensive. I'd argue the person paying for the tattoo to be made on his body is owner of all rights for said tattoo.

RauLeCreuset615d ago

"It's unusual, but why should a tattoo have less worth than a painting, song or a logo?"

It's not about having more or less worth. Rights don't exist in isolation and are balanced against other rights in a society. This is why death threats can get you locked up despite being a form of speech.

The decision here gives undue consideration to the artist's copyright, with the implication being that it should trump Orton's right to his own likeness*. The very act of tattooing someone inherently relinquishes control over how that particular copy of the art is displayed. Rather than recognize this, the decision goes against precedent to suggest receiving a tattoo effectively transfers the rights to one's image to the tattoo artist or copyright owner of the tattoo.

*I'm assuming Orton gave permission for his likeness to be used in the games. The article didn't state otherwise.

monkey602615d ago

Oh no! This leads us down a very bad path

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EA Sports Thinks 2K’s New NFL Game Is ’A Good Thing For The Industry’

EA Sports doesn’t seem too concerned about 2K getting the rights to an NFL game of their own.

As everyone anticipates the release of Madden 22, we’re also waiting for news on another football game that is on the way. 2K Games, the developers of the dormant but never forgotten NFL 2K franchise, have their own NFL game on the way. Announced back in 2020, 2K has been working on an arcade-style football game with the NFL license. When it releases it will be the first game to use the NFL license not developed by EA since ESPN NFL 2K5.

ApocalypseShadow1077d ago (Edited 1077d ago )

You know what would be even better? Do I really have to say it? Don't even get me started.

Of course EA aren't concerned publicly. Give up the license so that others can make a game and see if that lack of concern still applies. They say more football games are good for the industry. But they are the very reason there's a lack of them.

I haven't bought a simulation football game since NFL 2K5 which I still have on the OG Xbox. That should give clues on what I think of EA, the NFL and the license. And, I'll never buy a game just because it's the only one on the market undeserving of purchase. Playing an arcade game I'm hoping will be good will never make me go out and buy Madden. And that's being nice about it.

Knightofelemia1077d ago (Edited 1077d ago )

I'd like to see Sega start making sports games again. I hate EA to the core and I refuse to support them unless it's a title I care about which is really rare.

badboyz091077d ago

EA spent 1.5Billon$$$ to keep the NFL License Sim to them for anther 5years. This is just EA saying There new game is to arcadey to compete with us.

yeahokwhatever1077d ago

blitz was always more fun than madden, so here's hoping sega can pull off making a fun game

badboyz091077d ago

Take-two owns 2K now it's not sega anymore.

yeahokwhatever1074d ago

im a 10000 years old and forgot about that, despite working with people from sega currently.

brewin1077d ago

Didnt EA also buy up the NFL Blitz rights at one point? They used to have the EA Big label, which made fun, arcadey alternatives to their sim sports games. I miss NBA Street and NFL Blitz style games honestly. I always thought they should have made an NHL Street, but instead we got FIFA Street, which pretty much ended that style of releases from EA.

I hope the 2k NFL game is great, but I also hope they bring back some of the 2k Sports line. The NHL series could use some competition as EA has let that get pretty stagnant. Madden has been crap for years as far as Im concerned. At least they are on Gamepass so I cant complain too much as I never pay for them. I definitely miss the NFL 2k series, those were always a blast to play! They were a fine line between sim and arcade-style fun.

brewin1077d ago

Yes Im aware. I wish 2k would get back in the game though as there is just no competition and EA has gotten lazy the last few years with NHL in particular.

BlaqMagiq11076d ago

They are scared of 2K running them out of the simulation industry and they know it. Even with 2K at its worst they are still 100x better at sports simulation. 2K nowadays is garbage too but I'd rather take my chance with them at a sports game than EA.