
One of the worst representations of video games in the mainstream media.

Did you know Prince of Persia: Two Thrones can produce spreadsheets if you're really good?

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Cajun Chicken4876d ago

That sucked. By that, I mean the idea behind that clip sucked. Seriously? In a commercial game, someone hacks the game so when you play the game enough it opens the game up like some gateway to an Excel spreadsheet? What the f**k.

mrv3214876d ago

By the clip it seems like to even get to level 10 requires skill and time, if you need to do it in a hurry then your going to find it diffucult.

He could just encrypt his hard drive, but I suppose if you have the skill to hack a game and xbox then you probably don't have the skill to use the internet and search trukrypt

sinncross4876d ago

Yeah its pretty lame right?

Villain: give us the spreadsheet in 5 minutes, or she dies!

Boyfriend: ...

sobekflakmonkey4875d ago

that video was difficult to watch.....

Zinc4876d ago

Is this a show on TV? I've never even heard of it.

sinncross4876d ago

Its a show called Life. Season 1 was pretty good but season 2 (which this epi came from) was pretty bad.

I remember this epi: having enjoyed POPT2T I couldn't stop laughing at how lame this scene was.

I mean, who seriously pretends to hold a controller? Air guitar is one thing, but air video game controller??

Zinc4875d ago (Edited 4875d ago )

I really don't know anything about this show, but the clip was pretty lame. It's sort of a step backwards, if you get what I'm saying.

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Utomik adds Ubisoft classics to its unlimited gaming subscription

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Xbox 14th Anniversary: Anecdotes and that

VideoGamer Stuff:
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