
Playstation 3: Hackers respond to lawsuit, release all tools to public

Fail0verflow is the group responsible for a majority of the work that was done in the PlayStation 3 hacking community. Making it possible for the lay person to install custom firmware on the PlayStation 3 ultimately bypassing the system security. More recently, Sony filed a lawsuit that named multiple persons including the head of this group. In response to the lawsuit that Sony has filed, which ordered the group to terminate any activity, fail0verflow has released all of the tools they created in the process.

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M4ndat0ry_1nstall4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

"please clone this repository and avoid to the big fish eats the small fish using the money and the recurses of one Multinational against talented people that seeking new hombrew uses in the PS3 console and the return of Linux"

Sony should actually try and address the "hack" itself instead of single entities. What they (Sony) are doing will only lead to more interest and other "hackers" that want to make a name for themselves.

*claps* for the hackers

fail0verflow4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

Sue them all

MAJ0R4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

hackers just got themselves in deeper shit, but I guess their mentality was "were all fucked anyways so we might as well release everything"

so I guess if someone agrees that they will give a person 100 dollars if the packers lost against the eagles in a legal document they wouldn't have to and could just make up excuses? no they couldn't, Sony's ToU is a legal agreement so you are breaking the law in a sense if you break it

Kurylo3d4865d ago

how have hackers gotten themselves in deeper shit? its perfectly legal for them to hack hardware.. tehy bought it.. they own it. Even if sonys terms say they cant it doesnt matter because sony saying they cant is not legal.. therefore a judge will throw out sonys suit.

Sony can say we own you in the terms.. and u can hit accept... doesnt exactly mean they own you because thats not something they can do legally. They can legally say you cant resell it or something like that..

evrfighter4865d ago

called it. Sony just unleashed a can of worms they'll wish they never messed with.

Tony-A4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

Dude, what you have to understand is that any lawsuit can be put against you whether the offense is illegal or not. It all depends on the contract you both agreed on. If someone says they'll sue you for doing something against the contract, they can sue you.

It DOES NOT matter if it's legal, illegal, whatever. Breaking a contract you agreed to is reason to sue. I'm not saying it's 100% that they're gonna lose, but it's gonna be pretty damn hard to get away, especially when they go and do this.

UnwanteDreamz4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

If the judge doesn't throw out a lawsuit?

Do these guys think they can defend themselves against Sony? They must have deep pockets because Sony can afford to drag a legal case out until these guys turn into poor people who can't afford internet. They can do that without ever winning the case.

Look at what Activision is doing to West and them. These guys lose money just defending themselves.

Eamon4865d ago

The terms and conditions only really apply to PSN anyway.

Sony should just be like MS and start bans instead of trying to sue the hackers.

And what if Sony loses the case which leads to making jailbreak legal even on console. That would be pretty bad for Nintendo and MS too.

Well, it will be interesting to see how it all turns out. I think the failoverflow team said they won't be visiting America in the near future lol. But Geohot lives in US so he'll be forced to go to court. Is he wealthy enough to have a good lawyer let alone an actuall legal team like Sony has.

Acquiescence4865d ago

Sony resorted to filing a lawsuit against them instead. What do hackers know about lawsuits and litigation? Nada. How do they react? By throwing their toys out of the pram. Not a smart move either, seeing as how they've given Sony even more to work with in court.

Sue them all [2]

rockleex4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

Haha, they know they're f*cked.

They HAVE to release everything so that at least other people can continue their work for them while they're in jail.

Oh well, they'll just get even WORSE sentences for doing this. Lol.

And yes, its completely against the law for them to illegally find Sony's root key, release it to the public, and also use Sony's key to sign their unauthorized codes.

Ju4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

They don't know what they are doing.

If they are getting away with this, this has an impact not only for Sony.

Say, if this is "legalized" what that means is, no trade secret is save any more. Anybody can obtain information no matter how and if you are faster and make it public you win.

This cannot be the direction we want to go. I am all for open source. But it is to the discretion of the author if he/she wants do release IP into public domain or not. Not for somebody who obtained the information through dubious channels.

I am all for freedom, but this goes way beyond that. This means we do not have to obey any license agreement at all. I do not agree with that.

MintBerryCrunch4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

people say that Sony have deep pockets....but to go after every hacker that has jailbroken their PS3 which is not illegal would rack up the costs for Sony, why do you think companies dont go after the thousands and millions of people that D/L movies and games through piracy....it would cost too much money to regain anything that they lost in the process...its a lose lose situation...one thing that interests me is that Sony is suing over the release of the Master Key, the problem is that Sony cant copyright LETTERS and NUMBERS...do know that this is different from name branding like "Playstation"...so we will see how this will pan out...you guys think that these guys will go bankrupt defending themselves...but there will be lawyers out there that will gladly defend them to make a name for themselves if there is a chance that Sony is in the wrong by looking at previous cases about jailbroken/hacked machines i.e. Iphone/Ipod

nycredude4865d ago

I am really getting sick of coming on N4g looking for gaming news and seeing some stupid article about hacking every day. And what is sad i that most of these artciles get to 1000 degrees and have so much people commenting. What happened to gaming for fun and gaming news? This is a sad indication of the state of the industry.

It is no longer just about games and having fun. THis generation is all about fanboy wars, ripping people off, winning at all cost, underhanded tactics bullshit!

This generation sucks.

And for all those who defend hackers please stop it. Defend them all you what with you us against the world mentality. Love the big corporations or not, they are the ones making these games we love, not these thieves. What the fuck has these hackers done for me? Jack shit. In fact by teir actions they are hurting the companies that make the games we love, and in the process threatening the future of the games industry.

I can't believe people are so naive they don't see this. These guys are nothing more than some kids who rebelled against their parents when younger and have grown up still stuck in that stage of their lives.

Homebrew and all that stuff is great for people who like it but the games are what matter not these homebrew apps.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

ABizzel14865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

Some of you people just don't get it. They didn't just hack the PS3, they accessed everything within it. It's not just some, Oh now we can play Call of Duty for free".

They have complete control of the system, meaning if Sony puts out a firmware forcing you to upgrade, they can put one out forcing you to downgrade.

They can play pirated games (which is illegal).

They have access to PSN account information, which means if you have your credit or debit card on there, they can steal your information (this is illegal and a breach of contract/terms of agreement).

Sony is suing them because they made this all possible, and now by spreading it across the web they've practically given everyone free access to your PSN account, email, address, city, state, EVERYTHING.

Sony has no choice, but to sue them in order to protect themselves from being sued by PlayStation users (who'll have a hard time winning again because they accepted the contract/ terms of agreement).

This is no laughing matter. If you have any personal information or credit cards on PSN, you need to take it off NOW, and start using PSN cards, but even that will only delay someone if they really want your information, because there's a footnote of your credit card left on every system you use it on (how do you think the police find the last place you used your credit card? Guess what hackers can do the same thing.) This is a threat to everyone on PSN, and if anything like this happens you can beat they're going to get tons of lawsuits for the people affected and will be facing jail time. This has nothing to do with Big fish vs little fish like the claim. This is a potential 40 million plus user identity theft lawsuit.

Thankfully I have a new debit card, and my old one is deactivated. Protect yourself, because everyone thinks it can't happen to them until it does.

If you're going to hack a system, keep it to yourself. Don't be stupid and try to show off to the world. The internet has ruined and caught so many lives, because people don't think before they post.


It's not this generation of console it's the people of this generation. I hate to say I'm a part of Generation Y. For the most part our generation is immoral and uneducated. I'm thankful I was raised by a good parent, because these people on here, and many other sites are just ignorant, and thanks to the internet their ignorance has spread across the world.

stevenhiggster4865d ago


I wish I could agree with you twice, that is one of the most sensible things I have read on this site in a while.

ct034865d ago

January 11, 2011

We will help our friends at Sony understand this by mirroring the geohot jailbreak files at Carnegie Mellon.
Note to Sony lawyers: No doubt you're eager to rack up another billable hour by sending legal threats to me and my university. Before you go down that unhappy road, check out what happened the last time a large corporation tried to stop the mirroring of technical information here: The Gallery of CSS Descramblers. Have you learned anything in ten years?

David S. Touretzky
Research Professor of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

WhittO4865d ago

lol really?

Like they werent going to do this anyway and make profit of it.

I also agree with Sony totally disabling PS3s both online and offline, you want to break the law and hack your ps3 and play illegally copied games, then you should prepare to face the consequence of that.

I download torrents etc and if it comes back to bite me, well that's my fault.

HolyOrangeCows4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

That's cute. They feel like they've stuck it to Sony....except now Sony's case is as solid as concrete.

I think they could have gotten away with it, but now they're releasing all of the tools, codes, software, etc in a very public way (And with very obvious intent to extort)......they're boned. Not a smart move.

BattleAxe4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

These guys are going to get sued so f***n hard, that the judge is going to order them to live in a slum in Tijuana Mexico, and they will not be allowed to have money in their possesion for ten years, or they will be sent to a U.S. "secret prison" .....muahahahaha

Jack Meahoffer4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

Even if Sony wins the case against these hackers which is very possible and gets them cruxified upside down over a sewage pit they just released the tools which made the root problem for Sony worse...

You guys are more interested in some kind of revenge or something. The cat is out of the bag. The master key is already on the internet and can't be stopped with any legal action.

The only real discussion here is what technical options Sony has to mitigate the piracy problem. Everything else is just a side story including this lawsuit.

nveenio4865d ago

This lawsuit isn't about the hardware that was purchased. It's about the theft of proprietary software, licensed software and the transfer of encryption algorithms with the intent to continue the violations.

These hackers are screwed. The lawsuit may not stop piracy, but these a-holes that thought they were tough sh!t are gonna have tears rolling down their cheeks while getting packed from behind in prison.

RememberThe3574865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

A lot of you are not really seeing the big picture. I know you love to hate on Sony but think about it. Do you really think these hackers would have held on to these tools that they have put so much work into? Hell no. They made it for the hacking community and they were going to release it to them.

Your seeing a cause and effect that isn't there. Sony knew these guys were going to release everything they had eventually so it came down to do we sue now or later. And instead of running away scared they took action the only way they could. If you had invested 3 billion dollars in a product and someone was threatening on your return you'd sue the shit out of them too, and don't act like you wouldn't.

The hackers are going to try to act like victims but they are only reaping what they have sown. They break into platforms allowing piracy then get made when people get mad about it. It's like they're lost in their own little world and hate it when people bring them back to reality where your actions have consequences.

This "can of worms" was already opened. It would have been opened if Sony sued or not.

And you guys are acting like they've never done this before? I read the documents and Geohot was served with and they had tons of case references of hackers and pirates being successfully sued. We'll really have to wait and see how far this goes.

@inveni0: Well said.

pixelsword4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

People don't realize why these people are likely going to jail and doing hard time for one reason only, forget what you know:

1. The ramifications of their actions in respect of other events already in motion.

- If they let them off, this will strengthen the case for the soldier who released the information for Wikileaks.

- if they jail them and make a law closing loopholes against such actions before the wikileaks trial, this will strengthen the case against the soldier.

- having Sony win would also possibly allow a reason to establish an international law against accessing computers, which works in favor of a world government law (some might argue, and if you believe in that stuff)

Now, seeing that a US computer was "hacked" and are using international (and some say illegal) force to get one guy who merely "released" information (didn't hack, btw), what's a bunch of geeks gonna matter to them if it means that they will get what they want in court?

I wouldn't be surprised if one of the members in the fail0verflow group was a mole.

This was not a wise move at all.

Ryudo4865d ago


The day I go to jail and do hard time for modding hardware/software I bought legally is the day the PC industry officially dies.

There's no way on earth Sony is winning this one, and anyone who wants Sony to win this one is a retarded idiot.

Ju4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

You can do what ever you want with the things you bought in your own domain (e.g. at home or in your business).

It is another thing to publish such information (or sell it, which is publishing for money).

I think this is the fine line here.

The information retrieved was certainly protected by license agreements. Hacking them, installing homebrew for your own use is fine. Publishing what you learned however, I am certain, violates some sort of agreement you "sign" when you use the product.

How far does this go? Next time someone hacks the master key of the security system of your bank account and publishes that, it is still OK? If we follow through on the hackers argumentation, nothing is protected any more. Because it can be applied to any system - that is, if they get away with this.

It is annoying that Sony locks up the PS3 so you can't code for it - I certainly would appreciate it if it would be open. But there are tons of other gadgets available which can satisfy the geeky curiosity.

deafwing4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

the guys at failoverover seriously got an ego problem lol
what's the big deal with having linux on ps3 anyways? I barely have time to enjoy Netflix ... if one wants to program on linux one doesn't need the ps3 for that.

can't they just buy some used laptops/pcs and install gnome and other software on there? that's the lamest reply to a lawsuit if I ever saw one ...

sheesh, guys I know the gentlemen at failoverflow are gennius but hire a lawyer before you all start spouting bs that will dig a 6 foot hole for themselves.

IcarusOne4865d ago

Someone said this: "And what if Sony loses the case which leads to making jailbreak legal even on console. That would be pretty bad for Nintendo and MS too."

And my question is, why do we care if it's bad for these corporations? Do you think they give a shit about what's bad for you/your wallet? I think this could all benefit us as gamers and consumers. Much the same way jailbreaking an iphone can radically enhance its functionality and truly take it to another level.

I'm not in favor of hackers resetting gamer levels and perks and such as I was reading with MW2, but the truth is, it's OUR console once we buy it, not Sony's, not MS's, not Nintendo's. We should be able to do with it what we want. Bottom line, I'm always in favor of openness.

ComboBreaker4865d ago

You're all fogetting the whole point of Sony suing.
The whole point of Sony suing Geo and the hacker crew is not to stop the hacks.

No. The whole point is to make sure Geo and those hackers goes to jail for a very long time.

Jail... a place where bullies rule and we all know how bullies love to pound on the nerds. A perfect place for a nerd like Geo.

NatureOfLogic4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

The PS3 is Hacked.

Ju4865d ago

If the current business model doesn't work no more no more games. Simple.

The whole console business is build around a closed platform. For a reason. Most money is made from license fees. With an open platform, this needs to change; see PC.

If this will lead to no lock down on consoles, later no license fees, no console business. No games. May I remind some here to the video game crash from 85? Is quite a while back. Video gaming almost seized to exist for 1 or 2 years until Nintendo and Sony (and Sega) started to drive it again.

For me, I would like to see a solution which can provide both. And open platform for open source like development and yet a closed gaming platform.

However, pirating kills the gaming market. Not just on consoles. It gives the PC market a run for the money. Sony was open and allowed Linux. Some abused that. Now the base for an open discussion seems to be even further away.

zeeshan4865d ago

I called the very same thing last night! Sony can't stop this sh**storm!

Theonetheonly4865d ago

Good for them. god forbid people got to do something cool that doesnt make sony money.

Kalipekona4865d ago

I am against piracy, but modding your console to enhance it in various ways should be legal.

Mahr4865d ago

"hackers just got themselves in deeper shit, but I guess their mentality was "were all fucked anyways so we might as well release everything"

I assure you, the mentality was almost certainly more along the lines of 'Hmm, Sony is trying to use US copyright laws to charge us with US crimes. It sure is nice to live in Europe!'

SiLeNt KNighT4865d ago

Please use common sense folks. Sony isnt god or your mom. Just because Sony wrote it and you agreed to the terms doesnt mean its set it stone. If you sign a contract with me that states i may kill you if you dont complete the terms doesnt give me the right to kill you. A contract can't break the law. If it does, it becomes void.

all these "you agreed to the TOS so you're outta luck" statements sound so stupid.

I hope sony wins this case against these kids but the fanboys in here will do anything to protect their precious. I love my ps3 as much as any 'normal' person but lets keep it real and stop with the lame defense.

newhumanbreed4865d ago

What's funny is the people saying that this could ruin the gaming industry. lol.

There's money to be made in the gaming industry, and no one is going to stop developing games because of piracy. Look at all the programs on PC that are pirated. I doubt the pirates keep updating them every year. You guys need to look at what's logical. This isn't going to change anything. Sony and developers will just make it harder for people to pirate games on the PS3. No one will stop making games...

zag4865d ago


It's silly to say that as The pirate bay used that for a good 5 or so years before getting sued twice losing twice and having multi million dollar fines against all the people and ended up in jail.

Sure US laws can't be applied but that also doesn't mean you are free to hack stuff while hacking might be legal it might not in euro laws.

but Sony might not fuss majorly about FoF for now as they have Geohot screwed in the US.

Notice that all of FoF's real names and their nick names are used, so if they have all their real names I wonder how much info they actually have on everyone in that group.

As I said people disappear, suddenly go away maybe never to be found again.

Being sued might not be all that bad.

At the end of the day everyone will end up in court at some point, Sony is multi national so it's not like they can't sue them.

insomnium24864d ago (Edited 4864d ago )


I give the comment of the day to you. There were many runner ups too and I'm sure you know who they are.

The Lazy One4864d ago

"so I guess if someone agrees that they will give a person 100 dollars if the packers lost against the eagles in a legal document they wouldn't have to and could just make up excuses? no they couldn't, Sony's ToU is a legal agreement so you are breaking the law in a sense if you break it"

it's more along the lines of someone making a bet that if the packers won they'd kill someone in a legal document. If the legal document itself has conditions that are illegal it is null and void and the party has no contractual obligation to do anything. And in Europe you are allowed to do whatever you want with your hardware. This lawsuit is going nowhere.

the result is not a dead console industry. The result is a console industry where the manufacturers make sure their system is truly secure before they release it. If sony had just seeded one random number, their system would still be relatively secure. They didn't. That is not hackers faults.

the industry will be FINE. Steam is doing great on the largest open platform around, and the Wii and 360 are both selling better than the PS3 and they are both hacked.

+ Show (36) more repliesLast reply 4864d ago
NewMonday4865d ago

Q: what deters crime?
1-ignoring criminals
2-encouraging criminals
3-punishing criminals

Eamon4865d ago

depends if there is a crime though. And that's up to the judge to decide. =/

Kurt Russell4864d ago

And it also depends on what the crime is. The worlds not black and white newmonday - wake up.

Carbide74865d ago

In all honesty, the only one who seems to be in control here are Sony. I can almost hear them snickering at these hackers' efforts.

MmaFanQc4865d ago

@Lord_Doggington indeed you are.

Pandamobile4865d ago

I'm sure Sony have shat their pants a bit over this. I doubt they're all sitting back and having laugh.

Vaud-Villian4865d ago

Any control Sony appears to have is illusion at best. There only way out of this mess is to patch every single security code for the entire library of content on the entirety of the PS3. This includes games from developers that are now defunct. No easy task.

Armyntt4865d ago

I agree with Panda. I think people are looking at this wrong. The hackers arent doing this out of fear but the complete opposite. $ony specifically asked to have them cease and desist through the lawsuit. So the hackers then basically said you cant do a damn thing about it and released it. Now $ony has to sue the whole internet.

MmaFanQc4865d ago

@Armyntt, what george hotz and failoverfail did last days pretty much given the munitions sony needed to sue them seriously, they may have opened pendora box, but they also screwed themselves.

now sony will have the money to pretty much make them so poor they wont be able to afford an internet connection

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4865d ago
UnwanteDreamz4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

They should address the hack itself and leave the hackers alone?

So the solution is to ignore the root of the problem?


ScentlessApprentice74865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

But aside from that, how would it benefit Sony to simply focus on distinguishing the fire and ignoring the gas line? Cut the hackers out and send their a$$es to jail, and they won't be trying to circumvent any solution that Sony provides to the current hack. Divide and conquer!

If Sony were to simply focus on any current hacks alone, hackers would simply waste their days trying to find some OS backdoor and try to break the law and screw Sony over some more.

(Fail0verflow) Claiming that: "you can't put Pandora back in it's box"

Interesting last-ditch swellheaded geek statement, but pointless. Sony and the judicial system can surely but those idiots at Fail0verflow in a box. A big box called Alcatraz Island.

colonel1794865d ago

(Fail0verflow) Claiming that: "you can't put Pandora back in it's box"

Then Sony will bring Kratos to slaughter any hacker that comes their way


IcarusOne4865d ago

It's really sad that your heads are so far up Sony's asses that you don't see this is as corporation vs. the little guys. And if you do see it that way, then it's even sadder that you're against the little guys. Nothing that happens here will hurt Sony, but Sony can definitely hurt these guys, thereby stifling and possibly destroying any future possibility for open content. This is bigger than just mods, hacks, and cheats.

Sony should be doing what we want, not the other way around.

ComboBreaker4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

I would be in favor of the little guys, except in this case, the little guys are criminals.

I do not support criminals, no matter how slittle, big, or coporal they are.

metalanime4865d ago


so the fact that they are the "little guys" makes it okay to steal and distribute confidential information that will be exploited and spur only more theft?

Its not about supporting sony, its about a few ignorant shi!ts that think its ok to release confidential information that affects sony and potentially psn users' financially, just because that wasnt their desired effect, but knowing full well that this would be the result.

Its kinda like the oil spill, they only wanted to cut corners, but who knew that ignoring the guidelines could cause unintended results, right?

im sure youre tune would change when your bank info is hacked. Banks are the evil empire after all, its just too bad they have everyones money.

Kalipekona4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

I have a feeling that if this was Microsoft suing the hackers all the fanboys on this site would be calling Microsoft evil, blah blah blah...

In fact, when Microsoft banned modded consoles all the Sony fanboys across the net accused Microsoft of some dastardly deed, saying that they only did it to supposedly make people go buy a new console, etc. They didn't stand up for Microsoft's actions to do something about piracy on their console.

Double standards and hypocrisy are rampant.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4865d ago
Fruit Loops4865d ago


yea they'll get the clap alright

...in jail

Maddens Raiders4865d ago

vs. a pissed off Rico & Sev? I'm taking the latter.

FinalSpartan4865d ago

The Dark Side Is Always Stronger. PS3 true power will be unleashed

- Homebrew
- Emulators
- Apps
- Backup games

so much more....

lil Titan4865d ago

In the new batman movie Robin or should i say the Red Hood said "You cant stop crime! We must learn how to control it." or something like that either way im not jailbreaking my system on risk Sony bricking my $300 PS3...I like playing online

Megaton4865d ago

Hate to see myself agreeing with hardcore Xbros like Mandatory Install over here, but it is what it is. Sony dun goofed.

RememberThe3574865d ago

And what would you have done? Bent over and just let them ram you? Fuck that. You fight back, you put some of them in jail and let the entire community know that they're not gods and that they can be touched.

Megaton4865d ago

Oh I dunno, patch the holes? They play a defeatist game over at Sony.

"People are potentially hacking through Linux? Better not try to fix it, just remove it for all our users".

What was filing lawsuits against these people gonna do? Pretty much only this. It wasn't going to fix anything, just make them look completely iron-fisted and clueless.

ComboBreaker4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

Basically, you're saying that if robbers break into your house, you don't sue them, you don't punish them, you just let them go, and you just buy a new lock, and that'll surely teach them to not come back to rob you again?

"I'd do a better job defending my house and let the police deal with it."

But that is what Sony is doing. Defending their house (PS3) better with firmware updates and letting the police and court deal with it through a law suit.

"I don't see how Sony is going to stop these "robbers" simply by going after them."

By going after them and putting them in jail, Sony stop these "robber". How could you possible not see that?

"They're fighting information at this point, and taking it out on a couple people. It's a fool's errand."

They're fighting Geo and the hacker crew at this point, and taking it out on Geo and the hacker crew. It's the smart thing to do. Or would you rather they do not go after Geo, and instead, go after you?

Megaton4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

I'd do a better job defending my house. I wouldn't go stalking robbers in the night like Charles Bronson. How often do robbers come back to the same house, anyway? Thanks for the fail metaphor.

I don't see how Sony is going to stop these "robbers" simply by going after them. They're fighting information at this point, and taking it out on a couple people. It's a fool's errand.

skrug4865d ago


That's what they tried to do with PSP, and look what happened, cat and mouse chase...

Megaton4865d ago

"By going after them and putting them in jail, Sony stop these "robber". How could you possible not see that?"

Yeah, they're gonna lock up all the hackers in the world with all the info about hacking the PS3 as well. They'll handcuff a USB stick with all the info. Derp.

They could sentence Geohot to death and it wouldn't stop anything. Like I said, they're fighting information. It's out there, and now it always will be. The best they could do is get their own house in order.

jeeves864865d ago

You can't possibly expect them to sue everyone and they don't intend to. Just the people that started it. Make an example out of them and people will be reluctant to follow.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4865d ago
the_best_player4865d ago

The Iphone lawsuit failed and so will Sonys

LukaX234865d ago

I hope one of you sad, sad hackers are reading this: you have no idea how stupid you really are. Enjoy surprise butt sex in jail. =D

the_best_player4865d ago

Tell me what happened with the Iphone lawsuit, oh wait hackers won :)

the_best_player4864d ago

Disagree with FACTS if you wish lol

NeoTribe4865d ago

People like you make me sick. When people start pirating games it hurts sony PERIOD. You never know wut this hackin bs can lead to. I dont want anything to fuck up a company that provides us with such great games and entertainment. There is always a chance this pirating can lead to significant profit loss of there games, which could lead to lower quality exclusives. We dont need another blah and boring xbox style gaming console.

blahblah4865d ago

and when sony hurts someone else you're in fanboy lala land? i hate pirates, but i'd love homebrew


they are bitching about EULA... lol, if they can't respect others, why the need to respect theirs?

if you read the link they disrespected GPL licenses for LAME same way as homebrew does to theirs.

Kalipekona4865d ago

"another blah and boring xbox style console"

Really? You just proved how biased and worthless your opinion is. You are just another Sony fanboy that defends them at all cost. How many of you were concerned about piracy on the 360 or Wii? Hypocrites.

I am opposed to piracy as a matter of principle, I don't change my opinion due to shifting circumstances or loyalty to some corporation.

mastiffchild4865d ago

The issue is, to my mind, that Sony don't want to lose a lot of cash to piracy which is the only logical outcome of what the hackers did-they know it, you know it and I know it-and people like Mr Hotz certainly knew it when they started.

Now, I can dig people wanting to play emulated games and mess about with homebrew, sure, but are we that naive that we think the real reasons behind all this wasn't piracy enabling and a little ego massaging for some needy people who happen to be pretty good with computers and code? Why not just do stuff like emulation, and do it better, more easily and cheaply and legally(with no grey areas) on your PC? Why are people desperate for CFW on a PS3 anyway? Even with it you can't do ANYTHING like what you can on a cheap laptop FFS. Which brings me back to what I consider the only nearly logical reason for hacking a PS3-playing PS3 exclusive games for nothing. This is why all this happened and is why Sony are peeved. If they thought all that would happen would be SNES emulators they wouldn't give two craps but this isn't about that, isn't about freedom to mod your PC(which even a court ruling in favour of Sony will NOT effect as PC is a totally different system being open)and is purely about Sony trying to protect the games they make, their future ability to trade and so on.

I'm sick of people making every possible justification to steal these days. I get stolen from all the time by people file sharing songs and music I played on, sang on and even wrote. People like these take food off my kids plates every day of my life and here we have people supporting the same kind of slack moral stance??! Also, saying Sony are opening a big can of worms by going after these guys:How? The tools are already there for anyone wishing to carry on stealing and people have shown just what selfish , scummy thieves they can be-the piracy won't get any worse and no "more" hackers will "go after" Sony because of this that weren't going to anyway. If Sony win, mind, some might start thinking twice. How did not suing stop PSP piracy?

No, like with MS rightfully banning consoles from Live for piracy Sony have every right to stop people enabling theft from them and their partners. Protecting your business is somehow wrong but theft isn't? I don't get this at all. Sony aren't trying to stop anyone's fun and, imo, have every right to protect their business. When I buy a CD or LP I don't assume I OWN the rights to the music on it for performance or re recording so why do people think messing with Sony's(or MS or Ninty's) software is any different? You buy your console or you buy your game disc and own the right to play with them and the games on them but not the right to mess with them or rip them or offer them for download to others. As such Sony winning would only effect thieves and those worshipping thieves and low class braggarts.

I don't like the way any of the companies in this industry treat legit gamers but when so many of us seem to think stealing is OK is it any wonder they have such a low opinion of gamers in general? When will people get it? Piracy hurts gaming full stop. This was always just about piracy for me and I see nothing else BUT piracy and the support of it barring a few hackers with ego issues and, saddest of all, a lot of gamers who think that them getting something for nothing now won't harm their hobby later and using every excuse under the Sun to make their theft seem, somehow, OK.

smashman984865d ago

Its is completley legal to run homebrew or even custom firmware as welll as releaseing the tools to do just that. But what these hackers did wasnt just that. to my understanding they have completley broke open the ps3's security which protect each and every single ps3 inclding psn and anyother software associated with the ps3. that is not legal and any of them in the US will definitely be doing some hard time and by some i mean: 25 to life easy. this is 100% against sonys terms of service as well as US privacy laws.

otherZinc4864d ago (Edited 4864d ago )

I hope SONY sues the pants off this Geohat M**********R! I'm tired of people losing money after spending 3 or 4+ years creating games & an AS****E steals money from them.

F*** Geohat!

Ldubbz4864d ago

I do remember when the "openness"of the PS3 with its Linux potential was a touted feature among many here on N4G. When they took it away, people here of course defended their JesusMachine...but what did you actually think would happen?

Fact of the matter is, once you open something, even a little, to the coding community...and then close it, its not staying closed. People customize or "hack" cell phones, GPS units, video game machines, you name it. The Wii, DS, PSP, all of them. The 360 is markedly different for one reason; you need a hardware hack (a chip) to start doing stuff. But as far as I know, no one is actually running their OWN software on the 360, rather stolen 360 SW.

With the PS3, the OS itself isnt as secure; its not too different from the much-hacked PSP. Its not a very tough OS to crack, as demonstrated by Geohot. Im sure Sony knew this, which is why they may have allowed for Linux, to appease that community who would in-turn leave the rest of the OS alone since they have plenty to play with. A genius move, one they should have kept in place...

But they of course didn't, and with the PS3's easily swapped-out HDD means that games running right off of a USB may not be too far away...or people with large HDDs already in their PS3 ( I have a 320GB myself) could simply copy games to it. Again, a "feature" of PS3 which could come back to haunt them.

Now with all this lawsuit stuff, they have incurred the wrath. You can agree with either side at this point, but theres no going around the fact that Sony have shot themselves in the foot on this one.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4864d ago
lastdual4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

Yeah, I wonder if the same people making a big deal out of this take equal care to avoid bittorrent'ing any movies published by Sony Pictures, or avoid listening to any MP3s (or unofficial youtube streams) by bands signed with Sony Music, etc.

Most people are total hypocrites when it comes to property rights....

DelbertGrady4865d ago

Of course not but before you've managed to say "Geohot" they're all suited up, ready to defend Sony in court.

smashman984865d ago

I dont think you understand this isn't about piracy this is much more than that this is the security of all user info as well its pretty much all out in the open now

CoxMulder4864d ago

Talk about "making a big deal out of this".

Looking at the main page & the hundreds of comments you'd think the PS3 is the first console to ever get hacked..

Balt 4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

If Microsoft, Nintendo and Apple combined can't stop piracy and hackers what makes Sony think they can? They're beat. Sony needs to learn to live with that and find a happy medium that, maybe even supports some homebrew apps. Maybe Sony can make some of these hacks official. Sony needs to think about what makes their system good and what could make it better.

They support mods for Epic's Unreal and will support Portal 2 mods (AKA-- HOMEBREW), yet don't support the big picture? Sounds hypocritical to me. Sounds like it's only good for Sony when there is a dollar involved for the parties invited.

Can't beat'em, join'em.

Biggest4865d ago

When did they combine to stop piracy? Pirates have always been what they are. Yes, a few people benefit from their existence. But they are criminals that should be punished to the full extent of the law. I hope it finally plays out that way in the case of digital terrorism.

kaveti66164865d ago

If a law cannot be enforced, should it be a law?

mastiffchild4865d ago

Thing is piracy won't stop while gamers still think it's acceptable to steal games and jump to defend lowlives who enable these thefts.

Also, don't assume people are lying if they say they don't download illegally themselves. I don't, and as a member of organisations like MCPS I'd be stupid TO do so. I suffer from this kind of theft all the time and while I agree that Sony won't get anywhere doing what they are I DO think they''re morally right to do it. What did staying quiet do for them and the PSP? Sony understandably don't want the same for the PS3-why would they and why should we think they're wrong for this? MS are right to ban for piracy and so would Sony be.

@kaveti-a lot of laws are nearly impossible to enforce, are just plain money pits or do nothing to stop the crimes in question. Prohibition of narcotics does very little but keep jails full and waste police time while bankrupting Governments but I don't see an end to"The Drug War" in the UK or US any time soon, do you? That kind of law exists outside of fiscal or logical sense and mainly to appease a moral majority into voting one way or the other come election time. If there's something in it for those in power a law exists no matter how unwieldy or unenforcible it may be.

In a logical society drugs would be legal, the money would go back into society(for treatment of addicts rather than that just being another drain)rather than to drug cartels where it isn't even taxable, places licensed to sell it would pay tax and the lowered cost of the drugs would reduce the real issues of prostitution and drug related thefts and muggings meaning fewer police hours would be wasted in a futile tail chasing exercise where junkies are criminalised JUST because the law exists when it's morally hurting nobody if someone decides to abuse their own body. Point is-if a popular set of laws as flawed as those surrounding drug use exist quite happily just why would we expect any sense anywhere else in a legal system often used, mainly, for electioneering. Sony might win if there's something in the outcome for the US' Govt, trust me- court isn't free from politicking in any way and is often it's slave.

I know what you're saying but, as someone who feels theft IS just rong and is never victimless cannot say that this law should be hard to enforce. I don't see a grey area and don;t understand why a law should either-this was about stealing from the start. Again, what's the point of a hacked PS3 if it isn't to play pirated games? You can do a lot more and do it legally on ANY PC-the law should have no trouble in backing Sony, Apple or MS imho-and I hate all those companies for the way they con us gamers but when we're happy to steal what do we expect? Would be nice if the law could give us some moral framework to be honest even if that means a few sentences for the thieves. If WE booted out the hackers and pirates ourselves the industry might start treating us ALL a little better than they currently do-which is stupid of THEM as it gives pirates an excuse and softens gaming opinion towards people who, really, caused all the animosity in the first place.

smashman984865d ago

@kaveti6616 by that logic, if a rapist cant be found should they be pursued?

of course the law should be enforced

Fishy Fingers4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

Mods are not really homebrew, mods are created within a given piece of software, homebrew is generally new code.

Also, mods are free, there is no "dollar involved", or money to be made by the companies offering mod support. Their purpose is generally to add longevity to your initial investment.

But, still, can you link me to confirmation of the PS3 having mod support in Portal 2? Because I only know of Steamwork support, if Portal had mod support, so should every other Valve (Source) game through the SDK.

ActionBastard4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

Microsoft, Nintendo and Apple don't sit idly by and let their IP get raped either. 360 bans, mod chip bans, Apple will sue you if you say "Apple sucks", R4 bans, lawsuits to halt production/distribution, etc.

They support MODS for a licensed Epic and Valve games. And using the tool set of a particular engine or assets provided by the developer to create a LEVEL or MODE in said licensed game is NOTHING like homebrew. Perhaps you should read up on what homebrew is and what a L4D mod (for example) is?

UnwanteDreamz4865d ago

So what should Sony do to protect the intrests of their business partners. Let me help you. In the real world these moves by "hackers" translate to real $$$ lost. What do you tell share holders? Sorry we can't win so we decided to let them do whatever they want with the product because it wont hurt our bottom line?

Right they would get laughted out of the board room.

Cajun Chicken4865d ago

Bait. You seem to not understand this at all and your intelligent 'quill' display pic is just oxymoronic. Fact is, companies could lose money, studios close, people lose jobs.

Sony have every right to protect against piracy especially concerning their first party studios which are only run by the takings of all of Sony Computer Entertainment as a whole imagine in half of the people playing Uncharted 3 in the future had pirated it, that's ridiculous.

Also, you seem to be forgetting, other publishers will NOT invest in making games for a system of where the console maker ALLOWS piracy to slide. Sony HAVE to take action, or it's a win for the pirates. The game industry will not allow this to happen.

As for the hackers. Honestly, it seems like George Hotz is the Judas in their midst.

Balt 4865d ago

Cajun, basically what you're saying is if Sony were to allow this no one would support them. Right? So basically they'd be in last place. Right?

So really nothing would change. Thank you.

ActionBastard4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

It's a shame you couldn't form a real rebuttal. CC owned/educated you...and all you came up with was that?! Like I said, a shame.

But funny too. Like "Ha! Ha! I'm laughing AT you!" funny.

Cajun Chicken4865d ago

I'm not even going to bother Bait. It's become obvious that it's just not worth going beneath you, because it's a long way down. You obviously don't care one iota for the people making games within the industry.

Lord_Doggington4865d ago

this is basically daemon tools for the PS3.

daemon tools is very very legal and won't be going anywhere.

...and yet people use it everyday to mount their illegal copies of software

geohot has just made a tool. this is very legal and isn't going anywhere.

sorry fboys

Clubptxxx4865d ago

I personally own a PS3 and don't play it often, but I'm mainly a PC guy and I'm wondering why this is such a big issue? Losing money is bad and the root key thing was huge. But who's fault is that really? If someone from the community dedicates a bunch of time to learning and figuring stuff out and they DO figure it out, then it's Sony's fault for not making it secure enough. These guys aren't making any sort of profit off of the things they're doing, they're simply doing it because they want to do it.

Now you have to think, where would the gaming world be without open source things? I bet you any amount of money everyone here has used at least one program or some form of someone else's work and didn't pay for it. Without it, PC games wouldn't have great mods. Without mods we wouldn't have DotA or Counter Strike or Team Fortress.

Obviously, having people cracking games and playing them on consoles it's bad, but these guys haven't released any tools or anything that would allow someone to do such a thing(Or maybe they have and I haven't done enough research/cared to find out. If I'm wrong then please correct me) without quite a bit of research and knowledge. I think a lawsuit sends the right message by basically saying they aren't okay with what is happening but honestly, why don't they take a positive from this? Why not allow people to develop their own software, and if it's good enough, sell it for profit? If they pirate a game illegally, ban their console.

I'm not really for piracy in any way shape or form and my Steam Games list more than shows that's true. But open source is important because without it you'd just be playing a new Call of Duty every 6 months with no changes to the gameplay or improvements.

...Oh wait.

blahblah4865d ago

@Cajun Chicken

you forgot to mention earthquakes and global warming. ps2 was hacked to oblivion, but wasn't sony the one saying it was most profitable console.

as a developer my self (and knowing a little about rights), i can tell you suing them will fail. first of ps3 is end product not development model so EULA wont fly. unless they prove they loan it to you, not sell. EULA was never proven in court, but it failed badly 3 times now.

the only thing that was not common as last years snow was encryption where sony was taking money if you wanted to publish something.

if publishers would be scared of pirates... do you think they'd still be making games for PC and ps2?

there is still a lot of people like me who buy games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4865d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4865d ago
SuperStrokey11234865d ago

And now the fight is really going to start...

Karooo4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

Look at all the 360 fanboys approving this, should be pleasurable for them to see this. I dislike them the most, they are the ones who started this console war.

edit : umm no I play on both unlike you.

"youve been on overtime submitting Pro sony related articles"

lol what?

Kran4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

Hey, I only own a 360 (again, getting a PS3 soon) and I want Sony to sue them!

EDIT: Who are those disagreeing? Are they the 360 fanboys, or are they those FOR the hackers?

If they are the 360 fanboys, go away. If they are the hackers, you guys are such dips**ts.

@Karooo and @Genecalypse, there is something called PMing for hate against each other. Use it.

Genecalypse4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

Now you are what we call a "fanboy"

Really do you now? Whats the difference between you and them? From your profile and history it seems youve been on overtime submitting Pro sony related articles and trying to bury negative ones. How does that make you any different? Its all a big conspiracy against the PS3 right? Please.

HarryMonogenis4865d ago (Edited 4865d ago )

I also own an Xbox 360, and I too hope that Sony prevail.

For the record; I used to own a PS3. My personal preference is just that. A preference.

These hackers need to be put in their place. Didn't failoverflow say that they don't promote piracy? Sorry if that's wrong -- but if it's right it just proves what liars they are. Releasing it out in such a manner just shows how desperate they are, and what liars they are too.

FailOverHero4865d ago

They started the console war...uh huh. I hate elitist, arrogant pricks all high and mighty on their high horses

yewles14865d ago

Console war? Really? I swear, people type the dumbest things...

BlackTar1874865d ago

Be fair there was a console war with Sega and Nintendo but the internet is huge and its basically the same war with millions of outlet and voices now instead of just monthly publications.

This is the same with everything though it was inevitable this would happen history has showed this over and over in all fields and products.

XabiTheHumble4865d ago

@FailOverHero Lets forget the fact that you just probably pulled that statement out of your ass, my question to you is where is your proof of claim?

FailOverHero4865d ago

I was quoting karoo you geniuses. Gees! Does anybody ever read the original post to which the reply is being written?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4865d ago
ReBurn4865d ago

Karooo, my friend, the console war has been going on ever since Intellivision released. We all know that Colecovision was best. It doesn't make sense to say that "360 fanboys" started it.

This war has been in full swing on middle school playgrounds since 1979. The internet has made middle school last forever, unfortunately.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4865d ago
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Sony Patents To Prevent You From In-Game Harassment By Reading Your Emotions

A new patent recently published by Sony wants to gather biometric data of gamers to track whether one is being harassed using AI tools.

Profchaos13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

I hope this is one of those patents that never comes to fruition.

I already dislike the fact you can pay a significant amount for a online service buy associated games and content on said service and get banned from that service over potentially a misunderstanding the bans are already handed out for flimsy reasons

I'd rather see money invested in a ban that simply removes the offensive players ability to communicate with unknown players allow them to continue party chats with friends but not with Joe blow on cod.

exputers13d ago

Agreed. Blizzard recently banned a college Overwatch 2 player who's dependent for saying "shit." Pretty harsh.

Profchaos13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

How rediculas really. You can't say a word that's allowed in most PG films and prime time TV but the game is based around killing the enemy team using guns, explosives etc.

It's just backwards.

just_looken13d ago

What your talking about is called block list

In 2006 a spaceship dropped of the playstation 3/xbox 360 i say that that generation was the last great gen with game functions/tech that has yet to comeback

Anyhow the playstation 3 if you block listed a id they could not talk to you in chatroom with either text or voice. But that was pre mind fucked 2018 when people were more human than sheep.

But hey gta 6 is coming out billion dollar budget without a single player custom character creator and without singeplayer coop off/online something saints row 1-3 had on the xbox 360.

z2g13d ago

Take my social security and bank account numbers too! Here’s a picture of my wife and our address.

phoenixwing13d ago

Cmon where's the pictures of your children. Don't hold out on them.

H913d ago

At this rate I feel Sony will eventually sell a room to play games in it where they can monitor your every breath

jambola13d ago

I genuinely get a bit worried sometimes when a friend says something that could be offensive In a party
Because I have no trouble believing some bans would happen when in a private party for saying something wrong

SegaSaturn66913d ago

I want them to censor erotic content by measuring my groin temperature so i dont get too distracted while playing black ops 2.

Popsicle13d ago

Terrible idea. Not only do I not consent to providing my biometric data, the potential for mishandling biometric data is almost a certainty. Positive stress and negative stress can produce similar changes in biometrics. Interpreting the precise emotion a person is feeling is not only invasive but could be easily misconstrued. I hope this never comes to fruition.

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Sony Could Increase Your Game's Difficulty If It Sees You Complain About It

Sony has recently published a new patent that wants to dynamically handle the games' difficulty and gameplay based on the player's emotions.

jznrpg14d ago

This is something I might use. Sometimes I play some good games but they don’t have difficulty option and are a little too easy.

Profchaos14d ago

Souls games will be like that players struggling make it harder

PassNextquestion14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

I think if used correctly it could work well

jambola14d ago

cool idea
cool idea for horror games especially
the way it's explained here sounds like it could never be forced hopefully, so that's ok with me

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Sony Taps Bungie's Head of Revenue to Lead Live-Service Games

Sony has recruited Bungie's head of revenue Jaremy Rich to head up its live-service gaming division, Rich has announced on social media.

Read Full Story >>
ChasterMies34d ago

Please do not put Destiny’s monetization into Sony’s first party games. The monetization is what’s driving players away from Destiny.

just_looken34d ago

The new temp boss is the sony cfo bean counter so i can see this being a thing get every penny.

Cacabunga34d ago

PlayStation officially losing it.. fans will never support gaas games

just_looken34d ago


The new boss did a interview in japan he wants to tap into the mobile market like nintendio so he give 0 fucks about gamers/fans


Redemption-6434d ago

You only speak for you and those who think like you, but most fans will support what they want. Playstation and PC fans are literally supporting Helldivers 2 and that is a gaas. Maybe you wouldn't, but many more would if they like it.

Huey_My_D_Long34d ago

Look, Im not making any judgement calls about this guy, but I will say that Helldivers 2 GaaS model is unique to Helldivers, and legit the only other game I can think of thats similiar was the Avengers game except HD2 pass is still better.
The fact that you can earn in game currency in a way that doesnt make you feel like you have to grind forever, as well you being able work on that pass that you bought...on your own time without a time limit...that right there is fucking huge to me, and I can't name any game other than avengers that avoided trapping players with FOMO logic...I think GaaS on HD2 shouldn't be compared to the rest of the industry...it should be copied.

Einhander197234d ago


Helldivers 2...


In Europe it's a 60 40 split favoring PC.
In the US its a 60 40 split favoring PS5.

So PlayStation owners supported the game just fine, it's not getting carried by PC or anything like that.

FinalFantasyFanatic34d ago

I'm perfectly fine with the way Nintendo entered the mobile market, I never touched their mobile games, meanwhile, the console/handheld stayed the way it is. As for being a bean counter, he's probably going to reel in these massive budgets that Sony's studios have had lately, I haven't played Spiderman 2, but I cannot see how they almost tripled the budget for that game.

That's an exception to the rule, I'm expecting a lot of these GAAS games from Sony to fail, to be fair, they only need a few to succeed, but I would have preferred that they put more of their resources into other types of games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 34d ago
DivineHand12534d ago

True their monetization is driving players away and at the same time, their decision to chop out content and convoluted systems is keeping new players away from the game.

Joe91334d ago

I don't think that will happen based on how things worked out at Naughty Dog now that we know what we do, seems they had the option to fully commit to live service games or stay making single player experences so they gave up on their live service game. We are not sure how things came about with Bend making a live service game but I hope that was not a forced situation. Sony doesnt seem like they are forcing studios to switch up but we will see, Sony's bread and butter is single player games it is how they dominated the console market.

Obscure_Observer34d ago

Yeah, I though Sony learned something from all their failures in the LS segment under Bungie´s disastrous leadership and supervision which led to games been cancelled, studios closed and all the people laid off.

Looks like Bungie still plays a major role in Sony´s LS initiative and Sony is not backtracking on their GaaS plans.

S2Killinit34d ago (Edited 34d ago )

Are we forgetting that Destiny is also a highly successful franchise? I feel like that definitely deserves mention here.

Besides, there is no reason why a person cant learn from past experiences.

Joe91333d ago

I agree, people act as if Destiny flopped when it came out lol it took 9 to 10 years for the numbers to fall yet people are still playing it add the success of Helldivers 2 no wonder Sony is going forward down this path.

S2Killinit33d ago

Personally, I see no problem with Sony also having service games as long as they make good ones, and more importantly they deliver the AAA story driven games that they are known for. So yeah, I agree 100% with you.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 33d ago
Christopher34d ago

I mean, this person made some pretty bad decisions at Bungie. I hope they've learned from them because I definitely don't see those type of ideas as good for PlaySation in general.

CrimsonWing6933d ago (Edited 33d ago )

Honestly, what’s to learn from? How to make people happily continuously dump money into a single game over its life-time? Buy season passes continuously for several years with a smile on our faces?

GaaS is a design decision that is everything wrong with this industry. The fact that Helldivers 2 did so well and people defend the monetization because it was $40 and is a fun game, scares the sh*t out of me to see that the door is open and all shift will probably be to replicate that in future games. We already know the ROI for traditional game dev cost isn’t doing it for them.

I thought with Jimbo leaving we’d see a change for the better… I’m not so sure now.

S2Killinit33d ago

Service games are being offered by everyone. Sony cannot afford to only create single player AAA games. No one can. They already said they will be doing both.

Abnor_Mal34d ago (Edited 34d ago )

Ps5 gamers in 2023 seemed to play more live service types of games, so regardless to how people feel about them, numbers don’t lie and Sony is going where the money is. I mean look at the excitement around Helldivers2, people are showing that they want live service games.

Christopher34d ago

They play long-time existing live service games like CoD, Fortnite, Apex Legends, Destiny 2, and the like. Mass majority of new live service games are considered failures and aren't moving gamers away from older games.

just_looken34d ago

Yep the huge issue with live service is they need paid players along with a reason to play them.

You forgot mobile market that also taps into that player base as well as the eve online style games there is only a certain amount of krakens/whales blind supporters compared to the amount of live service games we have its not sustainable math wise.

700 restaurants making food for every seat for 1000-3000 eaters just does not work out

Einhander197234d ago (Edited 34d ago )


I am not a big live service fan and literally own zero of the games you listed, but that is not true, unless you call games that aren't the top games to be failures.

There are tons of live service games that are profitable.

Games don't have to be the biggest game ever they just need to make more than they cost.

I challenge you to show professionally prepared data that shows that more live service games fail than make enough to keep going.

Because all the data that I have seen shows that live service is less of a gamble than making a big AAA budget game which needs to survive off retail sales.

FinalFantasyFanatic34d ago

I sometimes wonder if we're at saturation point, where it's hard for a new game to join those ranks unless it's particularly exceptional, people only have so much time and money to devote to these types of games.

romulus2334d ago

Correction, they have no issue playing good live service games

shinoff218334d ago

Lol it's not even a quarter of the ps5s sold. Helldivers may have been a hit but let's not say most are enjoying it because truth is most(the real most ) don't care about it.

S2Killinit33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

I play what is fun. If a live service game is good I’ll play it as long as its not a money scheme which Helldivers is not.

And Im a single player gamer.

mastershredder34d ago

How do you kill a franchise that already been killed?
Destiny’s grind, cash-in-on-playbass-cha-Ching, and pop-culture-insertion mainstream-me-too bs totally killed any rep Bungie had. Sony/Bungie, if you are doing this to ward-off players, it’s already working.

crazyCoconuts34d ago

Headline truncated:
"... off a cliff"

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