
IGN: Hard Questions for Homefront

IGN recently had a chance to play the opening chapter of Homefront, Kaos Studio's upcoming FPS, and had a few tough questions for Rex Dickson, the game's Lead Level Designer.

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trainsinrdr4876d ago (Edited 4876d ago )

homefront vs crysis 2 vs killzone 3 vs resistance 3 vs bulletstorm vs rage

toaster4876d ago

How is that even remotely relevant to the interview...

trainsinrdr4876d ago

because we both mention homefront :P

Wenis4876d ago

Battlefield 3 will defeat them all.


@wenis, not if they pull that bad company shit again

xAlmostPro4876d ago (Edited 4876d ago )

That IGN guy seemed like he was trying way hard to be smart and kept getting put back down by the homefront guy.. he also seemed heavily against the fact that its america thats been taken over lol..

either way it gave great insight to the game, and i think homefront is shaping up really well.

It isn't the prettiest game but i coudn't care less if its bringing something fresh to the FPS table :)

Possible COD killer in the making anyone? it won't reach the sales but the single players looks like it will out-perform the COD SP.. and alot of people are getting ed up with CODs multiplayer and this has the similar multi-player as in fast paced shooting and reactions. They have a great chance with this and it looks like they know it.

Cant wait for this game :D

Ducky4876d ago (Edited 4876d ago )

"If you put your crosshair on someone, your bullet's going to hit, that's how shooters work. "

I can think of some games in which that doesn't always happen...


... like Stalker on easy difficulty. (One of which was also published by THQ!)
I don't know, I kinda would've liked it if your character's hands trembled like crazy the first time you pointed a gun at someone.

I wonder if someone will read the interview and pick up the bit where they call Killzone an exhausting experience. *throws gasoline*
Lotsa Half-Life inspiration too.

The game doesn't look that interesting to me, however it appears the team working behind the game is devoted, and I might just buy it because of that.

Wenis4876d ago (Edited 4876d ago )

That IGN guy sounded like a real douchebag. I would never give an interview to this guy if I were a developer. Its like he was trying to debate the dev instead of actually interviewing him. Didn't seem very respectful that he was even getting to interview him.

Trizard4876d ago

I got that exactly same feeling, too. I mean wtf is this interviewer doing, just trying to piss off the dev? Let's take his the third to last question where the interviewer completely bashes the story arc about N. Korea invading America. I mean really, this is fiction and if the interview had any sense in him, he would read all the articles about back story of the game and realize that N. Korea formed an alliance with most of the other Eastern Asian countries possibly including China (but def. including Japan and the island's) so it actually is plausible. Especially with their future growing nuclear arsenal that they can use for persuasion/annexation. This guy is retarded IMHO.

madjedi4876d ago

@Trizard Yeah it's the last part you call him retarded for i call you an idiot for in my opinion, north korea attacked south korea twice not long ago and japan trusts north korea as much as israel trusts iran.

Future growing nuclear arsenal, thats not happening in this day and age even the us and former soviet union are slowly scrapping their nuclear arsenal, and the rest of the world doesn't want more countries with nuclear weapons. Hence why iran has sanctions out the ass against them.

North koreas technology comes from china and other communist nations, they can't even survive without donations from other countries. So yeah right technically plausible, but queue in common sense and reality and you get a different outcome altogether genius.

This might very well be a solid fun game, but i agree with the interviewer the devs picked the worst possible nation to put against the us, china would have been alot more realistic choice than north korea.

I don't care if it's fiction, it still one of the stupidest scenarios i have ever heard of, fyi nuclear weapons are obsolete, hydrogen bombs create the same destruction without the toxic radiation.

Google the cuban missile crisis to understand why threatening other countries with nukes is a very bad idea for everyone involved.

Trizard4876d ago

@Madjedi, you sir obviously don't watch the news. If North Korea wanted to invade S. Korea now, the easily could and hold all the past defenders of S. Korea, like the U.S. and NATO at bay with their arsenal of nukes (which I'm sure they have already because the U.S. is doing as much there as in Iran). The with S. Korea included, they could probably annex Japan by threatening nuclear holocaust, one nuke on Toyko takes out 25 million people btw. Then they could easily take the small nations of micronesia and then take Indonesia as well as singapore, two more global economies under N. Korea's belt. Then they would probably form some East Pacific Union with china or something and be a huge superpower. This would be the logical approach to for Kim Jong Il to take.

MidnytRain4876d ago

It really did seem like the interviewer was attacking the developers at Kaos. It was like he was trying to make the team and their game look bad. But it was a very informative review. I no longer think this game is just another generic military shooter. I like that feeling of a desperate struggle against seemingly overwhelming odds; this is where Resistance: Fall of Man really shined for me.

gamer20104876d ago

You're right. That interviewer was a douche bag. His arguments were weak anyway.

Op244876d ago

This game is going to sell just for the story. I mean honestly I haven't seen a game in a while that gets you into the real feeling of desperation. This is number 1 on my list so far this year. Honestly I couldn't care less if it play like a normal shooter. The scavaging for ammo sounds great. I don't want to feel like some bad ass tier 1 like they said. I want to feel like I'm forced to come out of my home to defend friends and family.

Arup024876d ago

This game looks really neat, loiks better than CoD tough

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Looking back to 2011 and the arrival of Homefront

Jack writes: "Back in March 2011, the first-person action shooter Homefront arrived on the Xbox 360 from THQ, along with a storm of publicity which included a really cool live-action trailer"

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matt1391155d ago

Fantastic game, shame about the terrible sequel.

LucasRuinedChildhood1155d ago

The multiplayer in Homefront was actually really fun.


Devs Share Personal Touches They've Hidden in Games

Last week game dev Steve Thornton took to Twitter to ask: fellow devs, have you ever slipped something into a game you're working on that's just for you? The replies are well worth a read.

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SlashHabit2200d ago

I liked the State of Decay graphic artist whom put penises in the textures.


Homefront is available for free on Humble Bundle for the next 48 hours

Deep Silver and Humble Bundle are currently offering the first Homefront game for free. This offer will last for the next 48 hours, so be sure to visit its Humble Bundle page in order to acquire your free copy.

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yeahokwhatever2349d ago

get it! the single player is excellent and intense and the MP is pretty fun, too.

Razzer2349d ago (Edited 2349d ago )

Uh....it’s free so...

nowitzki20042349d ago

lol at dislikes.. look at OP's name

C-H-E-F2349d ago

Ehh, PS4 needs these deals too, or consoles in general we always get discounts rarely free stuff that's REALLY free (games with gold / psplus isn't free)

nowitzki20042349d ago

Yeah its nice, Just sign up and add them to your steam. even f you dont own a gaming PC, you might one day.