
ilomilo Preview - XBLA [BrightHub.com]

ilomilo is a quirky puzzler where you help two characters on opposite ends of a playing field meet halfway. The game can be played alone or cooperatively with a partner.

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hemang274905d ago

Ilomilo reviews are embargod till release date!

Yi-Long4905d ago

... there are already bunch of (mostly positive) reviews out.

And rightly so. Together with Super Meat Boy, ilomilo is pretty much the best game that came out on XBLA in 2010! Fantastic puzzle game that oozes a fantastic style along with great puzzles.

hemang274904d ago

I have spoken to Microsoft and reviews arent supposed to be out yet!

Cybermario4902d ago (Edited 4902d ago )

indeed this is a preview and not a review, but Yi-Long get facts before you talk nonsense, for us reviewers the companies was clear when they handled review codes to us, they are handled with an embargo to press and reviews are nt allowed to be posted until the official release date of the game, even if many managed to get it before that.

get your facts straight, and if reviewers decided to violate the embargo they proved their lack of professionalism to gain some hits for their websites.

TheSanchezDavid4904d ago

This is a PREVIEW, not a REVIEW. Please be more careful the next time you file a report, or I will be forced to contact support. Also, there are already a few reviews for ilomilo as it is, so I believe this is just unnecessary, inane trolling on your part. There's no need for that here.

Cybermario4902d ago

to be honest and assuming you know about the industry, why N4G allow users to post reviews on a game the develoeprs and microsoft applied an embargo? you people report a review for being a week older but allow reviews that shouldnt go live? what a way to apply rules you have.

And most likely ill get some kind of warn for thinking out loud right?

lochdoun4903d ago

XBLA keeps pumping out amazing exclusives, with more to come (Fez, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, Ms. Splosion Man)


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Yi-Long2569d ago

So extremely happy about ilomilo finally being backward compatible. Absolutely LOVE that game.

neil3632569d ago

I was just about to say the same. Might go play it right now actually.


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