
Black Ops multiplayer: 'Crap weapons, crap maps and cheaters'

CVG: In our last Mailbox Daniel Bolton gave his somewhat scathing opinion on Red Dead Redemption's Undead Nightmare.

This week David Lucas assesses Black Ops' multiplayer in issue 100 of Xbox World 360, and it doesn't fare much better we're afraid.

If you stopped playing Modern Warfare 2 because you were sick of the cheats, glitchers and the lack of balance then don't buy Black Ops. It. Is. Awful.

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Tachyon_Nova4905d ago

So on other words the guys just a dickhead contrarian who always has to disagree with popular opinion

Nicaragua4905d ago

or black ops is shit, I choose the latter.

Iamback4905d ago

Bo is first COD game i got addicted to. I tried playing MW2 last night, and i just can't. It is so broken and noob friendly and i can't tolerate it. You can headshot someone from across the map with worst assault rifle, plus snipers are over powered, also shotguns. Hate it.
BO might have problems but it is only COD that doesn't bend over to noobs, other then gayc cars that need to be removed since that is nood friendly sh.t

Washington-Capitals4905d ago (Edited 4905d ago )

PC gaming is prone to everything that this guy is complaining about, cheating and glitching? I'll find you 500 PC games that are not call of duty related that have those problems. Maps might be an issue but thats a personal opinion and i will respect it. Balancing? I think the game is balanced its not like people can have specific weapons for one team. Everyone has the opportunity to use the same weapon and class setup. Regardless, i dont care about other people's hatred towards black ops, i bought the game for $50 and i am enjoying it a lot regardless of popular opinion and hatred towards the game.

Im not afraid to speak my mind on n4g, it seems that some people blindly follow a group of radical fanboys. The culture here needs to change, people need to stop being biased towards certain things without any reason just for the hell of popular opinion and getting thumbs and bubbles. I find it funny that by a MILE black ops is the most popular game on PS3 yet a lot of you come here and hate on the game. There has to be some of you who will post a hate comment here and 5 minutes later turn your ps3 on and go play. Just stop it please, the games a "good game" (not great GOOD) not "shit" or "garbage". Big Rigs is a game that is garbage. This is not big rigs status.

mastiffchild4905d ago

@washington caps-Mate, I don't think most people feel the way you think-even people, like me, who are unhappy with the way the franchise is being handled. Most of my issues are with the way Acti force their devs into tight time frames and into cutting every corner to ave costs while still pumping shedloads into marketing.

Is COD crap? No, no it isn't. It's just been the same game, basically, for four years since COD4 and there are so many issues(esp with the PS3 version of BO) that it isn't funny. Remember, they expect us to pay a tenner more than for "normal" games even though most of those games have more care, testing and even dedicated servers ion console these days. For the leading shooter to fall behind in these areas is what's really wrong, imho.

I'm sick of Acti and , by extension, what they've done which is, to me and others a mixture of the above, milking, platform bias and Kotick. COD4 was a great step forwards but since then they have merely diluted that year on year-core game is OK but the state of BO online on PC/PS3 isn't on.

syanara4905d ago


All I have to say is that compared to modern warfare 2 black ops is a Great game but then again that's comparing it to modern warfare 2. you want an unblanaced game? look at Modern Warfare 2, they encourage noob tubes, chopper gunners can get kills straight through walls, people can get a nuke in 30 seconds and at least 30% of the games I go into there is a guy going 99-8 just by using a noob tube and using whatever perk to change classes to another noob tube. this is my experience with modern warfare 2 call it bad luck, call it commonplace, call it whatever you want all I know is that people get less kills with the chopper gunner in black ops, noob tubes are discouraged, there isn't a nuke, and the highest KDR I've seen is 60-7 in a match where he was on the losing team. so I feel much more balance in Black Ops but I gotta say that's comparing it to MW2 If I compared both to U2:AT they both wouldn't look that good, hell if I compared them to battlefield even but thats another discussion for another time.

Microsoft_Spokesman4905d ago

You're right, it HAS been the same thing for past 4 years but that's what people like - a fast paced shooter that you can play as a lone wolf and still win, it's perfect for the casuals and the hardcores players alike. They don't want it to change, and neither do I actually, I have 3 shooters that I am playing right now: MAG, Black Ops and Bad Company with each one being played depending on my mood that day. However, there is no arguing that Kotic is a greedy hoe.

Also, Washington-Caps, that was a really good paragraph that you wrote out.


I don't know.... in my humble opinion, it's not the same game. if it was i think I would still enjoy it the way I enjoyed cod4.

it's the same general look and formula but it has got worse. No matter what they do people will complain, and not matter what idea the dev's seem to have about making it better, it just makes it worse.

MW2 definitely had some of the worse ideas you could possibley throw together.

If I could some it up with one thing one of the dev's said i will never forget. he was talking about the painkiller death streak and he was gloating at the fact that he likes to run around and die a lot and now he can do that and he gets a bonus of extra health or something like that.

for me that sums it up, you get a bonus for being crap, all the crap people cried and complained about cod4, so they made everything easy.

to be honest I think they did try and sort out a lot of the unbalanced issues with blackops, only problem is some of the other issues just seem to make it no better.

for me personally it's the bullet lag I get. just an't much point to being balanced if i still cannot kill anyone after shooting them with three bursts from an M16.

it's good people seem noob tube a lot less and it's good that there are less people running around just knifing... only problem is now everyone seems to just run around with smgs or the fammas and spray.

it's not the same game. cod4 got it just right, it had bugs, it had lag and at the time i remember sometimes i hated it, but after playing mw2 and blkops, looking back now, it's the best of the three.

pimpmaster4905d ago

i do agree COD is really dumbed down. BO was a step in the right direction but we ended up with cod4 all over again. i personally prefer halo which is more of a skill based game to cod which is more of whoever shoots first wins.

IaMs124905d ago

I must say tho the game is pretty fun has decent multiplayer content with the way you can customize but hell the weapon selection does really suck...

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Tapey4905d ago

Can't say I've really encountered any cheaters on the PS3 version except for one game, but I would insist that from an objective standpoint, Black Ops has the best multiplayer maps in the entire COD series. The layout and flow of all the maps is nothing short of brilliant in my opinion, and it baffles me as to how anybody could complain about them.

hennessey864905d ago

with you about the maps they are good but the game is shite ive traded it in now and mw2 was crap aswell cod4 is still the best

gamerzBEreal174905d ago

how can u decide if a game is shite after 1-2 months with it? u couldnt have put that much time in the multiplayer played the single player and put that much time in zomvie mode could u? then u havn't even given the whole game a chance nobody here on this website has and im so sick if hearing people complain about COD why did u even buy black ops? what was u exspecting? it is cod4 with improvments ITS THE SAME GAME! people are just mad cus they add stuff that there not good at like snipers that take skill SMG's that arnt Super overpowerd (mp5) and a game where u dont get the best assult rifle at the start (ak47 in cod4) lol u people are the same every year u guys cry if mw2 was crap why would u get black ops? cuz all mw2 was were improvments from cod4 and thats all black ops is improvments from MW2... u guys are just to big of baby to accsept changes and adapt

Washington-Capitals4905d ago

@gamerzBEreal17, why dont you ask how can people say the game is "shit" regardless of playtime! What defines "shit" in this industry? Its definately NOT black ops, there are a lot "shittier" games then black ops. Stop using the word SHIT to describe it cause it aint SHIT. Just say its not as great as the people would like it to be.

antz11044905d ago

@ GamerzBE real:

You can definately tell if a game is crap by the point you get to the 1 month mark. I've played thru the BO single 2x, prestiged 1x and am back to lvl 12, and played the zombie multi. I've seen people that have prestiged 6x, and thats not that much.

Don't get me wrong,I like Black Ops very much, warts and all. Just saying its possible.


@ gamerzBEreal17

" SMG's that arnt Super overpowerd "

are you kidding... have you played the game solid the last few months ?

I am sorry but considering most people have been playing cod/mw for the last 3 years, it does not take long to pick up when the game is crap or not.

as for smg's, not being overpowered, is that why everyone runs around with the ak7fu and MP5k ? it's never been easier to get kills with the smg. you don't need AR anymore.

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awesomeperson4905d ago

Who, the guy with the complaint?

I agree with him.

Sure it was more balanced, but the PS3 version just downright sucked. I also found it to be less fun somehow. Even from asking my friends who mostly play on 360- they just don't find themself as addicted to BO as they were MW2.

Sure MW2 would have you frustrated and on the verge of smashing your controller at times, but it was so satisfying when you killed that stupid OMA Danger Close Noob Tuber, or an Umpando.

The maps just seemed more bland. Sadly, I seemed to prefer the MW2 maps- they seemed livelier. Maybe it was more than that. After all I like Killzone 2 maps and they are pretty dull colour wise. I think the design of the maps wasn't that great either.

Pedantic914905d ago (Edited 4905d ago )

Your own opinion is the only thing that matters in the end anyway.

Popular opinion doesn't mean much, many of em' gave a good review for Oblivion IV for the PS3, yet, i didn't enjoy it very much.

Silly gameAr4905d ago

Thank you. I didn't like Oblivion much either. I didn't understand the appeal.

The Meerkat4905d ago

I only played Oblivion on the 360 and liked it.

Just imagine Call of Duty: Medieval.

Bows and arrows
Shields (so teams can make defensive formations)
Holy Handgrenades
Skeleton perk, (arrows pass through you)
Dragon Killstreak
Trebuchet Killstreak
Ark of the Covenant Killstreak (Indiana Jones style)

That could put the fun back into COD

showtimefolks4905d ago

i am not a COD fan i don't play those games i rent them to play the SP and with black-ops i didn't even do that. is the game good HECK NO because it is what this guy said people are just sniping all the time and than there are the cheaters.

but i do understand the impact COD/halo games have had on this industry i don't like them i don't play them bashing them won't solve anything

Rainstorm814905d ago

IMO BO outshines MW2....MW2's camping was outrageous, it no half as bad on BO. But the arcadey noob style of game COD is it will never change back to what COD4:mw was.

COD is a Core-Casual game that why it has mass appeal.

But this guy talking trash about highly reguarded games, seems like someone needs attention.

theEx1Le4905d ago (Edited 4905d ago )

You know it isn't wrong to point out the flaws in highly rated games, no game is perfect and its flaws can destroy what makes the game good in the first place. I mean the spawning in BO is a complete joke and the networking on all versions is a mess.

I can relate to what this guy is saying, I put hundreds of hours in to every cod game since Cod2, and tbh BO just doesnt have that appeal. I mean MW2 was the worst Cod game for cheating and hacks, but it wasn't bad. Fix the shotguns, OMA noob tubes and SoH pro for snipers and the game would've been perfect, especially compared to BO. And to be fair you can't blame MW2 for campers, thats the way people play the game so it's hardly something that can be changed is it.

Vherostar4905d ago (Edited 4905d ago )

His opinion is right though he is just one of the few who say it out loud its full of problems.. I traded my black ops 1 week after owning it.. I traded it for GT5 actually.. Never been happier.

Kazu0 Hirai4905d ago

Everyone seems to have a negative opinion about this game. All CODs are the same thing every year. People complain every year. Yet it still sells tens of millions of copies. If you don't like it STOP BUYING THE FUCKING GAME BECAUSE IT WILL NEVER CHANGE.

Gamer_Z4905d ago (Edited 4905d ago )

@mastiffchild, @theEx1Le, @DARK WITNESS, @Shazz agreed %100

Dude this game really is awful compared to the other COD games, its inferior in almost every level you have to be blind not to see it!!!

Graphics lame (COD4,MW2 look better)
Sound lame (COD4,MW2 sound better)
Story lame
Snipe broken
Hit detect broken
Knife still broken!
Frame rate broken (60fps my ass)
Spawning broken
COD points lame (no skill)
MP party system broken
Maps lame (they all look the same)
MP lame (broken, lag, glitchers, cheaters)

A true COD player would pick up on this. Idk i guess i just dont like how COD is all about $$$ and not about gameplay anymore. I did however like theater mode and the ability to dive that was fun ^_^

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Shazz4905d ago

ive never really understood the whole point in cheating at games its sad as fcuk ,i mean you pay £ 200 to 300 for a console then pay £40 for the games just to cheat and get your little virtual stats high enough that people actually know you have cheated . play the games properly and improve yourself the legit way and enjoy the satisfaction.

yoghurt4905d ago

I downloaded and played BFBC vietnam yesterday, its crazy how much better that game is in every way - in my opinion. IN contrast I rented black-ops, played it for a while and have not put it in since, it was appalling, I don't get why COD always seems to get a free ride, and why so many people love it to death

each to their own I guess

Redempteur4905d ago

i itred BO : multiplayer ( ps3) ..

my inner flame was NOT lit in any way.

Afetr 2 hours i gave it back

hamburger1234905d ago

Wow you played for two hours ?!

On the PS3?!

How did you do that?

Iamback4905d ago

i played for 7 days on PS3, people just exaggerate. Move on kids

Redempteur4905d ago

it was playable .. but it was dull IMO

i spent over 40 hours playing the MW1 multiplayer no problems ....

Something was missing IMO

SnakeShady4905d ago

WTF!!!! 2 hours? are you serious? it's unbeliavable. 2 hours on Ps3 it's like 2 months on 360.

AssassinHD4905d ago

I have been playing the PS3 version since it launched. I can play the game just fine. All of my friends can play the game just fine. People tend to make mountains out of mole hills, especially on the internet.

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The Meerkat4905d ago

My Black Ops disc is back in its case.
It just feels stale to me.
Once you unlock all the guns you realise that there are only 3 good ones.

And because there is NO defence to being seen first its still the Campathon that MW2 was.

BlueEye4905d ago

Only 3? Let me guess, Famas, AK74u and Commando?

The Meerkat4905d ago

I was thinking AK74u, Galil and FAL.

All the shotguns and snipers are pointless.

BlueEye4905d ago

Well I got to argue a bit with you there. The Famas, AUG, Galil, FAL, AK47/74u, Commando, (and for some people)G11. The Stakeout is a useable shotgun and the Spas-12 can be equiped with a suppressor without losing range. The PSG-1 is great and if you are skilled enough you can use snipers. In the LMG section all the guns except the RPK are great.

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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


Off-Map Exploration of Black Ops' Kino der Toten Reveals Cut Content And Secrets

The video on Black Ops 1 shows some separate rooms, assets, and other features which exist outside of the boundary of the game.


Black Ops 1 Nuketown versus Cold War Nuketown '84

From DownSights: "Black Ops is not Black Ops without Nuketown. Following the tradition of releasing Nuketown for Black Ops games, the new Black Ops Cold War game also offers a revamped Nuketown called Nuketown '84.

Nuketown '84 has the same dimensions and map layout except for the aesthetics. The map's aesthetics have changed to fit the 80s theme, with destroyed buildings and graffiti-filled walls compared to a clean 50s suburban neighborhood seen in Black Ops 1."