
IGN gives 6/10 to Fatal Inertia - Fatally mediocre

In the future, a handful of wealthy corporations decide that a great form of entertainment would be to hire a bunch of racers, give them some cool ships, and watch them fly around and kill each other. While a bit macabre in theory, the implementation of this destructive sport, Fatal Inertia, comes off as bland and unimaginative. KOEI has developed in Fatal Inertia a title that assured blazing speeds, unique weaponry, and dynamic course design, but failed to deliver on that first, most crucial of promises.

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GoLeafsGo6091d ago

6/10 for Xbox360 version?

I'll go ahead and say the PS3 version will get something like 5.5-5.8

MaximusPrime6091d ago

we (the PS3 owners) are not worried. Playstation 3 has the king of the futuristic racing game, Wipeout HD. Im sure IGN will give at least 8.

thereapersson6091d ago

I was looking forward to this game but then all the announcements of it going multiplatform and KOEI suddenly having these mysterious development troubles that they weren't having months ago, caused my interest level in the game to severely drop. Not that multiplatform games are bad, mind you, just that all the excitement over the game resulted in a less-than-stellar end product thanks to KOEI.

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Limbo, Inertia! win 2011 Indie Game Challenge at DICE

Limbo and Xbox Indie title Inertia! have won the second annual Indie Game Challenge at DICE. Sponsored by The Guildhall at SMU, GameStop and the AIAS, the winners will each receive $100,000 and an EEDAR DesignMetrics title research assessment valued at $15,000.

Limbo, which we felt was one of the best games of 2010, took the grand prize in the "professional" category, along with another prize of $2,500 for achievement in art direction


PALGN: PSN Review Round-up

Welcome to PALGN's PlayStation Network Review Round-Up. At the start of every month, this article will be dedicated to reviewing the titles that have been released during the past month on the PlayStation Network and give our verdict as to whether they are worth a download or not. We're a little bit behind, so this particular round-up will feature a couple of months worth of releases for your pleasure.

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Dark Zero Review: Fatal Inertia EX

Dark Zero writes: "Fatal Inertia EX is the PlayStation 3 release of the year-old Xbox 360 game Fatal Inertia and is available now as a download from the PlayStation Store, for a fee of course.
Set in a futuristic world where mega-corporations control everything from government to entertainment, Fatal Inertia has become the most popular, and dangerous, pastime. The best drivers race in cars that hover over all types of ground, from molten lava to coastal inlets.

Sounds exciting doesn't it? Unfortunately, in the early stages of the game it isn't. I know that the earlier levels are supposed to be easy for beginners to grasp the controls, but in my eyes they were just uneventful, boring and didn't make me thrilled about playing on. Fortunately I did, otherwise this would be a very short review, and by the time you get halfway through the 'Professional League' it gets a bit trickier and somewhat more enjoyable. The tracks are short which means that the races are quick and if you get stuck in the crowd with the rest of the racers, it can get very chaotic, which is where the races get interesting. A side effect of the tracks being fairly short, sometimes the race is over before you know it and suddenly you're in second when you thought you could overtake the guy in front on the next corner to take home a win which gets a bit annoying.
The races are based on six different areas with all the course"

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