
2010's Most Absurd Collectors' Editions

GamerZines writes:

Collectors' Editions are an acquired taste and 2010 has seen some great bundles released, but there has been a handful released over the past twelve months which stray into bizarre territory.

Here are five of 2010's most absurd collectors' editions.

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Deleting4883d ago

I got my Bioshock 2 collectors edition my accident. I never knew how big it was going to be when I ordered it from play.com, I thought what the hell since it was only 24.99 and the standard game was just 17.99.

I Assassins creed codex edition was amazing, I'm actually surprised europe got a better collectors edition then America

Still had to order my Littlebigplannet 2 CE from america, Europes is a joke

mightyboot4882d ago

I guess mw2 prestige wasnt absurd at all.

what an absurd article.

RumbleFish4882d ago

"We should have known Sony Europe were having a laugh at our expense when they bundled a leather wallet with the premier edition as well."

They just knew that some people still have enough money though they bought a Signature Edition. BTW: it's awesome! Stealth Cars FTW!

Bounkass4882d ago (Edited 4882d ago )

Lol, USA got a very crappy Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Collector's Edition. I love my EU Limited Codex Edition and all stealth cars without Signature Edition!


Record of Agarest War Review (The Gamer's Lounge)

Record of Agarest War is a PS3/Xbox 360 title that has been revamped and brought to the Nintendo Switch. Featuring a unique hook where there are multiple generations and who you court changes the stats of the next protagonist, the title does struggle with a bog-down of features to where it’s hard to

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Decommissioning of online services for several AC games (October 2022)

"Hello everyone, we have more details to share concerning the upcoming decommissioning of online services affecting several AC titles, including additional information regarding the DLC for these titles."

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CrimsonWing69609d ago

When will you decommission this new one? I’m only asking so I can be happier by not buying it at full price.

bunt-custardly609d ago

The dog Chorizo from FAR CRY 6 has wheelchair legs, so is hardly a decommissioned pet. In fact very useful for digging up dirt.


PlayStation 3: chasing the 1080p dream, part three - Gran Turismo 5 and the indie explosion

From Digital Foundry: "Welcome to the third part in the biggest DF Retro episode we've ever produced - a year-by-year look at how 1080p gaming fared on the PlayStation 3. Launched in 2007 touting its then-exclusive HDMI digital interface, Sony layered full HD gaming on top of its Cell processor and RSX 'Reality Synthesizer' as key selling points for its third generation console. Of course, we all know how that turned out - both Sony and Microsoft machines routinely ran the most advanced titles at sub-720p resolutions, often with questionable performance, so what happened to the 1080p dream?

In the first two parts of John Linneman's investigation, we've covered off the first four years of the Triple's lifecycle and moving into 2010, the overall fortunes of the PlayStation 3 continued to improve. The platform holder released - what was then - the most advanced motion controller in the console space, backed up by experiments with stereoscopic 3D, which turned out to be a short-lived but still formidable pairing. Combined with a strong E3 showing, PS3 was looking good.

However, it's fair to say that it was a fallow year for 1080p gaming on the system, with only Scott Pilgrim Saves The World's razor-sharp pixel art upscaling, Castle Crashers and Soldner X2's 3D/FMV stylings accommodating full HD output - alongside a wonderful Monkey Island remaster."

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ApocalypseShadow648d ago (Edited 648d ago )

Just remember ladies and gentlemen, Sony never said all games would be 1080p. Only that the system would support games up to 1080p in a survey before the system was released.
And as we saw, some games did support it, some games tried their best to support it and some games didn't or never reached it.

Is a higher resolution great to have if you can do it? Sure. Is it necessary for a fun game? No

But what I find interesting is Eurogamer. Are they really talking about HD and PS3 in their article or are they really pushing their 4.50 Euros 4K video download subscription? Seems one is being used to sell the other. Just look at the bottom of the article.

Michiel1989648d ago

thats what every company tries to do, push for people to buy their products. Are you really gonna blame them for that?

ApocalypseShadow648d ago

Not all articles are about selling. They're about informing or entertaining.

Maybe I'm supposed to watch the video instead of reading. But I shouldn't have to click. But the article lazily tells us some games did hit 1080p and some didn't. I didn't learn anything new as I own the console. Then, they push a Patreon subscription.

Are you saying every opinion, preview, review and rant article requires a push to buy something now? Tell me which sites are prone to do so so that I can avoid them in the future.

Michiel1989648d ago

not everyone played during the ps3 era. I started during snes era but loved seeing articles/videos about how gaming evolved before that.

i dont think this article is trying to push you to get that patreon sub, it doesnt for me at least. I dont think theres anything wrong putting an ad at the bottom of the article. all the regular DF videos are free already.

SonyStyled648d ago

Wipeout HD on PS3, a remake of the PS1 game was 1080p 60fps. And that released in 2007-08

Christopher648d ago

This really feels like a filler article. I don't feel like I learned anything notable or substantial from this. I feel they could have reduced the unnecessary intro and over-explanation of things and put the whole series in one article for a more substantial and possibly informative piece rather than piece-mealing it out as they have.

dumahim648d ago

It's more about the video. DF Retro videos are for Patreon members first, and I think the whole thing was one big video. For the youtube channel, it gets chopped up and released weekly.

ApocalypseShadow648d ago

Chris is actually right on this one. Something known already was just kind of washed over in the article. Unless you're supposed to get more in the video. If more is in the video, then more could have been said in the article.

Only thing I learned new was that they are selling a subscription. My point though is that you gain more viewers by having better articles and content.

645d ago