
Is Mass Effect 2 for PS3 worth buying?

Today, Mass Effect 2 for the PS3 has gone Gold! This is great news for PS3 owners, or is it? For starters, this is a whole year after the Xbox 360 and PC version went Gold.

Mass Effect is a great series and all but is it really worth getting a year later on the PS3, with no Mass Effect 1 ever to step digital foot on the console and having to pay full pop to boot (a WHOPPING $59.99) for a year old game?

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NYC_Gamer4907d ago

yes in my opinion the game is real good plus its running on the new engine and comes with all the dlc

dc14907d ago

Fan of Bioware (I Love Dragon Age).
And it helps that our 360 and PC friends speaks very well of Mass Effect 2.

SuperKing4907d ago

I'd buy it when it hits the bargain bin. LBP2 is coming out the same day so I can't buy ME2 PS3.

dc14907d ago

That is rough.. 2011 = the year of pocket lint..

Active Reload4907d ago

"Is Mass Effect 2 for PS3 worth buying?"

Umm, if you haven't played it, then yes. A resounding and emphatical...yes.

Kran4907d ago

unfortunatly, PS3 dont speak well of us, and yet this is what we do for them.

If they get Mass Effect, we deserve an exclusive of theirs.

Abash4907d ago

I commend Bioware for what's looking to be a great job done on the PS3 version of Mass Effect 2, but I'll be getting LittleBigPlanet 2 on that day. I'll get ME2 PS3 later on though

King_of _the_Casuals4907d ago

It's only worth it if you like GREAT games! So if you don't own it, you owe it to yourself to try it out.

Putting all fanboyism aside....It's the Greatest Game I have EVER played in my 23 years of gaming. I'm glad more people will get to try it out with it being released on the PS3.

xxBiG_BoSSxx4907d ago (Edited 4907d ago )

i'm glad this series has made its way onto ps3. if you don't own a 360(like me) then of course its worth buying. there are so many games coming i actually hope some get pushed back toward the summer drought.

"PS3 dont speak well of us"
That's funny. my ps3 hasn't mentioned you.

cemelc4907d ago (Edited 4907d ago )

Well in my honest opinion.

Ill hold that purchase till mass effect 3 comes out later that year, by that point itll be pretty cheap.

I will hold on purchasing mass effect 3 til 2012, since it´ll probably have the complete edition or something, i mean they pretty much done it, with every game so far.

yewles14907d ago

"If they get Mass Effect, we deserve an exclusive of theirs."

ROFLMFAO!!! So Tekken, DMC and FF were just blips in the radar, but ME causes potential suicide. XD

nycredude4907d ago

I only have a Ps3 and Pc now but I played ME1 and before I traded my xbox in and then I played them again on my PC.

TO my PS3 brethen if you haven't played these games go out and find a way to play ME1 and then buy Me2 when it comes out on Ps3. Seriously if you remotely like third person shooters/rpgs then buy this game.

darthv724907d ago

this is an interesting topic. The game (when it was still "exclusive") was critically acclaimed and got great reviews and now...

People want to question if its worth buying. That is like asking if LoTR trilogy is worth buying on bluray even if you own the DVD collector editions.

It is a great game hands down. It is now being offered to those who may have missed it the first time and it comes complete with the odds and ends.

If you own the original then you know how good it is. If you dont, here is your chance (if you only have ps3). If you are a multiconsole gamer, it may be worth a rent. I know there have been many other multiplatform games that people have bought both just to satisfy their own curiosity.

Nothing wrong with that.

Anon19744907d ago

Well this is stupid. What does the fact that it's been out for a year have to do with anything. I got Assassin's Creed 2 last Christmas and just started playing it this morning. Is the fact that it's a year old hampering my enjoyment of the title? Of course not.

And I never played Mass Effect 1. So what? The start of the game runs through the past game and lets you make the decisions that had an effect on the landscape of the 2nd game. Wouldn't it be cool if more games did this, so if you did miss the first couple of games you could still have a game world that was impacted by your decisions without having to play through 20+ hours to enjoy the game you've purchased?

And on top of that, all the DLC is included. If this game was worth buying in the first place - of course it's worth buying now.

"You could have got it for $10 on the 360!"
Wow. Really? Or I could have bought it for $60 on the 360 when it first came out. What difference does that make?

This article just oozes stupidity. A great game is a great game no matter what console it's on. Assassin's Creed 2 isn't a lesser game for me because it came out a year ago, and it was on multiple consoles, and I could have potentially got it for cheap now. None of those points affect the gameplay of the title one bit.

Go post your troll articles somewhere else.

insomnium24907d ago


Could it be that now when it's hitting the PS3 it becomes unworthy of a purchase? I could swear the media was loving this franchise to death just a while ago.

No Way4906d ago

Actually.. FF caused suicides. >.<

tacosRcool4906d ago

Dragon Age FTW!! Bought Origins and then bought the Ultimate Edition for the DLC plus the Awakening Expansion

It will be so worth it. Good thing I didn't buy it for my PC when I had the chance

BlackKnight4906d ago

Bubbles to you dc1.

Calling 360 and PC gamers "friends" is how it should be. We are all GAMERS, whether it's 360/PC/PS3. Sure, each have pros and cons that we should be honest about, but not running around with flamethrowers saying "360/PC/PS3 SUCKS!"

Thanks for the mature input.

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Christopher4907d ago

Good games are worth buying any time.

UltimateIdiot9114907d ago

Completely agree. I've played ME2 on the PC, finished it, loved it, and plan to buy it on the PS3.

Good game can withstand the test of time. I believe ME series has that potential.

phatak4907d ago (Edited 4907d ago )

just thinking how freaking hardworking bioware is: They have like 4 games to come out this year
1. mass effect 2 (ps3)
2. Mass effect 3
3. The Old Republic
4. Dragon Age Origins 2
4 games by 1 developer in 1 year!!!

cemelc4907d ago

Wasnt the old republic 2012?

Kran4907d ago

technically, ME2 doesnt count as they're just copying all the files over to a new engine, Mass Effect 3, yes, TOR hasnt even got an official release date, and that then is done by other bioware stations around the world, and DA2.... will just rock your socks off.

lh_swe4907d ago

All I hear from this site is; 'blah, blah, blah we want hits'...because despite people having different opinions when it comes to games, some opinions are luckily trumped by people who actually enjoy good games...just sayin'

Koolno4907d ago

COnflictinggamers : another xbox fanblog spotted.

i'll remeber this for the next review they'll make.

poopface14907d ago

The game is great and is worth 60$, and the DLC is great too. I have it all and it adds to the story. They have used the last year good and are using the ME3 engine on this version.

homer4794906d ago

Totally agree and it comes with tons of free DLC.

Ratchet5104906d ago

This one of those games on playstation where you get last after you get all the great exclusives coming out. My first 2011 game will be LBP2. Ill get Mass Effects when i need an RPG and ps3 has good exclusives RPG coming out also in 2011.

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SnakeMustDie4907d ago

It is worth buying. PS3-only owners are missing a great game if they don't buy it.

Kurisu4907d ago

And that's why it's worth buying for me! PS3 only owner, and never had the chance to play it before. Yes, it will be a full £40, but that's the standard for a new game...and this is new, TO ME! What a stupid article lol.

Active Reload4907d ago

It kinda gives me goose bumps to know PS3 only owners will get to play it. There isn't anything else out there this gen thats like it. I hate to hype the game, so I'll just let people play it for themselves.


Huh??? It may be a great game But LITTLE BIG PLANET 2 will be game of the year!!! Ill wait till mass effect 3 comes out and get it for 10 bucks used... Its not Little Big Planets fault EA sold out its PS3 fanbase... MM deserves a big opening day form giving us LBP 1.

Ratchet5104906d ago

That is not true because we have over 12 exclusives that are the best of 2011.

Parapraxis4907d ago

yes...because it's a great game.

jony_dols4907d ago

Well it does use ME3's graphics engine, which is a massive plus!

UltimateIdiot9114907d ago

So are you saying the game is not worth buying for anything more than $10 to $20 because that's the price it's going for on the 360/PC.

As far as I remember, a lot of 360 fanbabies praise this game to hell and back.

fromasterjay4907d ago

You could always do what I did and catch up with the first story on Wikipedia...then you won't miss a thing!! HAHA!!

sp1deynut4907d ago (Edited 4907d ago )

...because reading a Wiki entry = playing a 40 hr, choice-laden interactive video game, which can be carried over into the sequel. :o

MysticStrummer4907d ago

6 major game changing decisions doesn't make it "choice-laden". Those choices can be made in the PS3 version's interactive ME1 comic, so yeah.

fromasterjay4907d ago

Well if you want to play ME2 and all you have is a PS3, then how else would you catch up with the first story since ME1 isn't even ON the PS3? Riddle me that smart guy!

No Way4906d ago

Have you played Mass Effect 1?
Have you played Mass Effect 2, with a carried character?
Have you played Mass Effect 2, without a carried character?

If not, please don't talk about the carry over.

No Way4906d ago

Well, from what I remember..
The PS3 fanboys, here, all have supercomputers..

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4906d ago
guigsy4907d ago

That's like saying you could read up on any game or film, yeah you know what happens but it's nothing like experiencing it for yourself.

AKA4907d ago (Edited 4907d ago )

if they sale it at $40 from day one maybe.

this was the only xbox game that i was diferent
i will rent in or buy it cheap and
if i njoy it a lot i will buy me3 first day.

people bubble me up, i have lost two bubble in few days, whats wrong with the nerds this days.

AKA4907d ago Show
AKA4907d ago

ok so because i said that you can get it cheap($11) on the xbox im crazy?
know im buying the game used, finish it and return it, all for free, well i'm paying for the gas.

its very clear that by holidays amazon will have this pt2 really chep or free if you buy me3.
that will be a great deal.

activeR its very clear that you are a xbox fanboy i see you trolling in every ps3 news. and you keep attacking everyone.

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There are no "thoughtful" ads in video games, EA

There are no thoughtful ads in Video Games, EA. Leave them be.

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northpaws6d ago

I think the only type of games that can gets away with it would be sport games, having those sponsors ads on the side like on real life.

But don't put freaking Doritos ads in Star Wars or something, it breaks the immersion. If it is a pop-up ads, then big no.

Hofstaderman6d ago

EA can thoughtfully eff themselves.

Makersbreath26d ago

EA coming back for the crown of being perceived as the worst company in gaming.

Chocoburger5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

One of my favorite series is the THPS franchise, and it was packed with ads, but it didn't bother me. Posters for skateboard companies, JEEP, and Nokia phones. It did sort of fit in with the game world, but that was the past, these days ad would be intentionally intrusive or unskippable loading screen type of imagery. Ugh, I know EA would do it in a horrible fashion. Screw them.


Report: Sexual Misconduct Investigation Conducted at EA, Suspects Named and What They Did Revealed

EA senior staff has been investigated for sexual misconduct involving female coworkers, and these said people have been named publicly.

isarai11d ago

Aye just call Phil, i mean he somehow made Bobby Kotick's scandal disappear and gave him a few million dollar high five on the way out.

Cacabunga11d ago

I wonder if it will be censored with some in game ads.

MrBaskerville9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Microsoft did, Phil Spencer played a minor part. He instigated the buyout that led to Kotick escaping all his controversies while getting a golden handshake.

Someone on Twitter calculated that the people hired in Tango and Arkane Austin could get a decent salary for roughly 17 years for the money Kotick was paid.

InUrFoxHole8d ago

Yeah some thing tells me Kotics $ was already guaranteed before MS made the deal. As for the studios... Let's be honest here... none of those studios made system sellers.

XiNatsuDragnel11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

EA about to go down like Activision and then Phil saves the day saying.this is good for the industry and consolidation will help create competition. /s.

MrBaskerville9d ago

Then they shutdown Codemasters and studio behind Jedi Survivor.

Atleast they could hardly do much damage that EA hadn't allready done. EA has shut down most of their studios by now.

ravens5211d ago

What's up with all these horny creeps. You gon be horny, fine. Just not at work take care of that shit before you go in. Rub one out if you have to. Don't be a creep at all. ESPECIALLY at work. But don't be one AT ALL.

Extermin8or3_11d ago

I mean part of the issue is that things transpired outside of work....

MrBaskerville9d ago

That's the thing he mentioned about not being a creep at all.

KwietStorm_BLM11d ago

You think deviants care where they are? Work sometimes makes it an even better situation for them because they can abuse their power.

mudakoshaka10d ago

Nerds think they are Gods when they are making video games.

NotoriousWhiz11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

"it seems that according to EA, given the events transpired outside of work between two adults, and the fact that once investigation has started that the alleged perpetrators didn’t do it again, the investigation is considered closed. [...] The victim still has to work with the people that harassed her."

Yep, EA is disgusting.

Extermin8or3_11d ago

I mean the fact stuff happened outside of work puts EA in quite a difficult position legally. These women don't seem to have reported the matter to the police which kinda ties EA's hands on what they can do. If they don't file reports of the crimes then yeah from EA's perspective it is stuff that happened outside of work. The only exception is the guy that apparently referenced things in the slack channel for work, spending on what he said proving it may be very hard and he may well be able to get away with plausible deniability. I don't like EA and I think these people need to be dismissed but without any legal action being taken, EA can't really do much without risk of being sued themselves for unfair dismissal etc.

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EA to Spend Billions Boosting Share Prices After Mass Layoffs

EA has announced it will engage in a shareholder-pleasing share buyback program just a couple of months after mass layoffs at the studio.

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Yi-Long15d ago

Well, anything to make those shareholders happy, I guess. They're all that matters in this industry nowadays.

badboyz0914d ago (Edited 14d ago )

EA stocks haven't been profitable in over 5yrs. They better hope Take-two don't get the FIFA license lol.