
Treyarch Looking Into What Went Wrong

So the long awaited and much needed patch for Treyarch’s Call Of Duty: Black Ops went live less than a day ago now, and while it was one of those few situations where players actually were waiting for a fix, they were absolutely gutted to discovered first hand that 1.04 made things worse. We Got This Covered looks at what went wrong with Treyarch's latest patch.

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Cwalk8164899d ago

More CoD drama eh, well, let's suffer through it maybe treyarch will make it up with a FREE map pack for once.

hakis864899d ago

I'm sorry, but I can't help regretting spending money on this game. It's fun, but that's it. And then there's all this.. buggy stuff..

Anybody heard of Modern Combat Domination?
Coming to PSN in january, with Move support. Looks a lot like Modern Warfare/MoH and it's only online..cheaper =)
I wanna try it.


Mag is better... Its already out and 256 player battles is awesome... also you can buy it for 20 bucks...
That should hold you till Killzone 3 comes out and lays the BOOM on fps everywhere!

StanLee4899d ago

Let's face it, Call of Duty is as big on the PS3 as it is on the XBox 360 and other games have a hard time building substantial online communities. Regardless of the problems with the game, come November, millions will be lined up for the next buggy, exploit filled iteration.

MerkinMax4899d ago

Why do I feel like I am the only one who doesn't have problem with this game? I even play it on PS3 and have a good connection and good hit detection.

gamerzBEreal174899d ago

its fun and thats it
what else do u want?

frostypants4899d ago (Edited 4899d ago )

Why does someone have to try to pimp MAG in every FPS thread?

I love my PS3, but there's a reason why MAG is only $20...

frostypants4899d ago (Edited 4899d ago )

MAG's awesome. Totally. It's $20 because it's so popular.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4899d ago
solar4899d ago

its not only CoD drama mate. it's more console gamers proclaiming they dont have to deal with the so called "negatives" of PC gaming drama.

installs to hard drives, connected to the internet to update unpolished products at release date due to publisher pressure, missing features and community feedback...etc.

PC gamers dont hate all of you console gamers, we are used to this treatment....we just laugh when you bitch about it when we have been dealing with progressive tech years before you have....HF!!! :D

thebudgetgamer4899d ago (Edited 4899d ago )

eh it's the life.

evrfighter4899d ago

There goes that whole "with console gaming u just pop it in and it works." It's funnier because on pc if something doesn't work u Google your problem and get it fixed by someone who's had ur problem.

On the console your at the mercy of the developer/publisher. No options no workaround.

frostypants4899d ago

PC gamers patch the source code themselves? I don't think so. Not typically. At least I haven't in my 15 years of PC gaming.

BlackKnight4898d ago (Edited 4898d ago )


You don't even know what source code is...Source code stays at the developer. We get "compiled" code. And you don't always have to change the "code" of the game. Sometimes it's config files we tweak, or change video card settings, etc. There are many things that can be done. I own all PC, 360 and ps3 and quite frankly, PC gamers have a lot more choices when it comes to dealing with bugs or things not working. With consoles, you just have to wait for a patch, which might not be that long for some fixes, while others take months or never get fixed.

EDIT: For example, Bad Company 2 for the PC, PC gamers noticed the mouse didn't feel right. Upon looking at config files, it is found the Dice implemented a "negative acceleration" for the mouse to smooth the mouse movement, however, for beginners this is nice and less spastic, but for seasoned PC gamers, it feels unresponsive. Myself, and many others, removed the effects of negative acceleration and now the mouse handles like most PC games like COD or Source games and so on...

And still this option hasn't been added in a patch to disable.

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BeOneWithTheGun4899d ago (Edited 4899d ago )

It's not hard to understand what happened. Treyarch did a crappy port to the PS3 and didn't bother to put some time and money to ensure it would run properly. Now, they are scrambling to do damage control.

In 2006, they could have gotten away with this. In 2010, with a PS3 user base rivaling 360 they shot themselves in the foot. PS3 gamers are not reliant on a COD shooter to hold them over for a year.

We don't need them. We have so many exclusives coming out the last thing any respected PS3 owner is going to do is drop 60 bucks on another COD abortion.

Fuck Treyarch. You payed to play and lost. Have fun making your crappy games for the 360. We need none of what you offer.

willie324899d ago

People need to quite playing online to show everyone's true frustrations. Why don't they implement dedicated servers for the PS3? In all honesty, I really don't care what happens with this game. I have given up hope and 2-22-11 can't come soon enough!

AKS4899d ago (Edited 4899d ago )

They DID get away with it in 2010, and they'll get away with it again in 2011 and 2012. I was done with CoD as soon as the story broke about Kotick sacking Infinity Wards top guys, but it's obvious that even many gamers here on this website bought it anyway, reinforcing and encouraging more of this behavior in the future. They focused on the 360 version because they know they'll rake in a mountain of cash from the 360 crowd. They just want the cash, and people just keep forking it over.

garrod4899d ago

Couldn't have said it any better myself. But seriously the wait for LBP 2 and Deadspace 2 and Killzone 3 is killing me! lol

BeOneWithTheGun4899d ago

@garrod: Brotha, I want LBP and KZ3 so bad it's not even funny. I lucked out and got the india account thing for the KZ3 beta. Let me tell you this: It is so awesome you forget to breathe. The build was Alpha and it wipes the floor with any other shooter. Mechs, jetpacks and maps the size of Texas.

I'm DYING to get the retail copy in Feb.

Add me, amigo. BeOneWithTheGun PSN.

Thepro3184899d ago

i would agree with that statement but COD4 MW2 and WaW are top selling games on ps3

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4899d ago
monkpunk14899d ago

free, thats not in activisions vocabulary.

I will play mw3 for the finale to the story not touch the online and hang up my cod experiience.

I feel that the bubble is bursting on cod with so many new shooters available and becoming available in the next year....

tacosRcool4899d ago

Activision couldn't allow free map packs with the price of 1 map pack 1/4 the cost of the game

KingZFlipper4899d ago

@Cwalk816.. Free map packs from Activi$ion is never going to happen. They're probably gonna make 3 new maps and slap 1200MS points on the DLC

RustInPeace4899d ago

I HIGHLY doubt ANYTHING free from Acti will come to us (or anyone for that matter...) On a side note, my PS3 died while trying to play this game last week (as in the power light won't turn on at all), and all I am hearing is this patch has made things worse. I am one of the users who was having trouble playing (on a launch 60GB *REFURBISHED*, now trading for new slim) so to hear that things have gotten worse can only spell despair for the people experiencing these problems. How is it that a patch that goes from the devs to TESTERS (QA) and there are still horrendous problems like system freezes/crashes? How is it that the people who made W@W, which ran perfectly fine, could mess up on such a grand scale? (ESPECIALLY on the PC no less... Isn't the coding & most of the work done on PCs to begin with? HOW CAN THAT BE JUST AS BAD?!)

madjedi4899d ago

The ps3 and 360 version are made on their respective consoles development kit not on a pc. How they release a patch that makes it even worse, not enough testing i guess.

zeddy4899d ago

mw2 wad also bad but this is something else, never again will i purchase another treyarch product.

crzyjackbauer4899d ago

Treyarch sucks
WAW is a copy and paste job
and so is BO

and lets not forget the horrible job they did with COD3
they should go back and make spiderman games not COD

Vherostar4899d ago

What went wrong?? Hmm how about you are a bunch of untalented useless devs that are hanging onto Activions big brand coat tails. http://en.wikipedia.org/wik... All there games minus COD are ports near enough.. Useless developer who needs to be shown for what they really are..

mcsm4899d ago

@frostypants cause its been nearly out for a whole year?

LOOK_AT_THIS_I4899d ago

lmao....FREE Map Pack???? This is Activision we are talking about, they would charge you for the shirt your characters wearing in the game if they could. I guess while the 360 players will rush out and scoop up the map packs with the timed exclusivity again maybe the ps3 crowd will take that as a sign to jump on board another franchise releasing the first quarter next year.

This game has been a broken mess due to the lack of testing on the ps3, I expected it somewhat and still fell for it to have a game to play with the friends and still cannot join a party or game with over half of them. The COD franchise can crash and burn now, I am done buying another half assed attempt at a game that clearly puts more effort into the other versions merely for a quick paycheck hopefully other ps3 gamers realize this and stop throwing millions of dollars away when all you are going to get is a sloppy ass port and lots of frustration due to bad consumer support.

RacingLightning014898d ago

I don't understand why everyone runs out to get the Latest CoD every year anyway. there is never anything innovative, or new. Just the same old Run & Gun, let the killstreaks take care of the rest BS.

Even if all you play on is the PS3, there were so many better titles released this year. Not to mention the lineup of great games coming in the first qaurter of 2011.

Bleucrunch4898d ago

its a noob game that doesnt require skill to play..its an arcade shooter that is why people love it so much....everyone likes easy things to do....

TheGameFoxJTV4898d ago (Edited 4898d ago )

Nope,you guys keep buying the CoD games no matter what; so they are allowed to fuck you as much as they please. AND YOU WILL STILL BUY THE NEXT GAME.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 4898d ago
TheHip144899d ago

Haha I haven't noticed anything wrong with the patch yet but I'm on 360, not PS3

th3soldier4899d ago (Edited 4899d ago )

That's because the problems are contained to the PS3 version. OP should state that in the summary.

EDIT: Actually, it's not a summary, it says PS3 in the category though.

AkimboUSPs4899d ago

More reasons for fanboys to argue, yay!

sdtarm4899d ago

glad i stopped caring about CoD since BF BC2

xDaRkModEx4899d ago

im glad i own a pc... oh wait nvm..

cyborg69714899d ago

I'm glad your on your fifth 360 as well.

jmallymav4899d ago

glad im on my 1st xbox360 since 2008, take care of mines.
glad im on my ps3 since 2009, take care of mines.
glad im on my wii since 2010, take care of mines.
tell ppl not to quit games =, or get mad when they lose by snatching out their internet cord, or disrupt their disc.
most people break their games, bcz they are soure losers.
last system that messed up for me is PS2, infamous disc read error.(probably should have tooken care of it better)

Elvfam5114899d ago

Glad I watched pee wee in my childhood... Oh I mean rocko modern life

ChozenWoan4898d ago

Lone Ranger for me bro. ;P

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Doctorofreality4899d ago

Funk-king stupid, back to brotherhood for me. HOw they they mess up a patch?

awesomeperson4899d ago

Don't you have another good online game to play?

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