
HipHopGamer's Pitched Idea Made Kratos on MK9 Possible

TQcast writes: We recently sat down with Hiphopgamer aka 240hz on the latest TQcast LIVE show to talk about Kratos coming to Mortal Kombat 9. While we knew that Hiphopgamer had been reporting this rumor since August, we were surprised to find out during our interview, that Hiphopgamer was actually the mastermind who pitched the idea to the developers and the only reason why Kratos, is coming to Mortal Kombat 9.

Dylantalon14912d ago

Respect galore for hiphopgamer because he made this possible. Goes to show that he's very relevant in the gaming community as a journalist.

Red_Orange_Juice4912d ago

and Cliffy B's like WTF HipHop why don't you push some Microsoft characters for once

kaveti66164912d ago

And Red_Orange_Juice is like "WTF, when can I say some irrelevant flamebait shit, again?"

DasBunker4912d ago

And kaveti6616 is like "WTF why do i always get trollzed".

kaveti66164912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

dasbunker, a troll is a coward who says anything he wants because he knows he's not going to get his ass kicked.

so, go ahead, and say what you want. thank your lucky stars that I don't know who you are, and where you live.

Edit: I am mad. I'm mad that the internet has become a haven for mental midgets such as yourselves. You have so little capacity for anything else other than sucking the cock of a company that doesn't care about you and talking trash about another company that doesn't care about you. You're not here to talk about games. You're here to defend your purchases. Get the fuck off the site and start your own. You can have all the little internet meme images on hand to make you seem hip or funny. You're still a couple of peons.

DasBunker4912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

so by your definition you're the one trolling now... awesome your selfownage save me the hassle.

EDIT: @ Orange

ApocalypseShadow4912d ago

if you can't handle it kav,then take your @ss somewhere else.as sh!tty as n4g is sometimes,you DON'T have to be here.

it was a JOKE ROJ said.sometimes the sony jokes are funny too.but if you can't handle it,why?seriously...why be here?

kaveti66164912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

apacolypse, you are in no position to say anything. I've been seeing your comments for a long time. you, just as much as them, should get your brain-addled, fanboy, annoying self, off of this site, because I don't need to see another one of your Kinect/Eyetoy comparisons. Your fanboyism is borderline retarded. you go with these 2 stooges and start your own website. You can call it, "I LOVE SONY 8===D." Seriously, I'm not joking. Don't come here. Stop visiting this site. I know you're tempted to come here even more just to annoy me, but you need to recognize that doing so is what makes you and people like dasbunker and dyalantalon trolls. leave.

dasbunker, nothing you said actually addresses what I said to you. I know, I shouldn't focus on assholes, but here you are, and you're stinking up the place. go away or stop being a fanboy. What is it going to be? I think you're the one who has lost track of your life. Being a fanboy means your mind is literally sagging under the weight of its own mediocrity. you've found a product to love and thus you must every other product. you're one of those people who paints their chests at sports games and throws cups of beer on the opposing team. that's you. except, you don't actually do that in real life because you don't have the guts.

the point is you and your fanboy friends are annoying as fuck. and every single one of them will come to your aid and defend you rather than stopping and recognizing that they're only doing so because they feel an obligation to help some stranger who shares their mental disease.

It must be difficult for you to be confronted about your stupidity. Just go away. Btw, when you were a kid you had hopes and dreams but not enough wit to work for them. that's why you spend so much time living vicariously through companies, and that's why you viciously defend one product and bash another.

DasBunker4912d ago

alright ill bite.

kaveti the problem is you're focusing on the things in life that don't really matter. When I was a kid I had hopes and dreams. We all did. But over time, the daily grind gets in the way and you miss the things that really matter, even though they are right in front of you, staring you in the face. I think the next time you should ask yourself "Am I on the right track here?". I don't mean to be rude but people like you I really pity. So maybe you could use the few brain cells you have and take advantage of the knowledge I have given you now. Good luck.


+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4912d ago
Iamback4912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

He has nothing to do with it. HHG mentioned it at E3, David Jaffe knew about it pre E3, you do the math. They didn't begin working on these thing 2 weeks ago
PLUS it is kinda obvious, how many of us has same idea the minute we saw MK?

DORMIN4912d ago


Whomever wrote this article didn't do their research then.


Red_Orange_Juice4912d ago


You called people from tqcast journalists? They're just like you and me, are you a journalist? because Im definately not.

xino4912d ago Show

Actually your so wrong HHG has been pushing it for a while, those vids are from a a while back...do your research before you post bad info...


So you get mad when people call you out for pushing a false info comment and either block them from calling you out or you report them as doing a private attack. I think you need to grow up and learn to deal with how it is on the internet. When you bring false info just to push an agenda of hate you will get called out...I for one will be more than willing to do it.

madara0sama4909d ago (Edited 4909d ago )

The author of that article is probably HHG's friend anyways. They just wanted publicity. Like everyone is saying they already thought of this pre E3 and hhg probably heard a rumor. I don't know how HHG could take the claim of making Kratos into MK because he's just a bad spammer. Until I hear an official word from Boon that hgg started this, hgg is just a publicity wanting noob.(oh yea, a noob)

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4909d ago
r1sh124912d ago

Some of things HHG says are silly, and he is relatively biased.
But if he did seriously suggest this to the MK people then its good to see developers take some 'gamers' opinions into games.

1 thing I will say is that the 240hz TV thing, there are 600Hz TV's out there too, they have a similar price and the refresh rate is madness, I know I had one until it got plasma burn.
Getting another one soon.

Lykon4912d ago

I agree respect to HHG , he gets FAR too much hate on this site and yet he is, like us, a gamer, he loves video games, he is excited about games, he is passionate and enthusiastic about what he does. He is NOT Kotick or Patcher and any of those cynical capitalist types and he is head and shoulders above your average flame baiting hit seeking fan boy blogger. And he isn't some smug uni grad journalist geek type...we need to stop giving the guy such a hard time.

VenGencE9994912d ago

It's only because of his race. If he was called the rocknroll gamer with a different skin tone, saying the same things he has been saying he'd be loved by all...

Quartx4912d ago

Hey i'm Black, and I even got to say that some of the stuff he does is ridiculous. It's not because of his race, it's how he makes journalism tend to look almost like a joke.

Just because he's very passionate doesn't mean we should just excuse it.

Lykon4912d ago

i've not really seen him in terms of his colour, well maybe years ago before i saw any of his vids i was concerned he might be some macho gansta attitude type, but he so isn't, he is such a sweet friendly guy. i'm an old , tired gamer with just about enough spare time and energy to play through a handful of games a year left, but HHG's enthusiasm has at times got me fired up. I'm really fond of him and he always wears a nice clean top and looks fresh. He never bites at any of the insults on here. very peaceful guy.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4909d ago
Masamori Sumimura4912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

See What I always said? While you lames in here hating on him. He's out there actually interacting with the Devs and making an impact which made this possible.

be greatful.

writersblock4912d ago

Stop calling people lames
Its fucking lame and its pissing me off

Zachmo1824912d ago

lol getting mad at someone for saying lames. If you don't like what he's saying don't reply to the freaking message.

Donnyskillz4912d ago

who carse if you get pissed off....so what...what are you gonna do?????

writersblock4912d ago

Yeah.. Im going to somehow make you stop over the internet....

Which is why you love it, you come up with stupid names to call people and nobody can punch you for it
Be greatful

RedDead4912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

He said far more annoyingly stupid stuff than good stuff though/

I respect for a few things but I dislike alot more of him than I like.

Shuklar4912d ago

If by "interacting" you mean strapping on a pair of knee pads and going to town, yeah, he's pretty hardcore

Pedantic914912d ago

...............Bwahahahahaha !

ngecenk4912d ago

the idea of kratos in mk has been up there since it reach soul calibur. hhg just think he has anything to do with it.

RonXD4912d ago

You do know Jaffe knew about this pre-e3...Before HHG ever mentioned it right?

Do some research lame.

xino4912d ago Show
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4912d ago
Nitrowolf24912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )


not trying to diss him or anything, but i might be wrong wasn't MK revealed at E3? And then Jaffe comments saying that Ed told him at E3?

If that's the case then saying HHG made it possible is off, considering you have the GOW creator saying that MK creator Ed boon told him at E3 about Kratos possible being in the game.

Now i don't want to sound like a jerk or a hater or what ever, but if that was the case, it seems like HHG is trying to claim it for himself saying it was because of him, when in fact it was already talked about before him. And he stated it would be cool when he went to interview the GOW devs.


explanation please?
The way i saw it go down was that HHG already knew it was gonna happen, He just hinted at it.
Like the guy says about the shenmu 3 rumor about HHg saying it and then a bunch of stuff popping up, but he says that they did it before he did. So the guy was saying HHG was pigging backing off their idea because he went into a defence saying that they said it first before HHG.

Nitrowolf24912d ago

would like HHG input, and don't get me wrong im not trying to insult or anything like that. pm me, going snow boarding.


Your getting disagrees because you mention things like David Jaffe talking about it prior to E3 but provide no link and as anyone on the internet knows no link to proof and it didn't happen.

Nitrowolf24912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

um wow
sorry but did you even bother to look AT THE LINK I PROVIDED
It's the first freakn thing in my comment

Solid_Malone4912d ago

LoL :p, come on now, thats quite harsh... but relevant :D Hehe

trounbyfire4912d ago

its possible
if the tv can do the flicking that the glasses do then why not. at a fast enough rate the two images will seem like one but because the are different you will see 3d.

seems possible IMO

writersblock4912d ago

Not really
He said "it would be cool to have kratos in MK9"
Kratos is in MK9, but it doesnt mean its because of HHG

Chupa-Chupa4912d ago

Listen to the interview, before you say not really. HipHop confirms that he pitched the idea and they went with it. He just couldn't say anything else about it.

Show all comments (84)

15 Hardest Final Bosses In Fighting Games

GB: "More than perhaps any other genre, fighting games offer the kind of mechanical depth that you can lose yourself in for years. Learning the ins and outs, learning and perfecting combos, and so many other things that make this one of the most competitive genres in gaming, even on a professional level now. But you don’t have to be playing against another human to be challenged in a fighting game. Throughout the years, this genre has thrown multiple final bosses at us that have got us all collectively pulling our hair out. In this feature, we’ll be taking a look at fifteen such fights."

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harmny1770d ago (Edited 1770d ago )

N64's analog stick

Acecalibur1770d ago

Isshin the sword Saint was the hardest boss I ever beat. And I've been playing games for 30 years

Fluttershy771770d ago

I went through the clickfest, it's shameful; more than usual that is, lower than gamingbolt standards, Congrats GB you've reached a new low.


Mortal Kombat Female Designs from 2011 - 2019

CG writes: Despite Ed Boon going on record suggesting he would have rather toned down the “mature” looks of the ladies in Mortal Kombat 9 (ignoring the extreme violence) how well do the designs stack up over the years? We take a look at select Mortal Kombat female characters and compare them from Mortal Kombat 9 in 2011 through to the latest Mortal Kombat 11 in 2019. It’s rather interesting to not only see the graphical differences, but also how the design changed from porn star looking fighters to more realistic characters.

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bluefox7551855d ago (Edited 1855d ago )

Mortal Kombat was always over the top, with the violence and character design. It seems dumb to suddenly become a puritan regarding boobs, but then remain just as silly with the violence and fatalities.

AnubisG1855d ago

They claim it's because now it's more realistic🤣

TricksterArrow1855d ago (Edited 1855d ago )

Well, the game was never about the bewbs, unlike DOA, for example, so... Is this really an issue either way? Plus, the females looked transgender in M9. :S

Jaypi031855d ago

Imo the fatalities seem like "silly" and just more brutal and graphic than ever to the point where it's near cringe inducing in a good way.

Jaypi031855d ago (Edited 1855d ago )

Could it just be different artist and tech? I think with MK9 they had the characters looking over the top cartoony to downright ugly, due to the limitations of the 360 and PS3 at the time, then with X you could see they were moving to a more realistic design, and now with 11 it seems that goal of realistic design has been reached now that they've seem to have perfected the facial technology with Injustice 2.

I think the costume designs for the majority of the characters are pretty realistic within context, while still making them look unique and cool.

TricksterArrow1855d ago

Sonya had more abs and broader shoulders than the guys at my gym in MK9. It was really not that sexy.

NapalmSanctuary1855d ago

In MKX Kitana and Mileena looked really good. Probably the best they've ever looked, concerning their defaults. In MK11, Kitana and Skarlet look clownish. Jade looks ok but nowhere near as good as Kitana and Mileena from MKX. None of these look realistic in any sense of the word, though Kitana's MKX outfit got pretty close to somewhat realistic. I just want an option to make Kitana look cool again. She was my main in MKX but I can't stand the way she looks in this one.

paradigmfellow1855d ago

Disagree with you. 11 has the best looking Kitana I have ever seen.

gamer78041852d ago

they could still have realism and show some skin where it made sense. Looks like they just covered up all the women and not the men.

MrChow6661855d ago

The character designs of mk11 are the best in the series so far, the 2011 designs look ahemm...not very feminine to be honest


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Anthotis1856d ago Show