
The year's best PC games

RegHardware: "So, 2010 been and almost gone and I haven't even had a go at WoW Cataclysm yet.

Back in the day, distracted from my NES, I imagined 2010 would have been more like the sequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey all world peace, dolphins and Roy Scheider. It turned out more like George Orwell's 1984 with the turnaround in the political climate - and the actual climate."

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CombineElite4928d ago

What a horrible list. Although Men of War Assault Squad sounds promising.

The best PC games for 2010

Eve Online - it just keeps getting better
Arma II Operation Arrowhead - The finest MilSim ever, look up Hardcore FPS and it will say Arma II
Battlefield Bad Company 2 - How Online FPS should be
Starcraft 2 - Perfection
Minecraft - This game is digital crack
STALKER Call of Pripyat - Open World FPS/RPG this is better than all the others combined. Best series next to HL2
Civilization V - Need 30 days to fly by really quick, well here you go
Vindictus - Action MMO w/ Physics not YET on God of War 3 level but the potential is there and it's a MMO
Amnesia: The Dark Descent - Game of the year for innovative game play
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger- great PC fighter

Cataclysm the last expansion for World of Warcraft?

Apparently Cataclysm won't be the last expansion for World of Warcraft and a blue commented on the number of changes in Patch 4.3.

antihiroprotagonist4613d ago

seriously, I'm sure they'll make another one or more after this as well. WoW is still a HUGE cash cow

DeeBee4612d ago

Blizz hinted years ago that they have a few more expansion ideas lined up which would eventually take the level cap to 100 and beyond. Given that Cataclysm only raised the cap by 5, and the new expansion does the same, we can assume that there will be at least 2 more expansions.

For the Hoard 18: Subdued Abyssal Seahorse, The Super-Fast Swimming

Pixie brings us a how-to on obtaining your own giant ridable Seahorse in World of Warcraft.

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Gear Check: Gearing Your Restoration Druid for Heroics

Barugaara brings us a guide on how to gear your resto Druid for heroics in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.

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