
Battle between Blu-ray and HD DVD fizzles as consumers watch and wait

There's a format war going on, in case you've not turned on the TV, surfed the Internet, or stepped into a consumer electronics retailer for the past year and a half. But some news that has emerged from a couple of trade shows this week shows that the "war" is more like a slap-fight between a couple of preadolescent girls: it holds great significance to the parties involved and may be slightly entertaining to watch, but it does very little lasting damage.

Over the last couple of days, the North American HD DVD Promotional Group has sent out press releases trumpeting the format's momentum. HD DVD is going to start advertising on NBC's Sunday Night Football and will soon have 125 new HD DVD titles available. The trade group has also convinced PC manufacturer Acer to join and is highlighting a new Acer laptop (the Aspire 5920) with an HD DVD drive at this week's CEDIA EXPO 2007...

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Ggame6088d ago

Data Source from TOSHIBA....555

cuco336088d ago

many studies have been done and the consumer who hasn't jumped into HDM has favored HD DVD 3:1.

I would like to mention a Sony PR guy at CEDIA this week showed Sony's "dominance" for the month of July (prior to Paramount/Dreamworks move and Amazon's crazy deals both pro HD DVD). His charts actually showed a decline in overall HDM purchasing. It's no longer 5%, nor 3%. So for those Sonyboys, note that Sony themselves showed the overall HDM market is now 1%.

Congradulations. You showed "dominance" of 2:1 sales advantage of a total 1%. 1%. So, who doesn't believe me this 'war' will go on for many MANY years to come?! ;)

nasim6088d ago (Edited 6088d ago )

@cuckoo ...u bast*** BOT . go troll elsewhere

HD DVD is dead in EU and JAPAN

BD is beating HD DVD 9:1 in EU and 8:1 in JAPAN

BD is beating HD DVD 3:1 in NA too


How come this misleading article is not pulled off

and it comes from arsenetica ---a site run by former MS employees

cuco336087d ago

1. get a life
2. stop going on BD & PS3 favored websites
3. make an unbiased opinion based on the real facts and not what your brand loyalistic ways thinks you to believe because your numbers you stated alone are off by a large margin

Xwow6088d ago

you are right,blu-ray will win no matter what :D

SorenK6088d ago (Edited 6088d ago )

I wish I could be so confident, if I knew for 100% fact that blu-ray would win I would buy a PS3 - soley for the fact that it is a movie player (instead of waiting for it to be "the machine that plays FF13 and MGS4).

Daxx6088d ago

I'm apart of the 51% that doesn't know. Also I don't really care who wins.

Rageanitus6088d ago

1) blu-ray wins
2) dual format players

I just can't picture hd-dvd winning anymore

Disney Sony Studios, and warner combined helped push the dvd format as we know it today. And they are on the blu-side.

If universal were to go dual format, blu-ray will win.

I saw one of those lg dual format players it it said super BLU.... on it not BLUE

Meaning the blu name is important to lg.

the ball is in the court of BDA, they just have to market it correctly.

cuco336088d ago

How misinformed we are... I think a lot of you Bluguys need to step away from ps3 favored websites/blogs/forums cuz it's evident on your posting. I will agree on you that dual format players will reign supreme. Eventually the masses will want to take part of HDM and since this 'war' will go on for a long time, dual format or not adopting HDM is the only smart choices.

Disney is on the blu side due to them wanting region coding (same goes for the 'advantageous' antipiracy). Sony studios, well... it's Sony studios, I doubt they would release HD films on the competitions side. Warner is NEUTRAL, they release titles on both sides.

You know how many times in the HDM world those interested have heard the ultimate demise of HD DVD? It was at the launch of PS3 (didn't happen), it was when BD oversold software by 7:1 in a given week (didn't happen), it was when PS3 had a pricedrop (didn't happen), it was when Warner/Paramount/Dreamworks and others went neutral (didn't happen), it was when BD exclusive studios went exclusive (didn't happen), etc etc yet the maximum 'damage' that the BDA can do on HD DVD is have a 1.5:1 software sales since inception. Oh, based on Sony's numbers thats out of 1% total HDM sales. Pathetic if you ask me ;)

The LG player (new one) says Super Blu Player, it plays all current formats. This will be the norm that people will start to adopt.

As for you mentioning the ball is in the court of BDA, guess what... HD DVD should have been long dead by now. BDA and Sony don't know how to properly market their precious format and the way things are going the consumer isn't going to adopt either. I say bring on dual format players, it's clear the consumer wants 1 format and based on studies it's HD DVD, but the total player base is 10x in favor of BD. In the end, just remember, based on your precious Sony, @ CEDIA they accidentally mentioned HDM takes up a max 1% of all movie titles sold.

I don't want to see BD and HD DVD go down, and by having 1 format win means the other will have drained it's bank accounts out. The smart choice is HD DVD (cheaper players, cheaper costs to studios, finalized format, etc etc) but this will end in a stalemate. I believe if no one takes advantage by XMAS07, you'll see by Summer08 dual format players being the norm.

But so much for the BDA thinking the PS3 would be the BD spearhead that would crush HD DVD huh ;)

Rageanitus6088d ago

DVD took a full 8 full years to mature

This will happen to HD media.

My point is hd-dvd does not seem to even stand a chance to reign supreme and pushing blu-ray aside.

The best thing that can happen to hd-dvd is if the market were to change into a dual format players only.

We we so much more electronic companies actually producing and creating blu-ray dedicated players vs hd-dvd, this is sign coupled with strong studio support, blu-ray seems better

4me26087d ago

I think you forget that HD-DVD:
- debuted 6 months ahead of BD
- Toshiba's HD players were priced much lower than BD
- Picture quality of released HD movies was much better than BD

Shouldn't HD be crushing BD by now?
How long do you think Toshiba can subsidize their own players?

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Report Claims Xbox Is Planning More Cuts Following Studio Closures

"The sudden closure of several video-game studios at Microsoft Corp.’s Xbox division was the result of a widespread cost-cutting initiative that still isn’t finished.

This week, Xbox began offering voluntary severance agreements to producers, quality assurance testers and other staff at ZeniMax, which it purchased in 2020 for $7.5 billion, according to people familiar with the company’s plans. Others across the Xbox organization have been told that more cuts are on the way.

Speaking about the closures more broadly, Booty said that the company’s studios had been spread too thin — like “peanut butter on bread” — and that leaders across the division had felt understaffed. They decided to close these studios to free up resources elsewhere, he said.

Game Pass has not seen the massive growth that Xbox boss Phil Spencer may have been hoping for."

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just_looken12h ago

Sense it seems very few remember that human's were around before 2020 the next studio to close will be bethesda based no doubt on the history of.

Fallout 76
Elder scrolls online
elder scrolls blades mobile
fallout mobile
The vr versions of old games

Then you got starfield pissing out cash nothing to cover it.

I doubt tod's team or any sub team is making m$ cash they are no doubt on the chopping block for job cuts

If you can remember before 2020 even fallout 76 was made with over 4 studios.

-Foxtrot14h ago

"Speaking about the closures more broadly, Booty said that the company’s studios had been spread too thin — like “peanut butter on bread” — and that leaders across the division had felt understaffed. They decided to close these studios to free up resources elsewhere, he said"

So what you're saying is...you bought all these studios and you guys can't run them.


Inverno13h ago

Spread thin after firing over 2000 employees a few months prior. So basically they created the problem and their solution was to just fire more people. Absolute geniuses over at Xbox, of course can we even believe this to be the reason for the closures?

just_looken12h agoShowReplies(1)
Profchaos12h ago

Leaders can't run them hire more management create new roles don't shutter entire studios cause you can't figure out how to run them.

Unless the reality is this whole consolidation thing was really an excuse for IP harvesting

anast1h ago

He's lying. They are doing it for the shareholders.

Eonjay13h ago

Reports are suggesting that Game Pass will be getting a price hike soon and that Call of Duty may not be added to the day one offering. I honestly have a hard time believing this but it does beg the question why exactly did GP fail? I think the answer is that it just didn't get the growth that it anticipated. Jim was right but I wish he wasn't because at the end of the day, its gamers, devs and other front-line workers who have to absorb the blow for Spencer and team's miscalculations.

13h ago
NotoriousWhiz12h ago

And out of the ashes something even better than Xbox will be born.

Eonjay12h ago

Honestly as long as is not a situation where the industry has to contract in order focus wealth on a few people who are already trillionaires..

Barlos7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

It's already here and it was born before Xbox was even a thing. It's called PlayStation.

Tacoboto11h ago

I think 2022 killed the Series X.

2021 was a good year for Xbox though and maybe the best in a long long time, hardware and software and as a publisher. Halo Infinite launched to popularity, Forza Horizon 5 blew everyone away, Psychonauts 2 was so well received, Flight Simulator on console, Deathloop even on PS5 & PC.

But they followed that up with next to nothing. Then 2023 with Redfall, a disappointing Forza, Starfield, and 2024 leads with closures and layoffs. And some tweets reminding us Hellblade is days away.

The only disappointment with the PS5 is not enough Sony games. Xbox followed up no games with disappointing ones.

Scissorman13h ago

For all the armchair executives who were calling for Sony to release its big-budget AAA games on PS+, the same exact thing would have happened at PlayStation. Game Pass has killed Xbox. Congrats.

shinoff218313h ago

There's not many of of us clamoring for Sony to do this because most of us understand it would kill Playstation. I'm sure there's a few but I've not seen alot of it myself.

porkChop1h ago

"the same exact thing would have happened at PlayStation"

But the same thing *has* been happening at PS. They've closed, what, 3 or 4 studios so far this gen? Laid off plenty of staff, restructured studios, etc.

BehindTheRows17m ago(Edited 13m ago)

PlayStation isn’t struggling. Xbox is. That’s the difference.

Sony also didn’t buy out multiple publishers with LOTS of studios and leave them in a state of uncertainty.

So, he’s absolutely right that Sony not following Game Pass in its entirety was smart as this very thing could have happened. Name a team, like Tango, who wasn’t struggling (like Tango) that Sony closed. Every closure was because of a studio who wasn’t pulling their weight.

13h ago
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NVIDIA's popular RTX 3080 is now at its lowest price ever on Amazon amid 50 series rumors

Avoid overspending on NVIDIA's 40 series GPUs, and purchase the powerful PNY GeForce RTX 3080 10GB Graphics Card at its lowest price ever!

ActualWhiteMan20h ago

And double your energy bills 💩


The Nordic Game 2024 (NG24) Spring conference is to host more than 150 speakers

"While the 20 year anniversary edition of Nordic Game, NG24 Spring's homepage on 21-24 May in Malmö, Sweden, is getting closer, the organizers announced that more than 150 speakers are now lined up for the show." - Nordic Game.