
Realtime Worlds interview: Crackdown 2 is not in development

Realtime Worlds isn't working on a Crackdown sequel at all, Wilson confirmed to Develop Mag.

Although the team is in some respects "heartbroken", "Microsoft were a little late in stepping up to the plate to ask for Crackdown 2, and by then we had already started working on bigger, better things."

Such as? Realtime Worlds plans to launch its first MMO next year with Webzen called APB (All Points Bulletin) a 'cops and robbers, but multiplayer' style game which Wilson said will place emphasis on customisable characters and vehicles - while a second team including Wilson works on another undisclosed project due in 2009.

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xaphanze6121d ago

not surprised. The game sucked.

Depressed Mode6121d ago

I completely disagree. I thought that game was amazing, especially coop.

jcgamer6121d ago (Edited 6121d ago )

Crackdown is off the hook...the camera was spot on, which to me is an achievement in itself! Think about the many ways a bad camera would have killed the game...don't talk about Crackdown man...I'll get old Mrs. Timbol on you! lol...just kidding...little inside joke

Animagi6121d ago

It wasn't the best. Honestly, it was fun for only ONE reason: The Halo 3 beta. But hey, it was nice for Bungie to throw in a free game WITH the beta.

FirstknighT6121d ago

Crackdown was a classic game. It's been called the best "superhero" game ever made. A part 2 would sale very well but I heard about APB...that game sounds awesome!

Bleem3606121d ago

Crackdown is THE best game on 360 released so far - almost no contest.


Looking Back to 2007 and the controlled chaos of Crackdown on Xbox

Darren writes: "Despite much moaning and groaning, Xbox has had some smashing console exclusive games during its four generation lifespan. Crackdown was one such game, released in the early years of the Xbox 360"

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isarai839d ago

Still one of my all time favorite games. It hurt to see what happened to Crackdown 3 😔


Xbox 360 & OG Xbox Games Should All be Enhanced on Xbox Series X

Gamerheadquarters; "With the jump in power from the Xbox Series X all Xbox 360 and Original Xbox titles that are backwards compatible should be enhanced as soon as they’re available."

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i3eyond the Circle1569d ago

They’ve been working the past few years and have become proficient in that department so I definitely think they are capable of such a feat. Their BC through emulation that can natively upscale blows my mind and gives them an advantage over competitors using multiple hardware settings which requires higher clock speeds and produces more heat.

I caught Chaos Theory on sale and was actually blown away by how it scaled on the One X.

autobotdan1569d ago

Ninja Gaiden 2 in 8k please

ziggurcat1569d ago

I imagine that they'll carry over the functionality of the X regarding playing previous gen games to the series X.


They better have good support for backwards compatibly.... Since they have no 1st pay games LMAO 😂

1568d ago
CaptainCook1568d ago

Why are you laughing at your own joke? It wasn't funny.

ElementsUnknown1568d ago (Edited 1568d ago )

“compatibly”, “1st pat games”: Are those supposed to be “compatibility” and “first party games”? Doesn’t really come across as an adult. No disrespect, legit question: is English not your first language?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1568d ago
FanboysKiller1569d ago

And xbox one games, there are many underperformed 3rd party games that needs frames boost.

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Retro Respawn - Crackdown

Crackdown is a series of sandbox-style action adventure video games published by Xbox Game Studios. Retro Respawn looks at the first title.

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