
Giant Bomb: Quick Look: Tony Hawk: SHRED

Jeff surmises that black magic may be the only way to play this game.

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dgroundwater4930d ago

These are really good. Not the game obviously, the quick looks.


Why Activision should go back to Tony Hawk’s arcade roots with the new game

We know there’s a new Tony Hawk’s in the works, but it should feel like the oldest of entries to the series.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi3753d ago

There's a new Tony Hawk game coming?

Cautiously optimistic. I want the series to end on a positive note but the last what like 6 entries have been severely disappointing. Hope this one ends the curse.

thorstein3753d ago

I hope they don't blow it. I really liked the earlier games in the series. Then Skate came out and the difference night and day.

UncleGermrod3753d ago

Ha, I was thinking the same thing when I read this. I had no idea there was one in the works...you usually here about these things.

Any ways, I haven't truly enjoyed a THPS title since the underground games back during the ps2/xbox/GC era. I hope if they make one, they try to use that same formula that made the first 6 games so fun.

OmegaShen3753d ago

They just need to make Tony Hawk Underground 3, anything else will be a waste.

DarkLord10033753d ago

I think the series went downhill when they had all the jackass characters in the game..

SoulSercher6203753d ago

Either make it like the THUG games or GTFO.

csreynolds3753d ago

I support this article. THPS2 - best Tony Hawk EVAH. The franchise needs to drop the gimmicks and get back to what matters - addictive, thrilling skateboarding.

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4 Video Game Franchises Going Off the Rails

Move over Lindsay. Step aside Amanda. Miley who? Justin Bieber is everyone’s favorite train wreck celebrity of the day and just like he’s gone off track so have these 4 franchises that used to have gamer’s wallets at their mercy…. and now, they’re just sad and broken.

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mewhy323774d ago

OMG This kid is such a joke.

Allsystemgamer3774d ago

America can keep him. Us Canadians don't want him back. He makes me ashamed to live so close to where he's from...

iceman063774d ago

NOPE!!! You made him...you keep him!!! LOL

static52453774d ago

First.. How does "the name that will not be said" have to do with gaming? STAHP IT.. JUST STAHP.

Second.. This kid needs a real attitude adjustment. Let the U.S. lock him up in jail/prison.. He'll learn some humility

johndoe112113773d ago

I'm really trying to understand where all the hate for this article is coming from. He is absolutely right about every one of those games. Maybe not in that particular order and maybe they don't all deserve to be in the top 5 but all those game franchises have really started to go drastically downhill. Could anyone please explain to me why all the hate?

cellur1113773d ago

I say we throw him in a volcano or something.

KillrateOmega3773d ago (Edited 3773d ago )


We're not talking about the list or the author. We're talking about Justin Bieber, or as like to call him: "You-Know-Who"

Anyways, I say we toss him into the fires of Mount Doom.

johndoe112113773d ago

Oh damn, lol. Thanks for the clarification. In that case, what everyone else said.

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Bhuahahaha3773d ago

i propose sending him to north korea

SilentNegotiator3773d ago

Too good for him. Send him to the Korean in-betweeny zone.

TripC503774d ago

Keep that thing out of my video game news please.

Starbucks_Fan3774d ago

I can't wait till he gets sent back to Canada

JohnnyTower3774d ago

We don't want him. America broke him, and there is a no return policy up here in the north.

sobekflakmonkey3774d ago

Couldn't have said it better myself lol

LOGICWINS3774d ago

Alright cool...but we're keeping Ryan Gosling. Can we get Rob Ford too? He's the closest thing we'll ever get to a real life Mayor Quimby!

JohnnyTower3774d ago

I'm waiting for CBC to patent the Rob Ford story and make a sitcom. It pretty much writes itself.

liquidhalos3773d ago

I hate to say it but it was Britain that broke him, he left running vowing never to return. What you need to do is copy what the brits did and he will run like the wind across the canadian border

Lord_Sloth3773d ago

No, he was a flawed gift from the get go. Yall screwed us on this and nothing can ever forgive this slight! YOU WILL RUE THIS DAY!!!

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Double_O_Revan3773d ago

I hope everyone signed the petition to deport him! Lol

Gabenbrah3774d ago (Edited 3774d ago )

Gears of War number 1... Seriously?

@Colts_15 I did, Gears of War is number 1... Did you even read the article?

Digital_Anomaly3774d ago

Uhhhh.... no. First read, then comment.

skydragoonity3774d ago

The 1st pic he was still high... The 2nd pic he realised he was goin to jail

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Buy.com's Video Games Deal of the Day - Resistance 3

Buy.com have released their deal of the day for April 27th.

Today they are offering Resistance 3 for the PS3.

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