
Homefront - Fiction or Reality?

Life imitating art imitating life... It could just be. I've been doing a little bit of research on Homefront after the release of some pretty cool gameplay videos released earlier today, admittedly in one of the videos it does just look like you can melee stab your way through the entire Korean army without being killed by the hordes of enemies swarming you, but still.

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Killer64919d ago

Haha, it might just be exactly what is going to happen at this rate.

EddyD4919d ago

It's getting closer by the second.

George Sears4919d ago (Edited 4919d ago )

You actually believe that South Korea would unite with the asshole government up North?

You should start reading more info about global politics and global news in general. Just a few days ago the North fired some artillery on civilian houses.

mushroomwig4919d ago (Edited 4919d ago )

'Japan surrenders to the Greater Korean Republic'

Judging from the trailer, Japan surrenders due to the possibility of being attacked.

Come on..it took the country two nuclear bombs to finally admit defeat, there is no way in hell Japan would surrender to the "possibility" of an attack.

Also, why would the world just stand by and watch as countries within Asia are getting annexed?

Unrealistic to say the least, entertaining though.

Killer64919d ago

I'm guessing because everyone else is just too busy fighting wars everywhere else, and the premise that the US is suffering from total economic collapse.

Dunno, maybe the Japanese are just terrified of being nuked again, can't blame them.

EddyD4919d ago

It says that the US started pulling people back too. Its weird because the game starts in Colorado apparently, when the US has already been invaded and the Koreans have San Francisco.

George Sears4919d ago

You think Japan is as powerful military wise as they were in WW2? Give me a break. Japan wouldn't stand a chance against North Korea if they would try to attack it today.

After the war they just resided to have somewhat of a self defense force rather than a military might.

But North Korea wouldn't dare to do such a thing since they know they would have dire consequences with the U.S. and UN in general.

mushroomwig4919d ago

Granted Japan aren't as powerful as they once were but that still doesn't change who they are..they're not the type of people who will surrender without even fighting.

Killer64919d ago

I just like that its set on a US occupation, not like Call of Duty which is set around some hilarious and ridiculous "nuke the whitehouse" scenario.

mushroomwig4919d ago

Yet the idea of North and South Korea uniting, taking over Japan, annexing multiple countries and taking out America with a massive nationwide EMP strike which was hidden inside a communications satellite isn't ridiculous?

EddyD4919d ago

Owned, and i'm out of bubbles, but so worth it :D

KotC4919d ago

Fiction but fun fiction

femshep4919d ago

id say pure fiction with recent events

homefront has unified Korea

in reality North Korea just pissed off South Korea and the rest of the world......so no unification for them

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Looking back to 2011 and the arrival of Homefront

Jack writes: "Back in March 2011, the first-person action shooter Homefront arrived on the Xbox 360 from THQ, along with a storm of publicity which included a really cool live-action trailer"

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matt1391156d ago

Fantastic game, shame about the terrible sequel.

LucasRuinedChildhood1156d ago

The multiplayer in Homefront was actually really fun.


Devs Share Personal Touches They've Hidden in Games

Last week game dev Steve Thornton took to Twitter to ask: fellow devs, have you ever slipped something into a game you're working on that's just for you? The replies are well worth a read.

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SlashHabit2201d ago

I liked the State of Decay graphic artist whom put penises in the textures.


Homefront is available for free on Humble Bundle for the next 48 hours

Deep Silver and Humble Bundle are currently offering the first Homefront game for free. This offer will last for the next 48 hours, so be sure to visit its Humble Bundle page in order to acquire your free copy.

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yeahokwhatever2350d ago

get it! the single player is excellent and intense and the MP is pretty fun, too.

Razzer2350d ago (Edited 2350d ago )

Uh....it’s free so...

nowitzki20042350d ago

lol at dislikes.. look at OP's name

C-H-E-F2349d ago

Ehh, PS4 needs these deals too, or consoles in general we always get discounts rarely free stuff that's REALLY free (games with gold / psplus isn't free)

nowitzki20042349d ago

Yeah its nice, Just sign up and add them to your steam. even f you dont own a gaming PC, you might one day.