
Five Improvements The Elder Scrolls V Could Do With

According to Eurogamer Denmark an inside source has confirmed the development of a new Elder Scrolls. As such, Play mag suggests five improvements that need to be made should a new Elder Scrolls hit our consoles some time in the future.

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scar204943d ago

I would like to team up with 3 other players online.
So they should implement multiplayer.

Xfanboy4942d ago

Dx11,new engine & a longer main story..

Sarevok4942d ago

Have big boss fights...
I would like to fight a dragon or something.

DanSolo4942d ago

They need to build a new engine, and put effort into making the game mechanics good quality.
Oblivion was one of those games that if it had been a lesser game in other ways it could have been quite easy to complain about the combat handling being a bit sh!t, but as it is such a good game in other ways and so big, that made the sh!tty controls forgivable.

But with a new engine built from the ground up, it would be quite easy to address those issues and have the game control nicely.

Overall there is not too much to complain about with Oblivion, the only thing being stuff like the lack of voice actors.
But with a bit of effort ES5 could be something truly outstanding!

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Why Your Wife Run Away with Another Guy

"Have you thought of betraying a person [for an example, you betray your wife or husband]."

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majedx94588d ago (Edited 4588d ago )

Kill the bi**h and her lover kill tham all. XD


Best way to experience Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim? [Video]

Ryan Palmateer from RnKProductionsCo has posted a five minute video showcasing his multi-screen set up for getting the best experience from the newly released Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

The video includes the opening Skyrim intro and a few minutes of gameplay footage. While the visual experience of seeing more lush environments and having an enhanced tactical view of the surroundings is beneficial, Ryan has stated he’s run into some minor technical issues with the three monitor set-up having some in-game menus being unusable. Perhaps with more PC gamers running into this problem, Bethesda might release an update to fix this issue.

DonaldBeck4588d ago

pretty intense, after some kpins and some d days you would be fed up

Garethvk4587d ago

That would be great. Get 6 3D monitors and go for the 360 view.


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Companion Dog Reaction

Take a look at this companion dog.

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Kal8534588d ago

There once was a dog named Stump, and boy did he like to hump. Next verse please...

Whore_Mouth4588d ago

He walked down the street. Begging for treats. So I handed him my dump.