
M2G Review: Prince of Persia HD Trilogy

M2G Writes:

Is this collection is worth the money? Well it obviously is if you haven’t played the original's as this is a first class experience for those first-timers. Whether older gamers who have experienced what is on offer here feel that all three game are worth purchasing again depends on what their memories were for them first time around.

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Greatness Comes in Threes: Best Trilogies in Gaming - Part Four

Phil writes, "It's purely coincidental (though I'd love to take credit for the timing) that on the third day of the work week of this third month of the year that we see a new edition of Greatness Comes in Threes, where SuperPhillip Central looks at the best trio of related games-- some looser with the definition of "trilogy" than others.

The trilogy-- in movies it's a common occurrence with hugely successful blockbusters whether it's Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Toy Story, or Back to the Future. Trilogies are also pretty common in gaming as well, but at the same token, an actual good trilogy is a completely different matter. This article series details some of the very best trilogies that our hobby and industry have been able to create in its much shorter lifespan."

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2623d ago
Sharingan_no_Kakashi2623d ago

Jak trilogy will always be my favorite. Jak 3 is one of the best games ever made. It's a good story with lots of untold lore. Alot of variety in gameplay. Humorous.

Phil322623d ago

Made sure to cover Jak in a previous installment! While I didn't like Naughty Dog turning the series into a tryhard edgy series, the quality of the games gameplay-wise didn't really suffer. I do prefer Ratchet, though! :)

2623d ago Replies(1)
Venoxn4g2623d ago

I still think that Metroid Prime trilogy is the best one


14 Games That Made The Worst Transition From 2D To 3D

Not every game made the transition to 3D as smoothly as Mario or Zelda. Here are 15 games that made the worst transition from 2D to 3D.

KwietStorm_BLM2811d ago

Why do you have a screen from Street Fighter X Tekken for Street Fighter EX?

gamerben2811d ago

Iirc you couldn't "move in a circle" in EX like the article states either

gamerben2811d ago

Lmao also, worms 3d wasn't even a first person shooter at all either... It was turned based like the original games... Someone didn't research

KwietStorm_BLM2811d ago

Yet I have 2 disagrees lol this site never ceases to amaze.

zodiac9092811d ago

@KwietStorm Don't you know this is not "News 4 Gamers" anymore, it's "Negativity 4 Gamers." A Place where if you say something complementary or ask for some helpful advice, no one gives 2 shits. But AS SOON AS you say something opinionated or controversial, get ready for a riot, mass homocide, and a lynchin' bro.

zodiac9092811d ago (Edited 2811d ago )

Uhh summa lumma dooma lumma

WheatBread2811d ago

The SF EX games were actually pretty good.

KwietStorm_BLM2811d ago

They didn't deserve to be printed on disc.

Bass_fisherman2811d ago (Edited 2811d ago )

This article could be made 10 years ago lmao

KaoSouL2811d ago

I actually played the Street Fighter EX games way more than I'll ever play SFV.


Heroes Week – Who Would We Put On Our 3 Hero Team?

Twinfinite writes: "What’s that you say? Heroes Week finished yesterday? I don’t care. I’M GOING ROGUE AND YOU CAN’T STOP ME! Anyways, back to business. We’ve been covering every aspect of heroes all week except for the one I consider most important: their ability to come together as a team to accomplish the impossible. Everyone from the Avengers to the crew of the Normandy, all are as unstoppable as they are because they work together to get the job done. So I asked our wonderful staff to put together their own individual teams from every hero in gaming for a task they chose. Here are the teams the crazy people I work with decided to put together."

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3970d ago Replies(2)
thelaughingwiseman3970d ago

3 heroes I want to see team up? Captain America, Archer and Ash (Evil Dead series). The Dynamic and overall badassery would be awesome!