
Spike VGA Awards Embarrass Games Industry

Want a video game awards that pander to sales and popularity but not critical reaction?

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CombineElite4947d ago

VGA = Total Bullsh1t awards show.

Don't wanna see a bunch of C-list celebrities pretending to be GAMERS. This show should be all about Developers and hardware manufactures like Nvidia and AMD

darkcharizard4947d ago

So true! I mean, no GOTY nomination for SMG2? Really?

Blacktric4947d ago

Only watching it (can't even watch the damn thing legally thanks to their no live-stream policy, so I'm searching a guy who streams it on Ustream or something) to see new game announcements, that's all. Nobody cares about Snoop Dog, some half naked wrestlers, football players, etc. We just want games.

Red_Orange_Juice4947d ago (Edited 4947d ago )

you know what's buuuuuullshiiiit?
spike tv video game awards


firefoxprime4947d ago (Edited 4947d ago )

I could care less. I just want to see the "revealsannoucnments" ;.

Its like how some people only watch the superbowl for the "super" expensive commercials.

4947d ago
Army_of_Darkness4947d ago

I might watch for that reason;)

MrMccormo4947d ago

Wow, so much hate for "PS3 fanboys" who spoke out against the show last year. Can people freakin' give it a rest? Every person in the comment section raging about the supposed hypocrisy of PS3 fanboys because UC2 won GotY last year is a fanboy. Besides, the BIGGEST hypocrisy of the year - if not the gaming generation - is how the Western media and many PS3 and 360 gamers are all goo goo over motion controls, claiming "this is SOOOOO innovative!" even though they've ben shatting on the Wii and its concepts for the past 4 years.

AntoineDcoolette4947d ago

I've been watching the Spike VGAs since 2007 or so. I'd say that each year it has dropped in quality and become more of a joke. I only watch it for the new video game announcements and trailers. Though the skin tight video game themed suits the had for the ladies in 2008 were quite nice...

CobraKai4946d ago

Biggest evidence of the VGA being mainstream was when Jack Black beat out Nolan North, Mark Hamill, and Arleen Sorking for best VO. I mean seriously they just gave the award to the most famous guy, and his performance was Jack Black acting exactly like Jack Black!!

That was all the VGA I ever watched.

Spydiggity4946d ago

i watched it last year, i'll never watch it again. i play games, in part, to escape the spectacle of pop culture.

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visualb4947d ago

get it out...NOW!

wtv...we all watch it for the new announcements.
thats why they get new announcements:

they know the "mainstream" watch it, and they get exposure to new titles

+ its only way of getting REAL gamers to watch it.

win win with new game announcements.

frostypants4947d ago

This guy rags on them for nominating ME2, Alan Wake, and Fable III for Best 360 game...but then complains about Bioshock 2 and AC:B not being there?! REALLY? Bioshock 2 was the definition of a mainstream cash-in. AC:B is basically an AC2 expansion pack. To compare them with the likes of Limbo is ridiculous. And ME2 was better than ANY of these, indie games included.

KrazyFace4947d ago

Have you played AC:B yet? I have, and I'll tell you now, if that's the average size of an EXPANSION PACK, then you'll be one gamer that'll have to shut up about the worth of DLC from now on. I only started it last night and played for FOUR HOURS and barely scratched the surface, y'know, about as long as it takes to fully finish Blackkkocks.

frostypants4947d ago (Edited 4947d ago )

I meant in terms of gameplay. It's a whole bunch of more of the same. Does AC:B bring anything new to the table? Not really. Thus how could one consider it the best 360 game of the year?

ME2 on the other hand was a vast improvement over the original.

There's a reason why it's not called "Assassin's Creed 3". Even the devs know it's not a true sequel.

smashman984946d ago


thats totally not fair of course the core gameplay is going to be basically more of the same thats what i wanted but heres a list of improvements for ya

- Graphics
- Destructible enviroments
- horseback combat
- The whole combat system got a bit of an overhaul
- oh and multiplayer

btw i own blackops as well and let me tell u assassins creed is waaaaay better in the multiplayer enviroment it is a true sequel u havent played the game yet so dont judge

PlayerX4946d ago (Edited 4946d ago )

Mario Galaxy 2 is the 3rd highest rated game of all time http://www.gamerankings.com... and it doesn't get nominated for Game of the Year? Fail

punkpop1014946d ago

Who cares?Mario Galaxy is on the Wii we know that non-hd games shouldn't count.God Of War 3 is much better than the shitty Mario.Also everything in the GOTY list sucks except GOW.PS3 rocks yeah N4G agree with me yeahh!!!!!Funny how all the ps3 fanboys praised VGA for the Uncharted award last year and now bush them.

avengers19784946d ago

I'm only watch for the new game trailers, and suprise reveals if any.

Spike TV VGA show is only latching on to our community because the gaming community is a strong demographic, and we spend money on stuff.

TheLastGuardian4946d ago

I threw up in my mouth when I heard Black Ops was nominated for GOTY. I will watch it because it is kind of entertaining but I know I'm going to be pissed off at alot of the winners.

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SeanRL4947d ago

They embarrassed the games industry last year too, what else is new?

smashman984946d ago

actually i gotta say it suprised me to see uc2 won instead of mw2 so last year i was more pleased i mean i agree the nominees suck this year but maybe theyll impress me just like last year

KILLERAPP4947d ago

They will hype something huge like they did last year only to end up in disappointment how can people have such short memories they always do the same thing…

saint_john_paul_ii4947d ago

not watching it. its all publicity and celebrities that dont know Jack shit about video games. heck they dont even play them. instead of interviewing a known game dev, they interview a celebrity. WTF? did the celebrity make the game? NO.

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Monolith's Wonder Woman Is Reportedly In A Troubled State Of Development

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RaidenBlack1d 1h ago

The only current DC game that might be good is already in trouble?

robtion1d 1h ago

They should look at Stellar Blade for ideas on how to make a great game with top tier combat and a female protagonist who is strong, capable and feminine.

Hopefully it does not turn out loaded with micro-transactions, GaaS, or 'modern gender politics'.

RaidenBlack22h ago

Monolith has confirmed its a single-player only with no live-service elements.
Monolith is a veteran dev studio and their last work were the stealth-action Mordor series with the Nemesis system.

robtion1h ago

Great should be no problem then. I loved the Mordor games and the Condemned games too. I'm also a fan of Wonder Woman.

Lightning7717h ago

It seems it's the games that we want that are always in trouble.

Tired of this.

isarai5h ago

WB games, fkn stoooop. It's insane the talent you have at your disposal and just keep managing them into the ground.


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