
Ninja Theory Dev Slams Bizarre Creations's on PGR4

In the latest news from the world of developers, Heavenly Sword, hotly anticipated title for PS3, developers has made some remarks about the latest Project Gotham Racing 4 trailer which was recently released. According to him the Ninja Theory developer "Those videos are simply not realtime, motion blur is done compositing several intra-frames together."

Bizzare studios developer ,Ben, responds that "It's all in-game."

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TriggerHappy6086d ago (Edited 6086d ago )

360 racing fanatics have a real monster on their hands there now that it has been confirmed to be all in real time.

Evil0Angel6086d ago

who are they ?
what they do ?
are they the one who made the Half-Assed doner kebab

Stella6086d ago

Bizzare credibility is zero.

They made similar lies about PGR3 before the 360 launch. PGR3 turned out to not even to be running at 720p, instead it was running at in low rez(something like only 1024 by 600) and was covered in jaggies due to a complete lack of AA.

Anyone who has the game knows this and can see it with their own eyes. I don't know what the hell the PGR and Forza devs think they are accomplishing. Bizzare got away with their lies because it was a launch title. Forza 2 got murdered by fan reaction when they found out that they were making similar lies about Forza 2's 'real time movies and screenshots'.

Just stop the lies. People are going to find out what the game looks like eventually.

nAo6086d ago (Edited 6086d ago )

1) I don't work for NT
2) I made an educated and substantiated comment about that trailer, I didn't slam a thing
3) it's reported that a guy from Bizarre Creations answered to me while that declaration was probably released BEFORE I wrote my statements on Beyond3D.

Well, I hope this story gets edited or removed cause it's made putting together a few false 'facts'

dantesparda6086d ago (Edited 6086d ago )

Why is this website writing the title like that? hm, its starting to becoming blatantly obvious that these websites are trying to start fights cuz it gets them the drama that they need to get hits. This is getting ridiculous, And is showing you, that alot of the gaming sites/press is starting to lose alot of credibility and instead is starting to get alot of suspicion of bias from people. To much fanboyism, and agendas, and expectations and hyping going on, on these sites nowadays.

Hey nAo, is that you? you the guy that made that statement?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 6086d ago
me_p6086d ago

if thats all in game... then looks to be very promissing AAA Racer ....

CG6086d ago (Edited 6086d ago )

I wish all the sony devs would STFU and concentrate on there own games, why do these clowns insist on attacking/critisizing the 360 devs???? i smell jelously lol.

dalectrics6086d ago

..but why would a dev of all people have trouble believing that entrance trailer is engine created footage? I mean I'm sure it has filters applied on top - but who doesn't do that? Seems strange unless it's just another PR stub to rattle people up.

BloodySinner6086d ago

Because their game turned out to be "half-assed" like the master himself said so, Tomonobu Itagaki.

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Let's Remember Some Xbox 360 Games

Luke Plunkett of Kotaku writes, "I think we all took the Xbox 360 for granted. Other all-time greats like the SNES and PS2 seem to be remembered more fondly than Microsoft’s console, which tends to be recalled as more of a thing that happened than a platform to be treasured."

JEECE2142d ago

A Kotaku writer pining for Xbox's golden years. I'm guessing there will be some good comments here.

Uglyday2142d ago

“WE”didn’t take it for granted, M$ did.

What happened prior to launch of the One up through current day with their marketing and focus away from games and consumers. The failure of the One has nothing to do with the 360 being great. In fact backward compatibility and the 360 is about all the One had/has going for it. Now M$ is dumping money into fornite articles to try and be seen as more than they are, a company that doesn’t give a damn about its fan boys or products.


Top 10 Racing Games of All Time

Clickonline writes "To many, cars are simply a way of getting from point A to point B. But to gamers they are a way of doing so as quickly as possible, while leaving opponents trailing in your wake. The racing genre’s grid has always been full of fierce competitors. And there’s no indication that this will change any time soon with Gran Turismo 6 taking to the start/finish straight and next-gen exclusives such as Driveclub and The Crew."

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Jalopnik - I'd just taken over as Tesla's PR guy and had been contacted by old friends at Microsoft Game Studios about including the Tesla Roadster in Project Gotham Racing 4. Darryl Siry, my boss, took me into Martin Eberhard's (Tesla's Co-founder/then CEO) office to broach the topic. That's when it went very wrong.

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