
Simply Fun: The Age Screen Play Previews MySims

Screen Play's Jason Hill reveals the interesting premise and features in MySims. For examples:

MySims has a story. The story premise is the player has to revitalize a town that has fallen on hard times, and it's up to the player to rebuild the town and attract different Sim characters (there are 80) to move into the town.

The player needs to collect "essences" from different tasks. Different essences are required to build different items to appeal to different Sims like the musician and scientist.

Different areas like the desert and forest have different goodies and Easter Eggs to be found and collected.

The Wii and DS versions are completely separate products and do not interact. The DS version is set on an island and more goal or mission orientated than the Wii version.

The article reveals these and other features in more details.

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Video Game Face Off: Pac-Man vs. The Sims

In the history of video games, there are few titles that are as ubiquitous as Pac-Man and The Sims. Two gaming powerhouses that have become synonymous with gaming, attracting the attention of hardcore gamers, casual players and even those who have no interest in video games whatsoever.

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Why MySims Is A Terrible Game

PeanutButterGamer finally tackles his arch nemesis...Mysims for the Nintendo Wii.

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TopDudeMan4539d ago

You know, just by the name, I assume it is a terrible game, but thanks for the clarification. :D

lorianguy4539d ago

Exactly, the guy in charge of naming these games shoudl be, as Jeremy Clarkson would say, shot infront of their family.

Well, that's a bit harsh but so's a dodgy curry.

mamotte4539d ago

Ranting about an old game nobody cares about? Gaming journalists have a lot of free time.


Taco Bell Offering Free Copies of MySims

StrengthGamer.com: What could possibly get better than a Taco Bell Kids Meal? How about a free copy of MySims for the PC!

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BlueTroll5001d ago

Luckily my Taco Bell is open 24 hours!

WutPleaze5001d ago

no joke. BlueTroll, take a pic when you get one!