
Why it is so easy to blame VGChartz

An article by VGChartz explaining the methodology behind the sales numbers they report and the hardships they face when they are reported.

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MeatPopsicle4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

Vgchartz is the fake sales number site of a twenty something year old Xbox fanboy.

The kid use to post fake sales numbers on the neogaf forums under the handle ioi trying to make Xbox 360 sales look higher than they really were and PS3 sales lower than they really were. The mods finally got so sick of his lies that they banned him permanently from the site.

His lies about sales were so bad that his name and site and now banned words on the forum and you will get banned for even trying to refer to the site and its fake sales numbers.

After getting banned for his lies about sales he ran off and created his crappy little fake sales number site vgchartz so no one could stop him from spreading fabricated sales numbers.

It really is amazing to see just how far certain console's fans are will to believe something absurdly and manifestly fake as long as it tells them what they desperately want to hear.

You just have to laugh at the absurdity that anyone fell for vgchartz's lies about sales and that some little kid is able to:

* Track not just one country, but three entire market around the globe

* Provide weekly sales numbers for both hardware and software across all three major console sales regions

* Do all of this for free

Retail tracking firms are huge companies that game developers and publishers pay a good deal of money for their accurate sales numbers. They have been doing so for many, many years.

Vgchartz is a shit stain on the gaming world. The last thing gamers need is some little fanboy putting out fake sales numbers. There are enough lies already gamers have to put up already.

ct034934d ago

At least read the article. Their methodology for estimating sales numbers is described very well and makes a lot of sense.

Of course these estimates differ from actual tracking data. That's why they're estimates.

Biggest4934d ago

What are they being blamed for? Inaccuracy? They're estimates. Don't be sad that estimates aren't accurate, VGChartz people. Why people are sad to be what they are is beyond me. If you don't like how people perceive you. . . STOP DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING! Don't expect sympathy for continuing to do what you're known and disliked for doing.

WaggleLOL4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

Estimates? No...

Vgchartz pathetic fanboy game is:

* Leverage Microsoft being the only console maker that still uses shipment numbers instead of actual console sales.

* Use the extra 2-3 million shipment numbers for 360 consoles to pad out 360 sales. Usually in Europe because that is the region with the least amount of reliable sales data

* Inflate 360 sales numbers as far as the kid making them up thinks he can get away with. Often this has him making up 360 sales that are higher than the actual known shipment numbers for the 360

* Do the opposite for PS3 sales. As low as he thinks he can get away with. Even if the numbers are lower than months old legitimate sales data

* As soon as real sales numbers come out he rushes back to his numbers and silently changes them to avoid getting caught by his lies

WaggleLOL4934d ago

"Of course these estimates differ from actual tracking data. That's why they're estimates."

Random numbers are different from actual tracking data too. That doesn't make them 'estimates'.

Vgchartz is a site that puts out deliberate lies to support its own fanboy agenda.

You really have to boggle that the idiot behind vghchartz fake sales numbers has spent some 4 years of his sad little life playing fanboy games day after day making up fraudulent sales numbers.

Honestly dude, everyone knows you're posting here. Get a life. You're an embarrassedly to gamers of all platforms.

Seferoth754934d ago

It is funny that fanboys want to claim the guy is an xbox fan yet they clearly show Wii in the lead and have for years.

We get it kids, without VGChartz you kids could use false numbers that you made up. SO of course you cant stand them.

Just because a site is honest about the place Sony is in doesnt mean they do not count.

Would love for someone to explain to me how their estimates are completely wrong but NPD estimates are completely okay with getting into some pathetic fanboy debate.

Also please do so without owning a PS3. Since owning an xbox makes him a fanboy and gives him an agenda I will assume that anyone that owns a PS3 must also be a fanboy wit their own agenda.

Knushwood Butt4934d ago

That's pathetic if the bmw account is the guy behind VGC.

Still, it would not surprise me one bit.

Dire site, and for the record they are far more pro Nintendo than MS. Sony gets it the worst.

The Source is a raging Nintendo fanboy and he plays a large part in things.

Crap site. Do not click and read their article.

ComboBreaker4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

in the end, their methods for estimating the sales is the same as the following:

1. Make up a good number for the 360. Add millions to it.

2. Make up a bad number for the PS3. Subtract millions from it.

3. Claim hardships.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4934d ago
bmw694934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

Again, you didn't read the article? Go back and read it all and see how stupid what you just posted now sounds.

ryuzu4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

Not going to give hits to the site, given this is VGChartz begging people to play nice lol.

Even MS can't support your numbers hehe.

Stop spamming gaming sites with junk and maybe people will go easy.


Boody-Bandit4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

bwm69 is VGChartz
He probably wrote the article. This guy most likely has several accounts that he uses to submit and approve his own crap and then he comes here and defends them.

Sorry but ALL VGChartz articles should be marked as rumor. It's a shame N4G doesn't have a source called "tabloid nonsense looking for attention". < - that would be a better description than marking it as a rumor.

Boody-Bandit4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

bmw69 is without shame.
He is VGChartz

acere4934d ago

Even Greenberg ripped on VGchartz on twitter yesterday. No one in the industry uses them, no one quotes their numbers, no one takes them seriously. It's a fan run site. Get over it.

TechnicalBS4934d ago

It might only be estimates, but it'll be the closest thing you'll get until official numbers are released from the official company themselves.

Personally I couldn't careless about numbers. I'd rather there be a single console where all publishers including Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft have their teams develop games for this single console. That would be the end of fanboyism and I'd save money in the process.

Eh, only in my dreams.

Zeevious4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

to state your own VGChartZ article that YOU WROTE YOURSLEF to defend your fake VGChartZ is a "Great article" ?

REALLY? This puts you beyond a total loser -- A fake -- A flake.

It only confirms EVERYTHING ever said about you, your "site" and why you deserve no respect and to be permanently banned here!

What exactly does it take to get some fake-a*s trash-site like this banned for good on N4G?

You're article title is the most telling of all...It's not a title...it's a question:

Why it is so easy to blame VGChartz .?.?.
Because VGChartz is guilty and should be blamed!

- You, Brian are entirely responsible for the fake sh*t you built an entire site around.
- You, Brian deserve to be blamed, because you are guilty.
- You are trying, even now to pull the same VGChartZ-class scams, by approving and claiming your own FAKE article is great!


How much longer are Mods here going to feed this industry-blight hits?

Please -- Take action Mods and DO SOMETHING!

This abuse of N4G is deserving of nothing less than a BAN! - Please!

Zeevious4933d ago

not Brian Walton.

There's enough fake info on his site to wade through, we don't need his name to be wrong too...

BRETT WALTON - For afflicting N4G with your constant stream of fake 'estimates' (read outright lies) for nothing but site hits...

Enjoy the truth.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4933d ago
mandf4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

Because they make up numbers. They have no partnership with retailers for what they sold. Just because you make a website on the internet does not make you a legitimate player in the video game industry. Calling retailers all across the globe requires a large dedicated staff. Just because you have an understanding of how things are tracked does not mean you are an honest and reputable site. Npd was accurate and involved with retailers that is what made them reliable. Nobody in the industry has ever acknowledged VG chartz for being reputable. How you do you make a site and put a Z at the end of your name expect to be respected. You can't even use proper english.

Mr_Bun4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

What are you, the "didn't read the article" nazi?

Weird, partner site of VGChartz actually defends VGChartz? You'd be foolish not to read this article /s

mandf4934d ago

I read the article. They have knowledge of how to track but aren't a real business in the sense of working working with retailers or the industy. They make up numbers based off speculation. Nobody in the industry recognizes VG charts because they are nobodies. They track for no one. They have no partnerships. Go ahead and call up your local gamestop, wallmart or any other retailer and they won't tell you shit because they only answer to higher ups. Call the higher ups and they will tell you they only answer to the stock holders. VG chartz are nobodies in the industry. Basically they are playing house on the internet.

ryuzu4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

So what's happened here? BMW and Milf and prolly some others are VGChartz account to try and spam for hits on N4G?

That's pretty lame dont'cha think? It's worked though, now I suddendly believe Vgc made up numbers - wow. What next, Santa Claus?


Zeevious4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

...to support and approve VGCharts news...just look at their comment and approval histories. That's all the fakes do!

...and you mean the article that first goes to a 30 second AD to get you site hits? Wow, really professional, and not confirming all you are doing is making up controversial numbers to rake in the ad-cash. The ad's plastering both the left-and right and all over your pages in every spare-space also don't admit, in all their flash-glory that you're nothing but an phony-excuse for hits and ad-revenue.

Guess what, I DID read the article, AFTER ad-blocking your a** so you didn't get one single penny of ad-revenue from me.

Given your past history of guesstimates, you claim to call 200 stores for your number...meaning you call at the most 20. Of those stores, you extrapolate whatever numbers you pull out of your a** and that's why they stink.

Brian Walton - Mw69 - [email protected] - You'r 'estimates' are nothing but fake 'guestimates'

Fake numbers. Making up Fake totals. Fake charts.
Fake totally made-up comparisons. Caught fixing Fake numbers. Pretending it's all someone elses fault. Called a Fake by Microsoft and deemed without credibility by EVERYONE in the industry.


Why you are still allowed to have anything from your site posted here...only the administration here knows.

Oh, and Ryuzu -- Don't drag Santa into this...or you'll get a lump of coal in your stocking.

I know that's what everyone at VGChartZ gets.

In "fact" according to VGChartZ, lumpz of coal have gone up, with a 27% rize in coal-ztocking additionz, with a ztocking attach rate that's 9:1 since the release of Kinect-Ztocking Ztuffer in the pazt 10 days.

Theze numberz are abzolutely accurate...until I change them late tonight, when no ones watching.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4934d ago
milf_sex4934d ago

Its a good idea to read the article before spreading mindless propoganda originated from Gaf..... They don't make up numbers...they estimate 'em.
Sure, it may not be 100% accurate....but its not completely wrong...its not like they report that complete flops sold millions and hits sold a few thousand units.
Its the closest thing we've got to sales numbers (since we may never know how much a certain game has sold worldwide at a certain point in time).
So yeah...in short - Vgchartz may not be 100% accurate...but they are usually within a 10% margin of the actual sales.
Also - note that they got Black Ops first day numbers correct. Even before Activision reported them.
I don't think they're planning to be a legitimate "player" in the industry. It seems to me that they are just trying to report sales numbers via estimates. Its better than sites with attention whore reviewers who give shitty scores to great games (Destructoid) and sites who review every game a 10/10.
Oh and, VGchartz has a much better community than N4G. Fact. No butthurt fanboys or major trolls there.

mandf4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

Milf sex you think they have a better community go there. Do not stick up for made up speculation. Your name is not appropriate for someone that says they have a reputable website. It leads me to believe you are still a child. Don't come to this website and spew your crap articles then ridicule it's community. VG chartz are not reliable. FACT. It may have been a well written article but it fails once you a apply it. Even it you had the staff to do this. These businesses are not paying there employees on the clock to report there numbers to you and pay for it. You can recite how npd reports there numbers but you don,t have access to that information. The leading fact against your website is you don't work with any retailers and they are not beholden to you.

Biggest4934d ago

Estimates aren't made up? And here I thought they were fact.

Pennywise4934d ago

They are not accurate numbers. They are GUestimates. Give me a damn break about your woes me BS.

10% of 1 million is 100,000. You don't see the as a problem of a represented install base of 30mil?

Just because Michael Patcher is right half the time doesn't make him reliable in any way. VGCHartz is the same.

The stubborn fanboy running the site doesn't even fix his 3million off PS3 numbers when SONY TELLS US HOW MANY CONSOLES THEY HAVE SOLD. I see a problem with this AND anyone who doesn't see a problem with this. Piss off.

mac_sparrow4934d ago

"They don't make up numbers...they estimate 'em. "


Oh, but apart from that I despair at the bastardisation of the English language.

jahcure4934d ago

I agree totally. The article is well written..not taking that away..but in there they say that they correct wrongs..

why then, have they not corrected the ps3 sales numbers as reported by sony themselves..very good catch

Boody-Bandit4934d ago

is one of bmw69's (VGChartz) many multiple accounts.
Yet here you are saying N4G and it's members are lame? Without N4G nobody would know your lame site exist.

Anon19744934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

We know they are estimates, but they're bad estimates. Calling retailers to do a "survey" isn't scientific in any way, shape or form. So how does it work when they guess at Japan, or Europe? Do they call 200 stores across Germany and try to get accurate numbers? Do they have a lot of Japanese speaking people working for to get a sample size of Japanese retailers? And how many of those 200 stores they contacted give them accurate figures and not just ball parked figures?

This article doesn't make me feel better about VGChartz guesstimates, it actually just confirms what I decided years ago, that VGChartz figures are loose guesses, based on god knows what that usually aren't even in the ballpark of the actual data. If they get their figures within 15-20% of the real data, that's a good day for VGChartz.

Microsoft recently issued two statements clearly bashing VGChartz. It's not surprising that they're in damage control mode. "Bu-bu-but they're just estimates!"

Yeah, and they're bad estimates. That's why no one takes your site seriously. Time to wise up, put that university degree to work and get a real job instead of thinking you can make a living making up sales figures for website hits. Just because I couple of news sources quoted your comments doesn't suddenly make you legitimate.

Zeevious4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

by sheer coincidence.

VGChartZ has a long, and well-known history as the fake flake "estimate" site where the numbers are pulled out of some guys a**.

Following Pachter would be more accurate!

If they aren't a "legitimate player" -- By your own words..why in the HELL are their numbers still reported here, as nothing but an excuse to grab hits?

That site needs to be BANNED because it is nothing but a blight on the industry being used to manipulate and incite fanbrats to bite at each others throats....while the guy running it, and his supports laugh with the ad-money you rake in all the way to the bank.

...but if your looking for a "butthurt" fanboy, I'd look for the guy pulling these numbers from an abacus out of his a*s.

So yeah...not 100% accurate, but after faking the numbers, and stealth-editing them when no ones looking, then claiming nothing happened...they're within 10% of the real numbers...real companies know aren't faked.

I see now...every reason to NOT support this trash. Thanks for making my point.

Everyone above gets a +1 from me...

VGChartZ needs to be BANNED!

visualb4934d ago (Edited 4934d ago )

"Oh and, VGchartz has a much better community than N4G. Fact. No butthurt fanboys or major trolls there."

so...you are what?

=P and if thats so...
what the hell are you doing here?

wow...this "article" is hilarious =P milf_sex and bmw69, you two have made me laugh =D

what ever, in the end, VGCharts isn't taken seriously by anyone except its tiny community =| stop trying to justify failure

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4934d ago
NYC_Gamer4934d ago

pulling a lot of numbers out the air

The Wood4934d ago

out of the place where the sun don't shine my friend

ethomaz4934d ago

Guys please read the article... explains some things.

milf_sex4934d ago ShowReplies(5)
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Xbox Game Studios Publishing Team Visits Kojima Productions to 'Kick-Off an Exciting Journey'

Kojima Productions' Hideo Kojima and Microsoft's GM of Xbox games marketing Aaron Greenberg via Twitter revealed the Xbox Game Studios Publishing teams have visited Kojima Productions.

"Our first visit to Kojima Productions with our Xbox Game Studios Publishing teams," said Greenberg. "Bringing engineering, cloud, marketing & production teams together to kick-off an exciting journey ahead."

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Obscure_Observer446d ago

Definitely curious to know more about this game.

Probably a survivor horror game powered by Azure just like Flight Simulator.

porkChop446d ago

He had a cloud-based horror title in development at Stadia but Google cancelled the project. Idk. He could bring that to Xbox but he also might be making something else. I just don't know what cloud would bring to a horror game.

Obscure_Observer445d ago

"I just don't know what cloud would bring to a horror game."

It´s Kojima. He can create a cloud-based Pac Man. Lol.

Tbh, If you tell me MS were planning to release a cloud-based Flight Simulator a few years back, I wouldn´t know what to expect either.

He´ll be working with Kim Swift (Portal creator) so I´m expecting something big!

EvertonFC445d ago

Can you offload things like lighting or RT etc to cloud?

fr0sty445d ago

RT, not really, as we expect 60fps,and low input lag, and good luck getting pings good enough to refresh that.

cthulhucultist445d ago

I can think 3 possible uses, although I could be wrong:

1. Dynamic weather and time of day depending on your region. For instance real-time weather and time-of-day information, which can be used to create dynamic environments that change depending on the weather and time of day. In addition various festivities (such as halloweed) can be tracked to add additional background features such as new times, layout and decorations.

2.Cloud-based servers can facilitate shared experiences in horror games so that players can share real tine journals around the world for other players to find (similar to demon souls messaging system)

3. Crowd-sourced decision making when it comes to important world altering decisions. In that way players can decide using polls, on the direction of certain events.

All the above apply to multiplayer horror game scenarios

porkChop445d ago


I see where you're going but those 3 scenarios don't actually need cloud technology. We could already do those things with an online connection. For Kojima to say it's a game he's always wanted to make but that it isn't possible without cloud... Idk man it sounds like he's talking about some wild shit lmao. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Obscure_Observer445d ago


"Can you offload things like lighting or RT etc to cloud?"

Yes, you can offload anything CPU-intensive to the cloud. Xbox Game Studios already confirmed that Ray Tracing is coming to Flight Simulator at some point with the DirectX 12 Ultimate update.

I_am_Batman445d ago (Edited 445d ago )

@Everton: Offloading part of the rendering pipeline to a remote server isn't a viable solution for latency sensitive real time applications like games. Bandwidth isn't high enough and latency is way too high. There is a reason why GPUs have multi-level cache hierarchies. Local cache/memory latency is measured in nano seconds, a server ping in miliseconds. You're talking orders of magnitude difference in both latency and bandwidth. At that point you'd be better off letting the server do all the computation and streaming the finished frame which would just be plain old game streaming.

fr0sty444d ago (Edited 444d ago )

It's SO obvious which people in this conversation have any idea how game development works... lol.

No, you cannot do cloud assisted ray tracing. 60fps updates every 16ms. So, within 16 ms, your must tell the server you need a frame, and what that frame needs to be, Then the important part... the server has to have the time needed to render that frame, and then it has to be able to send that frame back to you. A perfectly average ping in the year 2023 is 20-50ms... and even if you get lower than that sometimes, you won't stay that low all the time... especially when connecting to servers over large distances. see the problem there?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 444d ago
blackblades446d ago

Bad quality photo, like show some respect to the guy. Can report for bad quality picture.

Stanjara446d ago

Photo probably taken with Kinect.

onisama445d ago

the original on twitter kojima with the team xbox, this photo is zoomed

YourMommySpoils445d ago

Phil is going to start slapping and spanking Kojima, when he finds out the developers have been working on a Sony game this whole time, instead.

Aloymetal445d ago (Edited 445d ago )

Lol, well you're kinda right since he's been working on DS2 aka his baby and I say his baby because it is his main priority plus when I saw the tour he made of his studio in Japan, everything inside is decorated with Death Stranding and all that stuff. Amazing studio by the way.

Obscure_Observer445d ago

"Lol, well you're kinda right since he's been working on DS2 aka his baby and I say his baby because it is his main priority"

Lmao! Sure... whatever helps you sleep at night, dude. XD

Kojima wants his new game on Xbox to bring a revolution! From the man himself:

“It’s almost like a new medium. If this succeeds, it will turn things around – not just in the game industry, but in the movie industry as well,”

"Kojima: I tend to get easily bored. Part of why I've been able to make games for 30 years is because new technology replaces the old so quickly. The tech you use today may not be applicable tomorrow, and I'm interested in figuring out ways to incorporate the new. Making the wrong choice can result in failure, of course. It's a bit like a space program in that way. The project we're working on with Microsoft is one I have been thinking about for five or six years already. The project required infrastructure that was never needed before, so I discussed it with lots of different big companies and gave presentations, but they really seemed to think that I was mad. It was ultimately Microsoft who showed that they understood, and now we're working together on the project, including the technology front."

“It’s a completely new game, one that no one has ever experienced or seen before. I’ve waited very long for the day when I could finally start to create it.”


mkis007445d ago

Sony would normally accept anything kojima would put out if they were even one of his potentials. Leaves me with 2 options: Sony literally couldn't say yes to it or 2 it is more unusually than death stranding.

Obscure_Observer445d ago


"2 it is more unusually than death stranding."

He said that every publisher which he proposed his new game (Sony included), says he gone mad except Xbox Game Studios.

If this game is not been in development for the PS5, Sony is the one to blame.

sadraiden445d ago


always take Kojima's hyperbole with several thousand grains of salt. He famously said DS was a new game genre. Turns out it was a 3rd person action game with asynchronous multiplayer. Still fun and engaging, but not really as innovative as he was pitching it.

DOMination-445d ago

DS is the only game they’ve released isn’t it? I have a feeling that’s the most logical reason why tue studio is filled with stuff from that game

YourMommySpoils445d ago (Edited 445d ago )

In other words, there is no Xbox game. "!" over the head.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 445d ago
sadraiden445d ago

Phil never put a ring on it. Kojima is his own publisher. I think he holds most of the leverage, and in this case Xbox wanting their own Kojima exclusive is exactly the reason why he won't spank him.

Traecy445d ago

They want to follow in Sony PS footsteps...lol. Smh.

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Air Conflicts: Secret Wars - PlayStation Move's Best Kept Secret

Air Conflicts: Secret Wars debuted in 2011, and later updated for modern consoles. However, it's the PlayStation 3 edition that stands out.


Aaron Greenberg Promoted To Xbox's VP Of Games Marketing

If you're a close follower of the Xbox team, you'll be well aware of Aaron Greenberg. He's a really nice guy who is always busy promoting the latest game and hardware.

It seems he's recently been promoted - with his LinkedIn profile revealing how he's gone from Xbox Games Marketing General Manager to Xbox Games Marketing Vice President.

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Knushwood Butt617d ago

'He's a really nice guy who is always busy promoting the latest game.'.

He's had a quiet year then.

-Foxtrot617d ago

Just spinning on his chair randomly thinking "I wonder who can swim faster, a horse or a dog"

617d ago
NotoriousWhiz617d ago

^ While that's a funny thought. The facts are that the more people that like your favorite plastic box, the more people that will spend money on the plastic box, and the more money spent on that plastic box, results in more support going to that plastic box, which ultimately results in more games for you to play on your plastic box.

So that bit of marketing does help you in the end. But don't let those facts get in the way of a good funny.

*takes off nerd glasses*

MoonConquistador617d ago


I like many people, probably overuse lol's in my online messaging, but I genuinely laughed aloud with that comment.

MadLad617d ago

2023 is coming.
The tone of this place will go from "Xbox has no games" to trying to explain why everything they release is terrible. No matter the reviews or sales. Or trying to convince everyone how Gamepass is killing the industry.

Aloymetal617d ago

''2023 is coming''
I know right, I've been seeing the same slogan since 2014.

617d ago
neutralgamer1992617d ago


Man stop it as a Xbox fan I am tired of waiting till next year. It's time to have some amazing games that are high in quality

CrimsonWing69617d ago

I feel like they said that back in 2021, then 2022, and… well you get the picture.

617d ago
STARS617d ago


2023 is coming, in three and a half months. What about in the entirety of 2022, or in the last 10+ months? How have those award winning, MS studios been looking in that time frame? 🤔 Yeah, no matter the reviews or sales, sounds a lot like TLoU Part 2 from you for 2 years running. 🤡

617d ago
godofboobees616d ago

So it's no longer "wait till e3" but so and so date is coming? Gotcha

616d ago
616d ago
616d ago
616d ago
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616d ago
Hofstaderman616d ago

E3 is also coming. What a joke.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 616d ago
Automatic79617d ago (Edited 617d ago )


Depends what quiet year means to you.

Didn't he just finish promoting this summer E3, High on Life, Naraka Blade Point, As Dusk Falls, Forza Horizon 5 HotWheels, Redfall, Starfield, Pentiment and Grounded. Plus he was Gamescom with games like Lies of P, The Case of Benedict Fox and more. I don't consider that a quiet year.

Congratulations Aaron.

Elda617d ago (Edited 617d ago )

Lies of P is a multi-plat game with no release date. The other games you've mentioned are mostly low-budget/AA lackluster looking games with the exception of Forza. Redfall & Starfield have no release date. As an XBSX owner that's nothing to be excited about.

darthv72617d ago (Edited 617d ago )

@elda... so you upgraded your free xmas party series s to a series x now? Gamepass has a way of doing that. And lies of P is a nice get for the service. Of course Greenburg will promote games and the service.its his job.

Lightning77616d ago

I'm not a Greenburge fan myself but whenever someone lists the games. It's always "AA low budget lack luster games" but yet go crazy over a Cat game that nobody's talking about anymore. AA is only OK if it's only exclusive to their platform, anywhere else it's lackluster.


616d ago
XiNatsuDragnel616d ago

The problem most of these are timed exclusives or multiplats. Not AAA or AA, I care about exclusives which the competitors have.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 616d ago
deadfrag617d ago ShowReplies(2)
XiNatsuDragnel617d ago

Oh congrats Aaron but imo I want a new team rather than the same people start fresh.

Si-Fly616d ago

Yeah why aren’t they promoting an intern to VP?

XiNatsuDragnel616d ago (Edited 616d ago )

Or fresh blood

ED-E617d ago

Can't really tell how Greenberg is today, but back in my Xbox360 days (oof, we're talking 10+ years ago), he had such a pervy douchey vibe, I couldn't stand him. So I might have been wrong all along.

God, I miss my Xbox360 days, but I hated the Metro-UI change in 2012(?) so much. It was one of the reasons I switched to Playstation with the next generation.

MadLad617d ago

It might be time to switch back, honestly.
I'm mainly a PC gamer, but I've owned every Playstation console since the PS2.
I was one of the few that managed getting a PS5 day one.

They've been anti-consumer idiots this generation. I don't want to support them as a company at this point. I've been buying used anything that I want to play.

I'm watching Microsoft improve their games division in many ways, while watching Sony test how much they can fleece their dedicated fanbase.

Aloymetal617d ago

''I don't want to support them as a company at this point. I've been buying used anything that I want to play.''
Don't do that, PS needs you, they'll be doomed if you don't support them...

Elda617d ago

At least Sony continues to release AAA exclusives,they've released AAA exclusives throughout this year whereas XB has not...not one.

MadLad617d ago


Whatever you insist, guy. I know the drill. Everything Microsoft does with their games division is trash.
Everything Sony does with their games division is totally amazing. It's actually kind of creepy.

Doesn't matter what Sony does, and it doesn't matter the improvements Microsoft is making.

The PS6 could announce at $1000, the games could now be $80, they could double the base price of PS Plus, and you would be doing your best to celebrate and defend it.

617d ago
617d ago
Crows90617d ago

Name me one game this supposed games division improvement has created.

617d ago
617d ago
Gamingsince1981617d ago

MS haven't improved their games division at all, they have spent more money than anyone else on buying up studios and still have nothing to show years on. Gamepass is rubbish and that's all they have.

617d ago
617d ago
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616d ago
gold_drake616d ago (Edited 616d ago )

"been watching them improve their games division in many ways"

really? might be time for some glasses then ha.

AmUnRa616d ago (Edited 616d ago )

Here whe go again....but but but i have always own a PS, but Sony are anti consumer idiots. Dude give it a rest whe dont believe your drivel time for the mods to do theyr job.

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