
Persona 2 Innocent Sin Screenshots

Andriasang: A full look at the PSP remake of the Atlus classic. (Total 50 images)

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Atlus May Not Return to the First Two Persona Games

With Sega and Atlus looking into porting more titles to PC, thanks to Persona 4 Golden, the first two Persona games may be last priority.

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Vits1367d ago

Likely. The three first Personas don't really play like what most people assume to be standard for the franchise.
Plus they are much older games that would require a far more extensive work in order to fit into modern systems.

That said. I would love to see a remaster of them though. Similar to P4G, these games are stuck on older hardware PSP and PSONE and while they don't have the features that one would expect out of Persona. They have some solid gameplay and pretty good stories - expecially the second and "third" games.

1366d ago
rataranian1366d ago

Be amazing if they remade them in the P5 engine style.

NukeDaHippies1366d ago

As a big smt and persona fan, i'm not a fan of p1 and p2. Battles are some of the most painfully slow turn based battles I've ever experienced in any of the localised smt titles. I was never big on the story of either. (Never finished 1). Thats my hot take on the first 2....never played eternal punishment either.


Persona 6 on PS5 is the Perfect Chance to Break One Series' Mainstay

With Persona achieving a much more global and diverse fanbase thanks to Persona 5, now's the perfect time to make a key change.

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1468d ago Replies(9)
1468d ago Replies(1)
NukeDaHippies1468d ago

"It's time a female takes the lead", but they have....twice, no 3 times. Is the same person writing these childish articles on persona 6? As long as it's good, it doesn't matter if the lead is male or female.

no_more_heroes1468d ago

Yeah, that's something I don't care about either way. Wouldn't mind if the lead was female, as long as it's as well done as the games usually are then have at it. Same for possible same sex relationships if they do that.

For me, I say devs can experiment away with their IP, as long as whatever's produced clearly has the same thought and effort behind it as what came before*.

*of course, I'm assuming we're talking about series know for being high quality like Persona lol!

1468d ago
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The Jungian Psychology Concepts Which Acted As Inspiration For The Persona Franchise

The Persona franchise, the best-selling JRPG spin-off of Atlus's Shin Megami Tensei saga, is a series about teenagers summoning demons to fight supernatural threats... and it's also an introspective saga drenched in Tarot Card symbolism and the theories of Carl Jung, an early psychologist who blended scientific psychoanalysis with mystical symbolism.

Core elements to the Persona franchise – Shadows, Archetypes, the Collective Unconsciousness – all owe their existence to Dr. Carl Jung, who pioneered the idea of the unconscious not just as a well of repressed desire, but also as a spring of inspiration and personal power.

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Games1st1502d ago (Edited 1502d ago )

"Shadows: parts of oneself, good or bad, that people want to ignore or push away. Rejecting one's Shadow can lead to mental trauma and an inability to learn from mistakes, while accepting a Shadow as part of oneself is part of how people can heal and grow."

Interesting read.

DarXyde1502d ago

It's been very well known that Persona is based on Jungian psychology, at the very least.

Persona 5 added in Social Cognitive Psychology, which made for a very interesting experience.

1502d ago