
Spawn Kill Review: Z.H.P.: Unlosing Ranger VS Darkdeath Evilman

Most games begin at the beginning, progress to the middle, and end with the ending. However, Nippon Ichi Software’s latest RPG, lengthily titled Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger VS Darkdeath Evilman, decides to take things from a different approach, by starting with the ending. Our story begins with the final boss showdown: Darkdeath Evilman has kidnapped “Super Baby,” a baby who was prophesied to someday save the world. However our hero, Absolute Victory Unlosing Ranger, slept in (because his mom forgot to wake him up), and in his hurry to get to the fight, is rather unheroically run over by a car and killed. An innocent bystander thus has the role of hero literally thrust upon him, and our main character becomes the new Unlosing Ranger. Due to his inexperience, he is almost immediately killed. Game over, right? Wrong. Despite the game starting off with an ending, the main character’s death is actually only the beginning.

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tigresa4923d ago

I really like the premise... It sounds super unique despite my extreme hatred for being penalized and losing items when I die. +_+ (Firey e-face of hate). Despite the negatives I'm still interested in seeing how this is... I hope there's a demo on PSN, I'm super curious. :3

rrquinta4923d ago

It's not a bad game, I just didn't really enjoy it. It was just TOO much grinding for me. I don't mind grinding if their is a purpose or I'm doing something else while I grind (i.e., like in Persona 3, where you are doing side quests or leveling up your personas to unlock new skills), but grinding just for the sake of it?? No thank you.

3-4-53839d ago

Solid list.

I just started playing D1: Afternoon of darkness about 10 days ago and I love it. It's my first Disgaea & first NIS game.

As soon as I beat this and do some post game I'll pick up D2....not the new one but the psp version.

D3 will probably be the first game I get for Vita whenever I buy it. So much content in these games.

gooney1213839d ago

Awesome! Afternoon is such a remarkable game in every way. Though it wasn't on the list, I really do still love Disgaea 2, and though I wasn't a fan of 3 at first, the Vita version turned me around on it. It's a lovely series and they do indeed have a ton of content to get lost in.

Hicken3839d ago

What? No Ar Tonelico or Atelier games? I has a sad.

knifefight3839d ago

Those aren't made by Nippon Ichi though. Those are made by Gust.

You'll see confusion about this from time to time, because in North America, the Ar Tonelico games were localized by NIS America; however, Nippon Ichi had nothing to do with the development.

gooney1213839d ago

Yep! I only picked stuff developed by NIS. If we were picking stuff NIS America had localised, there'd be a few differences here.

Hicken3839d ago

Well damn. Usually I'm on top of stuff like that. (Sadly, I'm not even in the same county with the majority of my PS2 collection, so I couldn't double check if I wanted to.)

Now I just look like a buffoon.


8 for 8: The Best PSP Games Pt. 1: Original IPs

"The PSP recently celebrated its 8th birthday. To honor the occasion, I’m paying tribute to the 8 best games in three different categories. So let’s get rolling with 8 for 8: Best of the PSP, starting with the system’s most awesome original IPs." -Hindman of PSLS

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TerminalGamer4042d ago

Pata pata pata pon

That still gets stuck in my head whenever I think about it.

knifefight4042d ago

Some good PSP nostalgia. People might not realize that it was the starting point for some pretty cool series.


The Tech-Gaming Podcast 9-8: La Dolce Vita?

With less than a month from the U.S. launch, the crew spearheads a Sony Vita roundtable, offering a hands-on analysis of the hardware and launch line-up. Additionally, the team offers impressions of Pushmo, Zen Pinball 3D, Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD, StarHawk, Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger Vs. Darkdeath Evilman as well as Lego Pirates of the Caribbean for the 3DS. Before venturing off for our customary dosage of game trivia and answers to reader mail, we also sit down with inXile Entertainment’s Jairo Silva to discuss Choplifter HD’s expedition onto now-gen consoles.

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CharmingMan4481d ago

Good, fair Vita talk. This is one of the few shows I've heard that really seems honest about the system.

RaptorMan4481d ago

Yeah, I don't understand why some sites are just willing the Vita to die here.

MasterCornholio4481d ago

It's called trolling for hits and they are very successful at it.


madmad4481d ago

Damn good show this week. Keep it up!

sharpsword4481d ago

Sony is a hardware company. I'd be surprised if their console wasn't well built. Software is another story.

rexbolt4481d ago

WAIT WHAT 1ST SONY hardly makes game but the ones they do are good and as for well built o.o yeah

mediastudies4481d ago

Good Choplifter HD interview.

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