
Master Street Fighter Player Tokido Pulls Off the Ultimate Raging Demon Win

Fighting game tournaments are hotbeds of drama, tension, and all-around crazy antics. There’s a reason why “getting hype” is a catchphrase in the community: because people playing and watching tournaments tend to go nuts with energy and excitement. And hype-getting was plentiful at the SoCal Regionals tournament this weekend, especially after one particularly crazy match.

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-GoldenTimeLover-4959d ago (Edited 4959d ago )

EPIC!!!!!!!!! This will be remembered throughout the years just like the famous Daigo Evo 2004 comeback against Justin Wong.

SasanovaS19874959d ago

LOL the kanji on his back was EPIC...WOW sick

Gamerbee4959d ago

That was sooo gdlike. Ive bin a Todido fanboy for a while now.

DORMIN4959d ago

You guys should check out the other matches. Especially the Grande Finals

Gue14959d ago

Not even close as epic... Pretty much lame actually. This was EPIC http://www.youtube.com/watc...

There is no comparison.

xino4959d ago

this was expected.

Plus it gives me more reason to dislike SF, just trash players who uses the same cheap moves over and over!

I mean the AKuma player just kept doing the flying hadoken...wtf!?:/

GTFO b*tch and bring MK!

DORMIN4959d ago

That clip is the reason I have become a SF tournament follower/watcher.

Swiftfox4959d ago

That's not that impressive. The only interesting bit about it was him being an ass and playing to the crowd by standing in front of the projector at the end.

Except for the mix-up game in round 2 from Ubiki, Gouki was in control the entire match.

I was expecting a phycic Demon or Demon mix-up breaker. But a blocked Ex-wake up -> Lv 3 focus-> Raging demon is not like phycic parrying Chun-li's SA2 in Third Strike then comboing into a 33%+ damage combo to get the round and match point.

Gamerbee4959d ago

Your making yourself look like an idiot.

Swiftfox4959d ago

How does a concise argument and explanation make me look like an idiot?

I never insulted your player or questioned his skills, I simply disagree with calling this the "Ultimate Raging Demon Win."

When I hear "Ultimate Raging Demon Win." I don't think "He won with an optional Raging Demon and posed at the end." I think maybe he countered to Raging Demon or caught Ubiki once with Raging Demon Super then Raging Demon Ultra after nearly losing to Ubiki mix ups.

Clearly this author ment that the players pose was the reason for this being the Ultimate Raging Demon win. Silly me for thinking it had to do with gameplay. Why not call it the "Tokido pulls off the Ultimate Raging Demon pose."?

jwk944959d ago

And this is why I don't play street fighter, your explanation was waay too complicated, makes the game seem real thought based.

GameGambits4959d ago

<.< The game IS really thought based. Knowing your character, knowing your opponents, foot spacing, mix ups, option selects, having great execution, etc.

It's basically Chess on crack.

jwk944958d ago

Yeah, i realize that, it's just not something that I'd like to take the time out to be doing, the game does look fun though.

TheBlackSmoke4959d ago

Its not awesome because the match was technically impressive, its hype... its about how during the 2nd round tokido was taking his arms out of his jacket sleeves proving he was planning it all along, its about how he stormed off before the ultra even connected, its about how he positions himself perfectly in front of the projector and strikes the pose while the crowd goes nuts and clakeyD gets the ultimate insult. If a room full of players who could easily body you for free thought it was great and the thousands of viewers blowing up the chat did too then you sir are the odd one out.

KingItachi4959d ago (Edited 4959d ago )

@ Swiftfox lol at you calling Tokido an ass when you know nothing about him that is Tokido's style,the community has no problem with it I find it funny when people try to bash him, what he did was awesome.

Swiftfox4959d ago

I'm not bashing him. He was show boating and a lot of players do it. It's, I feel, unessessary but it does get the crowd pumped.

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XxNxWxOxX2902d ago

I have needed this is my life since the original Mortal Kombat

nitus102901d ago

Actually, the article is pretty good (IMHO) although I personally have never really liked pure fighting games. I do however like the Souls and Bloodborne series and am quite reasonable playing them although I could "git bttr". 😉

JakeNoseIt2902d ago

I swear by Injustice being the most accessible fighting game out there. Play Injustice!

JackGash2902d ago

Injustice is a very accessible fighting game, It takes the mechanics of MK9 and expands on them in interesting ways. I would say Injustice and Mortal Kombat are among the more accessible.

BenXavier132902d ago

Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeah. I need to do ALL THE THINGS on here lol Minus the salty, I've never been that guy when it comes to video games.

thomasprince23262901d ago

Makes me feel happy knowing that I do most of these.

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Alternatively, there’s the reality that growing up, we were just a lot more susceptible to rumours and hoaxes than we are now. Yeah, that’s probably it – there’s no way these things would fly today. Everyone knows the alien in GTA V’s forest is real anyway.

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