
148Apps: Hedgehog Launch Review

148Apps: Hedgehog Launch stands as a sterling example of how to make a great, simple game for iOS. Do yourself a favor and don’t miss out on the experience.


Square-Go: Hedgehog Launch Review

Square-Go Writes:

"Money is earned by collecting coins, achieving higher levels of altitude or keeping your hog air born for as long as possible. Some strategy is created by using the radar scanner to seek out platforms to keep boosting you upwards but it's a fairly easy game to beat. My first attempt resulted in successful orbit in less than 15 days and the second was achieved in just 5."

"It's a nice distraction from the more serious flash games that are becoming popular and it's kind of heart warming when you see your hedgehog's face light up in the middle of space. It's possible he dies shortly afterwards from asphyxiation but happily the charm of Hedgehog Launch doesn't fade so quickly."

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