
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction PS3 Review - PlayStation LifeStyle

Ben 10 is one of the staple Cartoon Network franchises out today. But games based on licenses generally don’t end up being the best of titles, or will Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction finally break the mold of mediocre cash-ins?

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XboxGaming: Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction Review

"Only the most dedicated of Ben 10 supporters will have the patience to sit through this mediocre action adventure..."

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Platform Nation: Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction Review (PS3)

All in all, Cosmic Destruction is the definition of a budget brawler adventure game. I think what is most disappointing with that statement is that it didn’t have to end up that way. With some redesign and bit more polish around the edges, Cosmic Destruction could have been a much better experience all in all and a good tribute for fans of the series.


* Fun boss battles
* Nice environments


* Clunky combat
* Poor level design
* Glitchy

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This week’s new releases! February 7th-13th (UK)

No major titles to talk about this week, but I bet a lot of people’s wallets are still recoiling from Dead Space 2 the other day, so at least you can rest safely in the knowledge that you’re unlikely to impulse buy anything new for a while. That is, until Marvel vs Capcom 3 gets released a week on Friday!

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MGRogue20174863d ago

Uh... Test Drive Unlimited 2??

How the f**k can you forget about that game!? Lol, it's going to be awesome

Got it preordered at ShopTo.net, should get it one day early (10th) before uk release (11th) :D

Guildenstern4863d ago

Ah thanks for that one, had a feeling I'd missed something but just couldn't put my finger on it!