THE MAX SPEED 214967d ago (Edited 4967d ago )

Looks good but it had to be another shooter :(.this is an Arcade title? hmm

Hades13374967d ago

Could be interesting given it's from the developers of Scribblenauts.

DelbertGrady4967d ago

Vanquish has nothing in common with COD except they are both labeled as shooters. My point is a good game is a good game no matter what genre it's in. Who knows, Hybrid might be similar to Shadow Complex and that would be awesome. The trailer looked sweet.

N4GAddict4967d ago

The trailer does look great. I hope it turns out well

number474967d ago (Edited 4967d ago )

lolllllllllllllllllllllll whats with the ominous trailer as if it didn't just show some lame clip of nothingness..and the movie titles at the end -- lol.

GamerSciz4967d ago (Edited 4967d ago )

However if you look at the end it seems to be an XBLA title and not a 360 specific game. So the trailer is cool but clearly all CG. Also gameplay mechanics look interesting as you see the enemy jump off the wall. It's very early, in fact too early to tell, if it will be good or just another generic shooter. I say put this one on the backburner until we see more.

Edit: After watching closer the enemy is actually running upside down. Very interesting gameplay mechanic. I wonder if it is an ability/perk of some sort or just specific to that "side" that you get to choose.

Godmars2904967d ago

Missing the point of leaving the vault door open when its missing its back wall.

Just say'in...

Convas4967d ago

This could be interesting. I'll definitely keep a look out!

4967d ago
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Scribblenauts Developer 5th Cell Suffers Layoffs

2016 has been a hard year for game studios, with Lion Head and Press Play Studios being closed down, and the layoffs at Carbine Studios, there have been good people in the industry out of work. It seems you may soon need to add another studio to that list. 5th Cell, the studio behind Drawn to Life and Scribblenauts has suffered serious layoffs today.

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itsjustexuma2996d ago (Edited 2996d ago )

Warner Brothers and 5th Cell should consider porting the game to consoles and the Vita

PancakeLova2996d ago

Thought they were already dead like rest of original esque developers.

MilkMan2996d ago

Scribble N is a hot mess. They need to rethink that series and make it into something that makes sense.
As it stands, it's hard to like especially with games that offer similar action and execute better. Max and his marker come to mind.


5th Cell's Anchors in the Drift - Why Did It Fail

Marcus Estrada writes: "Anchors in the Drift was just the second crowdfunding campaign on Fig, for the uninitiated, is a newer entrant into the gaming crowdfunding space. Featuring just one campaign at a time, they position their utility on the fact that they offer the potential of actual investment into the projects people back. Anchors in the Drift was to be the newest game from the skilled folks over at 5th Cell."


5TH Cell - Makers of Scribblenauts - Announces New PC Game "Anchors in the Drift"

5TH Cell, creators of Scribblenauts, seek investment and rewards crowdfunding for new PC game.

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generalwinter3149d ago

Loved Scribblenauts so I hope this is just as good.

MzDino3149d ago

Looks really interesting. I'll have to check it out.

Digital_Anomaly3149d ago

$500,000 crowd funding goal is steep for an indie game. They must have some big plans!

COGconnected3149d ago

This looks interesting. I loved scribblenauts, so I am hopeful this will pan out.

GrapesOfRaf3149d ago

The art looks super cool but it's going to take a lot for the card system to win me over.