
Road of the Dead: The Scariest Games You Can Play Right Now

"here’s something unnerving about a barren highway stretching out before you. Even as you slam on the accelerator, nothing seems to change. You only feel good about putting distance between you and whatever is behind you. From out of nowhere, burning wreckage appears scattered down the road. You plow through a chain link fence into the remnants of humanity – people running for their lives, with the army firing bullets everywhere, and, of course, there are the zombies."


big_silky4935d ago

awesome game, give it a shot. i just played it so much that i'm literally dizzy.


IndieGames.com Browser Game Pick: Road of the Dead

IndieGames.com: "Are you ready for some bloody good fun? Road of the Dead puts you in the seat of a car speeding down a straight highway, attempting to escape both the army and a zombie outbreak.

Initially it seems like there isn't much to it - drive forward, hit the zombies, don't hit the cars or civilians. Easy enough. Slowly, however, the story begins to open up and you'll realise that you're about to lose waaaay more time to this game that you originally thought. Every time you die, the credits you received for killing and driving can then be used to upgrade your car, so that on your next run you'll get just that little bit further."

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