
Big Download Review: NBA 2K11

Big Download: "NBA 2K11 is in the unique position of being the only licensed basketball game currently available for the PC. However, players shouldn't feel like they're forced into settling for the only game in town, because it happens to be a great basketball game on any platform. The fact that it features an homage to Michael Jordan's incredible career adds more incentive to hit the court, and while the game has its share of quirks, the benefits far outweigh the problems."

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CombineElite4952d ago

With EA boycotting the PC I'm glad NBA2K11 is on the PC.

They got my money as this is the best one out anyway.

Hopefully they get an NFL license

bostoner4951d ago (Edited 4951d ago )

Oh I know. I get in fights with my roommate all the time about Madden. He absolutely loves it and I can't stand it most of the time. I bought all the 2K football games. Even when they were 20 bucks instead of 40 they were a better game than the maddens. The animations in the PS2 2K5 were so lifelike especially for the time. I remember when I first bought a PS3 and didn't own a football game for it, I would let my old roommate play and even though I had gotten used to the superior graphics of the PS3 I was still in awe at 2K5's in game rendered cut scenes between plays. Stop the football video game monopoly NOW!!! BTW does anyone know when EA's NFL contract is up?? I think it was either 2012 or 14 but I may be mistaken.

knight6265089d ago

Only game iam waiting for is for mafia 2 nothing else intrest me well only Metal gear solid peace walkers but ill get that soon

Conloles5089d ago

Mafia 2 lol all 2K get money from is GTA style games and Nba 2K.

MightyMark4275089d ago

The only game I'm waiting for is Mafia II

killyourfm5089d ago

O_O - Not interested in XCOM?

Syaz15089d ago

nice. waiting to see what mafia 2 and spec ops the line has too offer. not into rts games, so civ 5 not for me, and not too familiar with x-com series.

AliTheBrit195089d ago

I think 2K are probably the best Publisher.

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Fury vs Stress Relief: How Video Games Rile Me Up But Keep Me Sane

“Violent video games cause children to be violent.” It’s a headline every gamer rolls their eyes at, and one we’re very sick of hearing. It seems every time a game with a mature rating comes out, there’s someone leading the charge against it because of it’s supposed to have an effect on developing minds. First and foremost, if a game has a mature rating, than anyone playing the game who is not 17 most likely got it through their parents. So blame them, not the game. Pictures from the recent Halo 4 release show a great deal of middle school students showing off their battle pose with an assault rifle. Take a guess who drove them there. But the point of this article isn’t to bash parents who buy games for their kids, nor is this about the rating system. It’s about an interesting anomaly regarding how people react to the games they play. I don’t know how many others see it this way, but games involving no violence end up being the most aggravating, while games that are all about mindless violence are an excellent medium for stress relief. From HalfBeard's HUD.

Rob Hornecker4195d ago (Edited 4195d ago )

Interesting story,But if the author gets worked up over a
NBA or driving game I could only wonder what he would be like if he was playing a CoD or a battlefield game!?!

If there is one thing that I have learned in my 30 plus years of gaming is :" Video games don't kill people,People play video games to keep from killing people"!!!

I have not found a better,Leagle form of stress relief than video games! As far as what games kids play,that should be up to the parents and the parents shouldn't use video games as a baby sitter.


An S&S Perspective: Is Buying a Sports Game Annually Smart?

Sports games have gotten pretty good lately, but there was a time when every year you had games that only made minor improvements, but we still went out and dropped the 65$ on it. Am I at fault for dropping the cash and letting the developers get away with a glorified roster update, or is it OK because I'm a hardcore NBA and NFL fan?

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ninjabake4252d ago

Short answer:no

Long answer: If they add enough to the game where its not identical to last years iteration and adds must have features to the games that make it more in depth (I.e. NBA 2K13, MLB 12 The Show, NHL 13) then absolutely. If its almost rinse and repeat and has a barrage of new features that almost get overshadowed by what was taken out from previous iterations then no.

spektical4252d ago

in most cases no.

However there are games that provide tons of new content yearly (besides team updates , obviously). Mlb the show, nhl and to a lesser extent nba2k13 are prime examples

TheShow174252d ago

I agree with you guys. NHL and The Show switch it up every year, which is solid. Madden goes back and forth between offense and defense orientation.

The problem is that it's difficult to change the video game when the actual game remains stagnant. Football is football, what can EA change in the gameplay? The thing that really annoys me, is the same bad commentary year after year. COD gets a lot of crap for being the same game YoY, but at least it's an upgrade and different levels. I buy Madden every year, and literally the commentary hasn't changed in three years!

ninjabake4252d ago (Edited 4252d ago )

Madden is a whole nother beast. They simply don't capture the essence of the NFL the way their very own studio captures college ball in NCAA Football. Madden added some nice things this year but to me its overshadowed by what they took out of franchise mode, still no halftime show and still no post game show. Overall Madden just doesn't create that illusion or immersion the way NHL, The Show or NBA 2K does.

When you play those other games sometimes you can mistake it for a real life broadcast and others unfamiliar with gaming watching you play could easily make that mistake of thinking its real at first glance as well.

With Madden they just refuse to fully commit to replicating a broadcast and that'd be OK if we had an alternate NFL, or heck any football, game. But we don't and Madden 13 still is not up to par with NFL 2K5, an 8 year old LAST gen game smh.

Edit: when it comes to the commentary they have improved it this year but as always the play-by-play Guy (Jim nantz) gets repetitive and dull especially after a few years into connected career mode and he's still rambling on about the 2012 season storylines. I think the issue with the commentary is it isn't dynamic and is shortsighted and the script is a little stale as you'll still here Nantz spout similar lines as past commentators.

Finding a way to add dynamic commentary in sports games could be huge next gen.

donscrillinger4251d ago

i didnt read the Article but Hell NO!! its not SMART ,its lazy and Stops Innovations