
Crush! Frag! Destroy! Review: Hydrophobia

CFD!'s Rob Rich goes for a swim with the long-delayed XBLA release, Hydrophobia:

"The Queen of the World is in trouble. Genocidal terrorists have attacked the city-sized ship with the solitary goal of killing or converting everyone on board, and the only person in a position to do anything about it is Kate Wilson: systems engineer. Ever see the Steven Seagal masterpiece of underdog ass-kickery, Under Siege? It’s kind of like that, but with less nut-punching.

"Hydrophobia has been in the works for quite a while now. It doesn’t come close to being as quasi-mythical as Duke Nukem’s latest outing, but it’s been a few years. Most of this time was allegedly spent developing the HydroEngine, which the developers have claimed creates the most realistic liquid physics ever seen in video games. Quite a claim for a Live Arcade game.

"But what does all that fancy water talk really mean? Sure the waves look convincing and all, but what about the game? Does it sink, or does it swim?"

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Ndigity4979d ago

Looked interesting the first time I saw it, though I doubt I'll check it out now.

ShadowPraxis4979d ago

Yeah, I remember being excited for it initially too when it was first announced. After the demo? Not so much... :/

SynGamer4979d ago

Ditto. At best I was slightly interested. Not any more.

acronkyoung4979d ago

Some podcast chats on it made me slightly intrigued but I was only half paying attention. I guess the reviews cement my decision.

tigresa4979d ago

Blub blub blub indeed. Looks so gorgeous too, probably the best looking XBLA game.

ShadowPraxis4979d ago

The visuals were certainly nice for an XBLA title - shame they couldn't have done more with it. Heh.

RobsteinOne4979d ago

I wholeheartedly encourage you all to try the demo out if you think/thought the game sounded interesting, just don't be disappointed if you find it... not very good.

ShadowPraxis4979d ago

Man, I tried. I ragequit partway through the demo. Couldn't even bear to finish it, between slippy controls, annoying characters and more.

thisdustin4979d ago

I'm starting to suspect that Rob didn't care for this game...

ShadowPraxis4979d ago

Whatever would have given you that idea, sir?

Actually, if I'm not mistaken, this is the first game to get our lowest rating since the retooling of the review score system went into effect...


Looking Back to 2010 and H2O in Hydrophobia

Edgar writes: "Equip your rebreather because in this article we'll take a look at Hydrophobia and water. Lots of water."

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FreeckyCake1349d ago

What a surprise, I was just searching for this game. I'm honestly quite surprised by the water physics and definitely looking forward to trying it soon.

rlow11348d ago

loved this game/ still play it. The water and atmosphere where stellar and really fun to interact with.


Xbox Deals With Gold Sale Discounts: 13th-19th November 2018

Neil writes: "You may well be keeping the wallet shut until the various big Black Friday deals start to populate around the globe, but no matter what is on the horizon, the Xbox Live Deals With Gold sale carries on regardless. After a rather decent amount of discounts on Xbox One and Xbox 360 titles last time out, the Deals With Gold sale is back once more to deliver a number of games at bargain-basement prices. Is there anything found in the Xbox Live Deals With Gold sale for 13th-19th November 2018 that takes your fancy?"

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I Play Bad Games (On Purpose)

Escapist: Hey, I knew what I was doing. I can't claim ignorance, and I'll never claim innocence. Someone offered me a preview copy of Ninja Gaiden 3, so I took it, fully aware that it sucked. I played the demo at E3. I spoke to people whose opinions I trusted. I listened to my razor-sharp instincts and my not-so-sharp gut. Lo and behold, every single warning sign turned out to be dead on. Ninja Gaiden 3 is a travesty.

But I don't regret playing it for a moment, because I occasionally play bad videogames. On purpose. And so should you.

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Emilio_Estevez4319d ago

I can almost always find a reason to play any game. Too many people today just want to say negative things about games, but there is almost always something worthwhile in any game to me.

PoSTedUP4319d ago

i look at gameplay videos on youtube and decide from there, no more reviews for me. if i see a game i like, i usually end up enjoying it and don't notice ANY of the the horrible Flaws that a review would point out simply because they are not brought to my attention. so i can't say "oh that guy was right it does seem kinda ______... and it is a little _______..." nope. 100% fun in almost all games for me.

Hellsvacancy4319d ago (Edited 4319d ago )

Warhammer 40k would be labelled as a crappy type game, i labelled it that ages ago when i saw afew screenshots for it and a trailer "looks like rubbish"

And it is, but i cant stop playing it, the voice acting is awesome http://www.youtube.com/watc... thats enough to warrant a playthrough on normal

Its pretty straight forward, run and shoot, hack/slash, its got a cool story/characters, big online community (never have any problems getting into some co-op)

If it wasnt released on PS+ i doubt i would of played it, im REALLY grateful i didnt miss it, because i would of done otherwise

I recommend it, if your looking for a pretty basic game with nothing to think about, just fun


MattyG4319d ago

I just started playing it yesterday and its much better than I thought. It looks good and its really fun. That's all I need.